Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1893, Purple Moon Lake

"Yes, the north is cold!"

The main hall of the Yuan Dynasty suddenly saw the sword, "the palace master, the North Han Shen Jun also stayed in my star, I also got a long time, I know some of my stars, especially the star of my stars. Some of the strong people invited, he all knows, now he leaves my star, if it is spreading these news, it is inevitable that I will be unfavorable to my star. "

"Well, I know." The sword has no double nod.

The strong persons of the South Affilion, all know that the star of the stars is in some interests, inviting many excitement to join, and there have been many excitement and strong people agreed.

But what are these alone, how many people are all, but all parties are not known.

These messages are some of the advantages of the Stars in the future.

Can not be open, naturally unobtrusive.

"Reassured, the north is no chance, when he chooses to leave the star, I have let the sword keep up." The sword is unparalleled.


Sword, a big god of the gods, a big peak!

The sword is unparalleled, and it has long been considering this, so I have long been a hand.


The stars, the endless Yuexing River, the North Hall of the black robe just came out from the Yuexing River.

Standing in the void, the North Han Shen Jun glanced behind the Yanyue River behind him, flashing in the eyes.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, you are not willing to give me the stamping secrets now? Very good, then I am now going to have a very big enemies with your star!"

"I went to the Ling Xiao Bao Temple, go to Shenwangdao, go to the nine days of the emperor, with my strength, add some information about the stars, and to join the part of the force is very relaxed, and these big strength will definitely shoot In the stars, wait for the stars, I can get the stars secret. "

"Moreover ... Browse, it is much more stable than the stars."

North Han Shen Jun smiled.

In his opinion, the star has lost the main town of Xingchen Palace, and the power of all parties must swarming. A single star will definitely can't resist it. It must only cover one.

The reason why he agreed to the stars, just want to find a chance to get a stars secretation, as for the star of the star, he failed, but once he encountered the crisis, he will definitely not hesitate to raisinate, this is his idea .

But he didn't expect that he was in the same vein with the stars before the war was not started, and he was unparalleled with the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, waiting, I will let you regret!"

Northern Han Shenjun is cold, and there is no longer hesitating on the stars behind him.

However, he just left the Yanyu River, and the front of the void is less than half a clock, but it finds that a evil charm suddenly blocked his front.

The northern Han god is a change, and the figure is also paused.

"Who are you?" Northern Han Shenjun is dignified, staring at the evil body in front of him, although the latter has not emitted any breath, but his intuition tells him that this is very strong.

"Kill you!"

The sword didn't have a waste, and the figure was shaking. As ghost, it has come to the body of Bei Han Shenjun.

too fast!

Fast North Han Shen Jun even did not have any reaction.

"Is it so strong?"

Northern Han Shenjun is unborn.

The sword one hand, and I have seen the horror of the sword at the speed.

This horrible speed is almost no one can compare more in many strong people he have ever seen.

Its strength is far from his imagination.

And so a terrible power, how can I suddenly appear here, and I killed him?

He has never enacted so strong.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is the sword is unparalleled !!!"

North Hall god Jun is blocked, he has guess who is sent by this horror in front of him.

"How is it possible, how can the star of the stars hide a strong power of such a horrible?" North Han Shenjun is incredible.

However, the old palm of the sword, has already taken endless power, and he has aroused his throat.

The north Han Shenn is crazy, but there is no struggle. It was directly grasped by the palm of the old hands. With the sword, the whole head of the North Han Shenjun was twisted, and the vitality instantly broke.

Directly kill the north Han Shenjun, the sword waved the body of the North Han Shenjun, and then received his Qiankun Ring, and then turned to the star.

The star is in the case of the mountain.

The sword is unparalleled in that, and the sword has appeared in front of him.

"The master, the north Han Shen Jun is dead." The sword is indifferent, but the scorpion is unparalleled in the scorpion but there is absolute fanaticism.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is quite satisfactory.

When leaving from the green fire, the strength of the sword has returned to the mid-level level of the chaotic border.

In these years, the sword is unparalleled in the outside, this sword is from the beginning to the end, it has been using a lot of resources to restore its own strength.

By the moment, the strength of the sword has returned to the top of the chaotic border, and the peak of the chaotic border is only one step away.

It is important to know that the sword is an ancient times strong, and when the strongest state has reached the ultimate of the chaotic border. The many means he have is far from the second era. These emperors can be compared, so now He, has strong combat power, and even swords are unparalleled.

But just a conservative estimate, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword should be able to go to the wrench wrist with the gods of the emperor of the vital chaotic world.

"The news of the owner of Xingchen Palace has been confirmed that the outside world is affirmed, and there is a person, I have to see it." The sword said.

Next to the three temples, we look at each other and secretly nod.

They have already guess the sword unparalleled, who is going to see.

The purple moon, a wonderful lake, the lake of this lake, showing a weird purple.

In the evening, the moon still squatted on this lake, formed a huge purple moon, the name of the purple moon lake, and it came.

The Yili Lake has a small island.

Although this island is not large, no one is clear, this island has an absolute domination in the purple lake.

The purple moon is empty, and the whole island is more beautiful.

At the moment of this island, a red robe is respectful to stand there.

This red robes were angry. He is a genuine gods, but this gods are waiting for one thousand years in this island, but the owner of the island is still never seen.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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