Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 195 encounters (20 more demand!)

"Haha, start."

With the opening of a king, many of the strong existence on the void overlook.

They stand at a height and can incorporate the whole canyon below.

In Tiantue, the six teams of the Tianzong Dynasty were slowly flipped.

"It is necessary to meet with the genius of other Dynasties, and I don't know which Dynasty, which is what I encountered," Baili Chen excited.

"Although we are just a small dynasty, this time we have the overall strength of our six people, far more than the previous session, as long as you don't touch the team of the two large Dynasties, other Dynasties, we don't have to be afraid." Sword is unparalleled Geno.

"Even if the two large dynasties ..."

"The two large dynasties are too strong, and the first three dozens, half is their people, and they have a lot of people who have reached the points in the first stage, but they are more than people, so if they are all connected. It is too unfair to other dynasties! "

"Plus that more people can act together, it is difficult to allocate points, so they will definitely separate."

"A Dynasty divided into two squaders, or more."

"Together with our war, I encountered a team of separate teams, and I also have the opportunity to fight."

The five people around him nodded.

Indeed, this genius level of the Tianzong Dynasty is far more than other sessions, this can be seen from the standings.

The first thirty genius in the standings, half of them occupied by the two Dynasties, and the rest is by many medium-sized dynasties with the small king, with average, even the medium-sized dynasty is only one or two. Years thirty.

As for the small Dynasty, there is no one in the three small dynasties of the three small dynasties.

And the Tianzong Dynasty ... six geniuses, there are two people who have been invested in the top 30, and the sword is unparalleled. Ninth!

In addition, Feng Yu Tian also broke through the ranking, the strength of the yin and yang fake, should also have the combination of the first thirty points in the standings.

That is to say, they have six people, there are three thirty battles.

This is better than those median dynasties.

"Although we have a good overall power, the genius of other Dynasties is probably treating us as a small dynasty." The sword laughed.

"Hey, dare to know us, then let them pay a heavy price!"

"Hey, I have been looking forward to our first battle."

Six genius talking, the previous pressure also died a lot.


"Well?" The sword is unparalleled, staring in front, "our first battle, coming!"

Other five people have also looked up in front.


A shape of the treetops appeared in front of the shape, and the swords were unparalleled.

The two teams are in the distance of dozens of meters away.

"It's them."

"Lunyun Dynasty!"

"It is a medium-sized dynasty."

The sword is unparalleled to stare at the opponents in front. The other is eight people, than two people, and because everyone will wear the identity to make the identity to be conspicuous, it is natural to recognize the other party.

The eight genius of the Yunyun dynasty, at this moment, there is no double six people.

"It is one of the Tianzong Dynasties, four small dynasties."

"Haha, our luck seems good, the first one is the small dynasty."

"Small Dynasty, I will give us a point."

The eight people of the Yunyun Dynasty were burning.

The median dynasty and the small dynasty this gap is great. Under normal circumstances, the genius level is also a small gap.

"On only one of them, there is only one , the ranks of the ranks of the column, more difficult." A Tsing Yi, who was headed by eight people in Zunyun Dynasty. Solidified in the sword.

"He is the sword is unparalleled, hey, the ninth, the ranking is high, but the first stage hunting has too many changes, he gets the points, but does not mean that his strength is more than me. Strong! "

This galaxy is a little cold.

His name is Lin Nan, ranking sixteenth in the standings.

The row is that the row is a low sword, but he does not think that he is weaker than those ranking.

"Do it."

The Qingyi men's eyes flashed, then the body is already in order to phantom, directly in the sword, unparalleled, etc., the genius of other Yunyun Dynasty behind him, and it has also taken behind.

"The first battle of Tiantu ..."

Swords in the sword have a very excited.

"Kill it!" The sword is unparalleled.

The six-person body shape is also like the eagle, and you will flush two.

The genius of the two teams, the time collided with the time.


The Qingyi men Lin Nan killed the sword without a double, and his hand was black, and there was no sound in this moment.

This stick also contains two artistic artifications with the fire, and the perfect combination is very high.

Plus he halfway is half-yin and yang, this stick is naturally terrible.

"This person, the war is afraid to be on the hundred miraphic." The sword is unparalleled, and the three kill swords are directly separated.


The stick is smashed in the three kids, so that the three kill swords are slightly like, and then the sword has no double shape straight back, and the Lin Nan is chasing.

"Kid, go to death."

Lin Nan faces, and reaches its own stick method to the extreme.

I saw a road stick, which was taken out, and it was stacked, as if it was superimposed together.

In this short one, this Lin Nan also showed no more than ten sticks, and each stick was full.

The sword is unparalleled to waive the three kids and swords, the body is constantly retreat, and it is not long after being retracted.


The sword is unparalleled to the big tree before the hand, and Lin Nan will open the distance, and several people next to him also appear.

In the moment, they have told each other with their respective opponents.

"How?" The sword didn't look at the five people next to him.

"Hey, not very good, the person who is playing with me, although it is a half-step yin and yang, but the sense of feelings are not high, I have just don't have full, I can fight with him, once I go all out, hit Kill him, it is not a problem. "Baili Chen laughed.

"Although I am also on the two, but the two people are very good, I have no half-step yin and yang, even if I have an enemy, I have a great grasp." Feng Yu Tian also said.

"I can remain unbeaten on the two people." Yang Weixuan is indifferent.

"I can fight against one, and can accounted for the wind." Mu Yingying Road.

"I can definitely fight." Su Fei lived.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled.

Just a moment of confrontation, the six people did not show all the best, just a preliminary test.

After the test, the strength of the eight genius of the Yunyun dynasty has already had the bottom.

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