Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1899, the peak battle!

"The sword is unparalleled, your opponent is us!"

A burst of bursting, I saw three shadows at the same time in front of the sword.

These three people are wearing a green robe, holding a sledgehammer.

Dressed in the burly middle-aged first king of blood tattoo, hand holding a bloody knife.

It is also evil, and the fascinating fascinating the old people.

The three peaks of the peaks, blocked in front of the sword.

"The last time I fight with you, I did have a small loss in your hand, but this time I have to come back." The Master of the Wushan is Hanan.

"The big name of the sword monarch, today is fortunate, you will have to have the first day of this ancient chaotic world!" The first king voice low.

"Hey, there is a real god in the district, but let me wait for the three peaks of God to join hands, the sword monarch, you have to die, it is enough to be proud." Zhenwu said.

"Hey, what is the three peaks of God, you have to fight, that battle, who is afraid!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood is on the blood, the whole person is like a devil, and the body of the body has appeared in front of these three peaks.

With an enemy three, and the face is still the three peaks, but the sword is unparalleled but not afraid.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The four blue light flakes, and there is direct appearance in front of the owner of the Soflsena.

"Is this this?" The main color of the Wushan is sinking.

At the beginning, he was quite miserable by the sword where the four sides of the four sides.

Nowadays, the sword is still in the four sides of the sword.

"Give me a roll!" The Wushan Master is a hot, and the big hammer in his hand came out.

And the main hand of the Wushu, the first king next to him is also working hard with the real Wu's teacher.


The first God king snorted, his body shape was full of rising rising, a pair of ice and cold eyes, like two sun, the pound of blood shouted from him.

He held a knife with a knife, the bloody war knife in his hand was in this moment, and the time was touched to participate in the sky.

This knife is stacked, as if you want to split the whole world.


The knife is coming.

The sword is unparalleled, only feels the knife who is crazy about him in all directions.

The knife is strong, he is rare.

"Haha, come on."

The sword is unparalleled, and the fourteen arms are there, there are six arms in the foot. At this moment, they waved the sword at the same time.

~~~ Sword is swept, carrying a pound of power.

"Renovation of swordsmanship, sixth style!"

Six arms, at the same time.

Football, six swords, every sword is a sword unparalleled, and the sword is going to show!

To know that the reincarnation of the sword is unparalleled, the highest is the sixth episode, this type of power is extremely strong, and it is not small to show the consumption of the Shenqi.

But in this level of fierce battle, the sword is unparalleled, and the huge power of the power is completely revealed.

The sixth style of the reincarnation of the swords, and the six arms were displayed at the same time. In the first time, the foot and six swords were displayed.


A giant rang, the navigation of the vastly rushing, when it crashed.

But this time I can't completely dissipate, but the sword is unparalleled, but I have passed the world.

I saw it on him, and an evil old man stood there and his eyes were cold, and his hand was already pressed toward him.

Booming ~~~~

Huge palm printing, driving the power of endless height.

Time, as if the whole world is unparalleled with swords.


The sword was unblocked, and it was only on the top of the sky. The sky was suddenly cracking, and there was a huge crack.

In that crack, the horrible gods gathered together, and a wealthy swept away.

Subsequently, slap! ! !

The world's death is coming.

These .

With a dramatic roaring, all things are completely silent.

The sword of the most central, the first king, the first king, the true Wu, but did not have any effect.

Endless energy bombs, can be three people that have been flashing together.

The sword has no double van arms, waving the 14-handed long sword, swords, and puts themselves in the emperor's insiders.

Relying on his strength, powerful strength, with the first king, the truth of the Zhenwu, the main battle.

On the other hand, he also urged the four sorts of Hong Kong, completely suppressed the Lord of the Wushan, so that the Wushan owner did not have a chance to shoot.

Then the four peaks of the peaks, and the strong people of the two sides camps have been handed over at this moment.

And one hand, the body is extremely fierce.


This is a fierce battle that is sufficient to make the whole vast chaotic world!

Because of this battle, if you count the words of the troops, the power of the energetic people who participated in the war have exceeded 100!

This is not much seen in the history of the chaotic world.

At this moment, there is a large number of strong people who have been paying attention to this battle.

"Guard, these two big camps finally handed over."

"They, the good life is fierce!"

"Strap, the battle of hundreds of energy-moving levels at the same time, can you not be fierce?"

"So, in the second era, you can really don't see, I remember that when this is such a fierce battle, I still have a long time, and that time, the power of all parties will be siegered. Slaughter! "

"Unfortunately, the power of the star now has a strong power, but it is not a terrible means of the Shounan Palace, and I want to fight against the starry alliance in this battle."

The strong people who watch these war are squatting.

They can see the situation in front of them.

Two big camps, obviously destroyed the stars alliances occupy an absolute advantage.

Both sides on the lineup, the gap is too big.

In the god, although there are more than 30 tribers, these Daoji can do two to join hands to barely resist an ordinary god, accumulated, the star will also have more than 30 gods. The combination is just the general of the unsatisfied alliance.

The same gap is very far from God.

Emperor's top ten emperors, even if you leave the four peaks, there is still six, and there is only three emperors.

The strength gap is so big, which leads to the beginning of this war, and the situation is almost one side.

The star is completely suppressed, and there is almost no room for struggling.

Although the war is now just beginning, the stars will not have too much casualties, but how long it takes, the stars will have a strong, completely defeat is just a morning and evening.

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