Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1898 is all dying!

Tianling Shen Emperor, the Tiandi is ranked twenty-up before the Life, because the sword is unparalleled, and now it is in the twenty-two.

On the rankings, he is much higher than the Lord of the Wushan, the first king, the real Wu's teacher is high, and the strength is natural.

When the sword was unparalleled with the Lingxiao Temple, the Tianling God has been in the second nest, nor exposed.

Until now ... The sword is unparalleled, I saw this Tianling God.

It can be seen, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is a movement.

He has intuitive, this Tianshan God's true strength is not that simple.

As for the ranking on the Heaven and Earth, I may not be precise. After all, this Tianling God has been swaying in the second nest, and she has never been in front of the world.

Who knows these years, have he made progress and how big is it?

In short, it is extremely stupid to judge the strength of the Tianling God.

"Walk, let's go out."

The sword has no double one command. When the many strong people of the Stars include the thirty ancient bronze trigger of the show, the four silver bacteries were gone, and they came out from the Yanyu River until the stars In front of the union, the party stopped.

"Oh, this star of this star is still dare to come out?"

"I thought they would have been hiding in their old nest, depending on the array of entanglement."

"Now the star is in the sword monarch as a respect, and the sword monarch is not the fear of the fear, when the Jiuqu Palace is killed, he leads the star of the star, and he will take the initiative to attack. Passing the Jiusong Palace. "

"Hey, it is also because of the nine palace too much, too small, and now I will wait for the five major forces to join hands, the lineup is strong, and is it a star of the district, and they can do it. If they dare to fight, The front crock is to defeat. "

The unsatisfactory people of the Extinguished Union have absolute confidence.

The five top scorpions teamed up, and there is no one in this ancient chaotic world that can be resistant to the front.

The star will not be able to resist this.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The magnificent voice resounded by void, the sorrow of the Wushu Palace stepped out, the cold scorpion parallel, "sword is unparalleled, your star is very good, short number After thousands of years, there was an invitation to have so many strong people. "

"This little skill can be made can't be considered compared to the starry alliance." The sword is unbolded. "You have a starry alliance to gather five top scoring power, can be known, you have some disputes in the five majors, even It's also a complaint that I have been complaining with each other. Today, I can be united. Let's kill my stars, do you not be more high? "

"Hey, I have waited for five major forces, there is no fake, but it is better than you star, that is, the little witch will see the big witch, as long as you can completely erase your star, I will join together. What did you have? "Shenwang Island's first gods cooled.

The five majors of the mortar alliance have been eaten in their hands in their hands.

It's already not dead, just because there is such a big hatred, they will be so step by step this time, and you should complete the star once.

"Jiuyin Shenmi, Xuanwu God Emperor, Lonely Snow God, there are other many gods ..." The Wushan Master's cold scorpion is coming, "In the moment, you dare to stand in the stars. This side, it's good to be good. "

Many Guests who have been invited by Stars, are all gratified.

"Hey, I thought I invited these strong people. Is there a capital that is not afraid of all parties? It is a ridiculous, after all, you have become a history, these stars in your star. God, God Emperor, don't want to escape, all must die! "The main voice of the Wushan Palace is cold.

"Yes, since I choose to stand in the side of the stars, it is the enemy that is not dead with my unstruthry." The first king of Shenwang Island is also cold.

"Dancing with the stars, killing innocent!" Zhenwu's teacher also looked low.

This makes the star of the Stars and the long faces of the old people have become extremely difficult.

They are just invited, although they will try their best to help the stars pass the crisis, but once their life is threatened, they will leave directly, they have never thought of truthfully desperately desperate.

But now ... they seem to have ridiculous.

"Oh, I want to destroy my star, but I am just enough to play my mouth, I have to rely on fists." The sword didn't smile.

"You are right, in this case, then you will see if the fist of my ulterior league is not hard enough." The main color of the Wushu is cold, "all, kill it!"

"Kill!" Shenwang Island's first king also issued a low drink.

"But if you stand on the stars, you will kill innocent!"

Ling Xiao Bao Temple, Zhenwu Shenjiao, the numerous power of the nine days, also instantly.

Nearly seventy high-energy workers have swarmed at this moment.

I have a good breath that is crazy.

The vitious power of power has formed a burst of storms, and the people in the stars came to compress.

The many strong people in the Star Festival were uneven, and they also feel tremendous pressure.

"All, I have told you something before, can you listen to it?" The sword wanted to sweep the people behind him.

"Well." These guests have nodded.

"In this case, then follow the previous, go!"

The voice is falling, the sword is unparalleled is the first to kill.

After him, Jiuyin God, Xuanwu God Emperor, Lonely Emperor, Solitary Temple, the main people of Nie Yun Temple, including the Old House of the Other God of Monarch, and those Taoism, all killed.

Two big camps, the voids outside the Yanyu River, positive collision.

Wars, instantly broke out.


The sword is unparalleled.

He is a star of the star, naturally rushed to the forefront.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

I saw that the four bright golden lights rose, the two sides have not really contacted, but the four major golden lights have been shot.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled on a large number of blood, and he immediately turned into black jade, a head, and a arm extends, and a feet of seven fourteen arms.

These fourteen arms, each hold a long sword.

The horrible breath is accompanied by the swords of the sky, sweeping, making the heavens and the earth, and the nine is froc.

This moment of sword is unparalleled, and it has risen his strength to the top peak.

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