Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1894 see the Emperor

An eleven-year-old child came out of the island.

Don't look at it is just a child, but the breath is still unlearabes, but it is not under this red robes.

"Black Dan god, I just asked you, the owner still did not wake up, so I only worry about the black Dan god, you have been waiting for a long time." This child is children. "

"Don't tighten, I am at this time." The old red ball black Dan god smiled, there is no half of God's shelf.

You know, he has been waiting for a thousand and eight hundred years.

God, the big energy, in the vast chaotic world, the mainland is also lofty, waiting for a thousand eight hundred years ago, but the owner of this island still has never seen it, and the black Dan god is not darent. Not satisfied, because he is very clear that the true identity of the owner of this island.

Don't say a thousand years of years, even if you are 10,000 years, he also has to wait for the old man.

Just then ... !

A shape is galloping from the distance, but also on the island, it appears next to the black god of the black.

"I was born, just said that the star of the star is unparalleled." The sword looked at the child, humble.

"The sword is unparalleled? Sword Monarch?" The child was a horrified color.

As for the black Dan god, the body and mind are also a shock.

The name of the sword monarch, these years have been continuously sounded in the world of the chaotic world, and many strong people are like thunder.

This child has a black Dan god.

"Sword monarch, please wait, I immediately go to tell." Children didn't have a double micro-waiver, then turned into the island.

The sword is not anxious, just waiting.

After a moment, the child came out again and walked to the sword.

"The sword monarch, the owner has awake, let you go in." Children said.

"Thank you." The sword has no double road, and you will go directly toward the island.

"That, what about me?" The black Dan god next to it is an arms.

"Black Dan Jun, the owner did not say that I would like to see you, so I can only be wronged. You will continue to wait for a moment. If the owner will have finished reading the sword, you will call you." Children said.

"Understand." Tianshi god jun smiled.

Obviously, he first came, and waited for a thousand eight hundred years, but the island owner woke up, but he would be unparalleled first ...

Of course, he did not dare to have any dissatisfaction, and he is clear. If the sword is unparalleled, I am afraid that the owner of this island is still sleeping.


Inside the island, plants are lush.

In the center, it is a simple hut, the hut is broken, it seems like a wind or a rain, this hut will completely collapse.

"The sword monarch, the owner is waiting for you in the hut." A hunchback old man standing in front of the hut led the sword where there was no double toward the hut.

When this hump old man, the sword is unparalleled is a shrinkage.

At a glance, this hunch old man is an emperor, but also a strong peak emperor!

However, on the heaven and earth, there is no introduction to this hunchback older.

"The top power of the chaotic world is indeed on the heaven and earth." The sword is unmainted.

Soon, he stepped within the hut.

Simple hut, there is only a simple wooden bed in the hut, wooden table, and a wooden chair.

At that moment, on the wooden bed, the end of the evil spirits of a purple long hair, this evil charm young is handsome and cold, like a faint smile, this smile is sufficient to be drunk.

Seeing this person, swords have no double sucking, and immediately greeted, "swords are unparalleled, see the emperor!"


That's right, the owner of this island is on this wooden bed, it is the Lord of the Purple Moon Holy Land, the purple moon!

"Let's get up." The Violet Emperor Xu Xu, the sword is nothing to get up.

"The early helves showed an ancient talented genius, today's day, the present is to see." The emperor of the purple smile, the face is gentle, "the sword is unparalleled, you will here, you should be for you Star Will? "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"The main battle of Xingchen Palace, the star has lost the biggest relief, inevitably becoming the city, all parties will have a lot of strong people will find the door, single with the present star, I am afraid that it is difficult to resist." Purple The moon is coming.

"So, I want to ask the purple moon to help." The sword has no double.

"Help?" The emperor of the purple lauga, "The sword is unparalleled, you are too high, the Shengling has the rules of the Shengshi, some battle between the power, as long as the other party does not take the initiative, I will wait for the emperor. , The star in the stars in the Yifei for so many years, there is indeed a certain entanglement with this seat, and even the Lord of the Star Palace is in the world, and there is a lot of benefits. According to the reason, this seat should be sheltered. "

"But this time, it is not ascended, but it is not good."

There is no double eyeliner.

He knows that the gods will not break between the battle between the parties, and the top more because some sex is asylum.

As at the beginning of the glass, the sword is unparalleled, and the Temple of Ling Xiaobao is extremely miserable. If the Lingxiao Temple is helpless, the emperor will come out.

Although the Golden Emperor did not directly intervene the battle between the two sides, but he asked the Ling Xiaobao Temple, so that the sword was unparalleled in the glass holy place, but in addition to the glazed, the emperor didn't care.

This is the asylum of the glazed emperor.

And the star of the stars, affiliated to the Holy Land, and has also played a lot of exchanges with the purple manda, but also gave a lot of the emperor of the purple moon, even the Baiyan fruit tree star has given a lot, press Life, the Violet Emperor should have some asylum of the stars.

Once there is a purple emperor asylum, those who have ideas for the stars, naturally do not dare to act rash.

But obviously ...

"Is it because the stars secret?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Star secrets are just the second, the key is you." The Emperor of the Emperor looked at the sword. "Your potential is too big, the top of the Shengshi, although there are many expectation of your growth, but there are some, it is not willing Seeing you grow up, this is the truth, you should understand. "

The sword is not a double look, and the bottom is naturally clear.

"These two big camps are equipped with each other, which has formed a balance. In this jump, if this seat is jumped out to force your stars, this balance will completely break, and when you are a big crisis in your star. "The Emperor of the Emperor said.

"Just because of this, the crisis of the star has been in this crisis, this is unable to come personally, but the read is divided into days ... Thousands of!"

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