Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 196 Positive Desert

"This is the first battle in Tiantiang." The only five people around the sword, "this battle, we must cleanse them, let the strong people of the ancient sects take a good look."

"Cover them!"

"Disability them!"

"Haha, kill it!"

Six people were instantly moving, the next moment, the two teams were played again.

But this time, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, and finally broke out completely.

"What?" The first one sent out, it is Lin Nan who is unparalleled with the sword.

This Lin Nan has just been confront to the sword, and the strength of the sword is still disdainful. It is considered that the standings will be ninth, but so much, but now ... When the sword is unparalleled, the strength is really coming.

A sword leapled out, while containing the wind, fire, dripping three swords, swords, hit on his bat, but it took him directly to the burst.

"Hey, half ahead, in combination with two conventional artistic conception, the truth force, but more than the Ouyang Haotian, which is killed by me, can be better than the blood cloud, but it is too far away. "The sword has no double eyes, the next moment, the sword is suddenly broke out.

No , only one!

Sword is like a dragon, and it is in an instant hole to wear a vacancy appeared in Nabanyan.

Lin Nan took the best to waive the long-awaited, but the sword was swept, but it was an instant to shocked his hands in his hands.

It's just that the sword is unblocked.

Virtual swordsmanship ... ninth type, direct display.


Fast to an incredible sword, almost instantly brushing from this Lin Nanryl.

This Lin Nan also glanced over his eyes before death, and his face was incredible. He didn't think that he had just confessed with him. He was unparalleled by him completely suppressed. Get the war.

Three swords!

When the sword is unparalleled, I only use three swords!

The first sword retireed directly. The second sword was shocked to the long stick in his hand. The last third sword was ruthless to kill him.


And the battlefield next to the scene, the situation is also a piece.

Baili Morning, Feng Yu Tian, ​​Yang Changxuan's three-person strength broke out!

Benli Morning is ranked twenty up to the standings.

The Feng Yu Tian and Yang Weixuan have exploded at this moment.

"How can it be?"

"Their strength ... upgrade?"

"It's not improved, they just intentionally hidden the strength."

"not good!"

The sudden excused, and the genius of the Yunyun dynasty saw the voice, just saw Lin Nan's sword without a double killing, these genius of the Yunyun dynasty became large.


"Quick escape!"

"This, this day the Dynasty is really a small dynasty?"

These geniuses in the Yunyun Dynasty were extremely angry, and the Huang's escaped, did not dare to stay.

But it is already handed over, and is it so simple to escape?


"Haha, leave it."

A hundred macked a few people directly chased it, and the sword of Lin Nan was unparalleled immediately.

The eight geniuses in the final Yunyun dynasty, only two people were lucky enough, and others were ruthlessly killed by them.

On the battlefield, the sword was unparalleled to stand there, looked at the body of the genius of the throne, the six people showed a smile.

This is the first battle after they enter Tiantu!

Their opponents are one of the six major middle dynasties.

The result is that the Yunyun dynasty is defeated by their clean and fall!

The galecties of the eight Yun dynasty, only the two finally escaped their lives, other six people, including the strongest two half-step yin and yang, all of them were killed.

As for the two people who escaped, I am afraid now only choosing a way to break the card.

In other words, after this battle, the Yunyun Dynasty is over!

Endless void.

"Haha ~~ Do it, do it well."

The emperor has taken the case directly, and his eyes flashed with a strong light, a surprise smile.

In contrast, it is the king of the Yunyun Dynasty. He, the iron blue face, how difficult it is to see.

Next to it, the monarchs of other Dynasties are also very quirky.

"A small dynasty, actually defeat a medium-sized dynasty?"

"The genius of the Yunyun Dynasty, this is not worthy?"

"It's not the genius of the Yunyun Dynasty, but the level of the genius of the Tianzong Dynasty!"

"Yeah, I just saw it, everyone saw six genius in the Tianzong Dynasty, there were four skills in the top 30 in the standings, and the sword was unparalleled. , This strength ... If the genius of other Dynasties will treat them as a normal small dynasty, it is really stupid. "

These monks are all embarrassed.

The Tiantiang Valley scored a battle, just started, this Yunwang Dynasty was the first Dynasty Dynasty.

It can be said that the Yunyun Dynasty is a lot of face, but the opposite of the Tianzong Dynasty, but at this moment, it is exhausted.

Even the voids gathered by the ancient doors, also noticed that the sword was unparalleled.

"Take the information information of those little guys, give me."

Immediately, the waiter rushed to hand in the hands of the sword unparalleled, and the hands of this group of ancient doors.

It can appear in this void, even the waiter, it is all by the Yin Song.

These ancient doors are also interested in turning.

"The Tianzong Dynasty, just a small dynasty, but the genius, the level is good."

"Well, especially the famous little guy called the sword is just Jin Dan, but it is so strong, and he is still very young, it is not enough for 20."

"Oh, it is less than 20 years old, but also combines the wind, the fire, dripping water, and it is true."

The mouth smiled in the mouth, but the look is still very calm.

"Adult, this is the data of the Tianzong Dynasty." A waiter handed the information next to Mo Lingtiao.

"Let's put it." Mo Ling said with the mouth, but he was too lazy to see the information.

"Mr. Ling Tian, ​​the little guy called the sword is not bad, and it is just the sword warrior. Is it not interested in him?" There is an ancient ancestor in the surrounding ancient.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Mo Lingtian overlooks the lower side, smiled: "How is it combined with three swords?"

"The three kinds of art of him are only in conventional artistic conception, even a unique mood of the door is not perfected, what is it, such a waste, my riotous sword still can't see, who is that the little guy is good , Big reception, it is the disciple. "

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