On the stars, bloody cleaning is still going on.

The star exclusion alliance is extremely incomparable, wherever the grass is not born, but there is a bit of relationship with the stars, unless it is turning, otherwise it will be destroyed.

The horrible cleaning and killing, shocked countless people.

And this is cleaned, only for a short three months.

Three months, the Star Continental, all the foundations of the star, all the foundations of the Star Continent, all destroyed, and the slag did not have.

Star continent, it is also very easy.

In the main hall, the top of the five top scorpion, gathered together.

"This star is in the case, it is really energy." Shenwang Island's first God muttered.

"Can you endure? Is it the same as the next time with the Jiu Pa Palace, take the initiative to kill it with us to fight?" Tian Yan Shenyu smiled.

"Last time, I am in my nine pool. I didn't expect that the star of the stars had a lot of troops, and the strength of the sword is not very general, so I will have a big loss, but this time ... I'll The alliance gathers five top scorpions, this star, there is absolutely no capital, blindly kills, then there is no difference with the death. "The main voice of the Jiuqu Palace is indifferent.

"This is the case, but I didn't expect this thing so smoothly. In just short March, the Star Mainland was completely occupied by me, and then, our purpose is only one." Shenwang Island A god king is cold.

The Star Continent has been completely occupied by them, and it can be said that the latter of the star has been blocked by them.

Next, it is natural to kill the stars and the old nest, and all the strong people in the stars, the disciples, all killed!

"This is the final step, it is also a crucial step, I will never be very concerned, I propose, our five great power is immediately integrated, and then kill the stars." Zhenwu.


"I agree!"

"In this case, then let's go!"

On this day, it is also the uniform of the Star Alliance to completely wash the Star Mainland. The many strong people of these five tops have started at the same time.

The strong persons of the South Affilions are tightly staring at this battle.

After several days, many strong people who were union alliances came to the Yanyu River.


The vast star river is still quietly suspended in the void.

Before this huge star river, the five interfaces were suspended there. On the front of the spaceship, there was a relationship standing there.

These figures are all powerful, and it is a big energy.

The naked eyes saw that the five spacecrafts gathered before, they were close to seventy!

Daren, any one is high at the hegemony level, seventy energy, this is a terrible number.

Only the ancient chaotic world stands on the top five great power to join hands, and can bring together such a strong lineup.

In addition, this is close to the seventy large energy, and there are ten atmospheres, which have obviously reached a higher level.


Top Ten God!

The average of each major forces, all sent two gods.

This is even more shocking.

Near the Star River, there are still many strong people from all parties to gather, and the quantity is no longer a few.

If it is all added, the lineup is never extinguished, and even more powerful.

These strong people, the same about the stars of the stars, just waiting for the war, waiting for the stars to completely covering, they will also come out to take a cup.

But at this moment, these strong people have never appeared.

The Yanyu River is located.

Many strong people in the Star Festival have also gathered here, which is naturally a sword.

As for the sword, thousands of people, but never appeared.

These two big emperor's peaks, less than critical, swords are not easy to use, especially the sword.

The combination of the sword is enough to challenge the God, if it is critical, it is possible to reverse the role of the Qiankun.

Thousands of people, it is not weak, and it is important that these two major battles, the outside world is unaware, even in the stars, except for the sword, there is only three major temples.

Like those who have been invited, I don't know this.

In addition, there are also those who are also.

The sword has no doubles take out the troops, only thirty-four respects.

Among them, thirty ancient copper soldiers, four silver bacteries, plus the many guests who came in the invitation, this is the power of the Stars.

Single strength, compared with the mortar alliance, there is a great gap.

"Good guy, nine pool palace, Ling Xiaobao, Shenwangdao, Zhenwu Shenjiao, Nine Day Emperor, this five major power is completely pouring!"

"Nearly seventy big energy, where the light is the emperor, there is ten, this lineup ..."

"It's too strong, this lineup is too strong, how do we resist?"

Some people in the Landshadia have been anxious.

There is no way, it is really too strong.

Take the emperor, the top ten gods!

Among them, the light is the peak of the emperor, there is four feet.

The four are the Solo Palace of the Jiuqu Palace, the first king of the Kings Island, the Zhenwu God teaches the Lord, and the Tianling God of the Lingxiao Temple! !

As for the nine-day emperor, there is no peak of the peak, but there is a three-star emperor sitting in the town. At this moment, the two gods were arrived, and the two gods were close to the peak of God, join hands. Come, it is also barely to fight with a peak.

The sword is unparalleled in the stars, and the eyes are the most distinctive four-peak emperor who sweeps the most eye-catching in the other party's camp.

These four people, the Wushu Palace horeed him with him, and he also taught him.

As for the other three ...

"Shenwang Island's first king?"

The sword is unparalleled to a burly middle-aged year wearing a bloody armor. This burly middle-aged whole person is like a wild beast.

The first king of Shenwang Island, became famous than the Star Palace, now in the heaven and earth from the top 3rd, the knife is extremely horrible.

The true martial arts is a sorrowful older.

This evil monk clearly clear the evil charm, but it is ruthless, but it is also evil, which is very evil.

And this true martial arts, ranked twenty-eighth in the world.

As for the last person ...

"He, is the strongest of the Lingxiao Temple, is Tian Ling God Emperor?" The sword has no double eyes, and it has been viewed one.

That is a young man wearing a white robe, a white hairstyle.

He is so sad that he does not have a feeling of feelings, even if it is aware that the sword is unparalleled, but also silk.

It seems that the sword is unparalleled in his eyes, there is no difference with the air!


PS: Today, things are a bit more, no time to pass the code five chapters, I will update it.

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