Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1896, inch

After the news of the owner of the Star Palace was confirmed, some people finally did it on the star.

And don't do it, one hand, it is like it to ruin.

In the stars, the sword is unparalleled and indifferent, sitting on a throne, next to the Yuan Temple is waiting there, constantly there is information to pass.

"Nine Pang Palace, Ling Xiaobao, Shenwang Island, Zhenwu Shenqi, Nine Day Emperor, Five Forces Meeting Extinguishing Star Alliance, a large number of strong people come to Star Mainland!"

"The Icefa, Qingkume, Yunpine Island have attracted the attack, the road to connect the outside world, all in the hands of the mortar alliance!"

"Blood Qingmen, Tiantian Pavilion, the three major people in Xi Luo is the Zongmen of the star, and the three major gates have been killed. In addition, there are six parties before sue to our stars. I have already turned. "

"Dongming City, Zi Feng City, etc. I have been controlled by my star, I have been hit by the mortal club, and my star is in this eleven city, all destroyed."

One news was successively connected, and the color of the sword was extremely ugly.

"The speed is really fast enough." Yuan Dian's low departure.

"Not only fast, and it is very decisive. This extinguishing club is not only destroying my star, but I have to pull my star, I don't give us any retreat." .

The sword is unbolded and cold.

He is very clear, if the starry alliance is just a word of the star, just gather all the strong people to kill the stars, the nest, and the many high-rise of the stars is.

The high level is dead, and the star is naturally a ground.

But now, the Extrusion Alliance shows a large number of space worms in the Star Continent, but to the Star Shichen Continental cleaning, step by step, will be all destroyed with all the Zongmen, close to the Star, which is completely free. Any retreat and transfer.

This is really true, and the roots are up, the grass is not born, and it will not stay a little.

Once the starry league is finally succeeded, the star will definitely be a smoke in the future, and there will be no one or something can be left.

This way, very!

In this case, even if you want to bury some seeds that can rise in the future, it is hard to do.

"Direct order, let me give all the strong people in my star, immediately give up some of the resource industry in his hand, return to the Yanyu River, tell them, the territory of the control, the resources are lost, and the future can also want to take the way again, first keep the life It is the most important thing, if you don't have any hesitation. "The sword didn't have a double command.

"Yes." The main hall is immediately transmitted.

"The palace master, don't we look at the whole star mainland, completely fall into the control of the starry alliance, don't do any resistance?" Nie Yun Demo asked, his eyes brought a strong unwilling .

Star continent, named after the star.

Since the beginning of the stars, it has been created in a long time, and the Star mainland is firmly controlled in the hands of the stars.

The star is running for a long time, with absolute domination.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, it is obvious to give up the Star mainland directly.

So many years of hardships ... Who is changed to do, it is some dismissed.

"Resources, always control in the hands of the strong, as long as the strength is enough, lose these things, so that you can take it back sooner or later." The sword has no doubles.

"You can rely on my style now with the current bottom card, you can completely fight with Narrows." Nie Yun Temple is still unlunly.

"Before a war? Maybe, you don't forget, we have to face this time, what happened to be a fashionable alliance?" The sword was unparalleled.

A single crazy league, although gathered five parties, but the stars have been able to compete if they have a bottom card.

However, the starry alliance is not all the opponents in the star, just the first time.

After the starry alliance, there are many powerful people, all are waiting for the stars, thus from the middle.

In this situation, the star has been abandoned, and must be abandoned and never have any hesitation.

"According to what I said." The sword has no double.

"Yes." Nie Yun Temple is full of not sweet, but also knows more about it.

At this time ...

"Master, I am back!" A message suddenly passed.

"Is it come back?" The sword is unparalleled.

Not long after, it has broken through the true god, and the long sword has come to the sword.

"Master, this is what I brought back." He Yuan will send a Qiankun to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, the consciousness sweeps, and the face is revealed.

In the Qiankun ring, there is no other thing, some are just a respect, a total of 20 respect!

This twenty tribe is a sword, there is no double, letting it temporarily go to the green world, bringing from the fire.

At the beginning of the ancient battlefield, the sword was unparalleled, and the sword was unparalleled in the ancient battlefield. He lost some, but the rest of the still more than one hundred and twenty However, only the sword is unparalleled, only brought hundreds of trip to the soldiers, leaving more than 20 respects in the green fire.

But now, the Star is facing a major crisis, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is necessary to try to improve the power of the star.

So he brought twenty respect before he.

Now, the troops left in the fire industry, only two respects.

"Plus these twenty-respects soldiers, now I have a total of one hundred and twenty respects in my stars, even if the two and three eldest rectus are unable to fight a normal god. It is also equivalent to more than forty gods, plus the many people in my star, and there is also the four silver wars, my stars in the battle of God's hierarchy, never Will be weaker than that of the starry alliance. "

"As for God of God ..."

The sword is unparalleled in the power of the efforts.

God, there is a total of three gods invited by Xingxians, which are Jiuyin God, Xuanwu God Emperor.

Among the three gods, Jiuyin God is close to the peak of God, and Xuanwu God is weak with the god of the gods. It can only be acomer.

In addition, there are three great peaks in the stars.

That is the sword is unparalleled, plus the millennium, and the sword!

God's strength is equally very strong.

Plus the original brand of the Yanyu River, the star is now powerful now, and now it is unprecedented.

"In the war, my star has made everything we can reach the most important. As for next, I will see their means!"

The sword is unparalleled.

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