In the Star Mainland, it is still in the wind.

But that battle was temporarily stopped.

Outside the Yanyu River, four shadows standing there.

These four people are just true God, which was originally attached to the star, but as the starry alliance was cleaned in the Star Mainland, these four real gods did not hesitate to thrown into the starry alliance, and now these four The real God is in front of the home of the star, he is exclaimed.

"Haha, the star of the stars, a group of slump turtles, you are really going to hide in this turtle shell forever?"

"Sword monarch, sword is unparalleled, I have been admired before, but now, you are just a wasteless waste, lost after the star of the Star Palace, you have a dignity. Don't, I am, I am afraid that I am afraid of being able to die again in Jiun. "

"It's over, the star is in the world."

"Hey, I really didn't expect the Star, and the old one will fall. Today, the old man can't stand here, a group of squats in your star, there is no one dare to come out with the old man, the sword monarch The outside world is not all said that it is the first day of the ancient chaos world. The old man challenges you today. Do you dare to take a battle? "

"Haha, this sword monarch is scared, he can make your hands with you without gut."

The four gods laughed, in the deliberate spread of the power, echoing the whole horizon.

Within Naith River, the Yuan Dynasty mainly showed the means, and the voice outside the Xinghe did not come in. The four of the true sorrows were not heard by the strong by the star.

However, many strong people in the Stars are still angry.

Although they can't hear the four true God, but they can know what they are talking about, natural anger.

And the starry alliance is to insult to provoke, and some of the big energy is still there, but they have sent four real gods.

Zhen God ... For many majority in the star river, it is just a crust.

On weekdays, they don't care at all.

But now, these four real gods dare to block the interilings of the nose.

Who is wronged? Who is not angry?

"A group of mixedments, Laozi really wants to give these four antices !!!" Nie Yun Temple has risen red, and he has been overwhelming.

"Don't impulsive." The main hall next to it is waving, he is slightly lighter, "Extinguishing Star Alliance is now I want to anger, once our strong people run out, just as they wish. "

"To endure, don't forget the plan of the palace." The Lord of the Demonstaus also looked over.

"Of course, I know this, I just feel wronged." Nie Yun Temple did not.

"What is wrong? Who is not wronged?" The monette of the temple is the main one, "but it is no longer useful again. Now, when we don't want to shoot, you will take a while, the palace is also As early as premature, let us be wronged, but how long does it take for it, these grievances will come back one by one. "

"Well, I believe the palace master." Nie Yun Temple mainly nodded, "Yes, the palace owner?"

"Closer, if you are extremely important, don't let him."

"At this way, he still had a mood close up?" Nie Yun Demo turned over the eyes.

The sword is unparalleled.

After a battle with the starry union, after returning to the Star River, he immediately closed.

Sword, within the secret room.

The sword is sitting there, there is a deep light.

"Fast, fast!"

"How long does it take? I can master this heaven. When I arrive, my hands will be a strong base card!"

"Once you master this heavy base, my star is winning, I will inevitably improve!"

The sword is not expected.

His reasonable will let the Yuan Dynasty to open the star river big array, and there are many strong people in the stars to stay in the star river, and they must not fight.

On the one hand, it is for the sake of weakness, and provides opportunities for the decisions of future outbreaks.

On the other hand, it is also to give him more time, let him have to control the big sign.

"Fast, it will not be too long." The sword was muffy.

Time passes quietly.

One shook, I have passed for two hundred and fifty years.

In these two hundred and fifty years, the Extrusion Alliance did not give up the humiliation of the stars.

Every day, some people are still insulting before the Star River. As for the strong people who are good at the array, they have been looking for the medal of the Star River, but the process is not big.

And the method of hitting is even more news.

In this regard, the federal alliance is also full of helplessness, can only be surrounded.

In the world's strong persons, in these two hundred and fifty years, it has always solidified in the stars, even if there is not much movement in these years, their eyes are still rely on.

They really want to know, the stars can endure it.

In addition, in this 'calm' for two hundred and fifty years, there have been two major events, which is the birth of another two major alliances.

The stars have too many enemies.

Especially the big slaughter of the mainstay of the main star, complained with the strong power.

Now the main star of Xingchen Palace, staring at the star, can only have only Jiusong Palace, Ling Xiaobao, Shenwangdao, Zhenwu Shenjiao, Nine Timard of the Five Forces.

The fifth power consisting of the federal alliance, just the first one, but there are still many enemies in the stars, and they have no fierce union, but the hate for the star, but it is not better than this five major. There is less forces.

When the midst of the starry alliance and the stars, these power struggles have been dispatched. First of all, most of them are also intended to join the starry alliance, join hands with the starry alliance, so that the stars have a greater grasp.

However, they want to join, but the felt-extinguishing alliance is not willing to accept.

You must know that the starry alliance set five square top great power, how strong the lineup, before the front of the star, and has completely showed the gap between the two parties.

The federal alliance has their five parties to join hands. It is not enough to accept other powerful powers at all.

These five parties are great, they are not willing to divide the interests of the stars and then the interests of the stars.

Therefore, all the powerful powerful people want to join the starry alliance, all are rejected by the starry alliance.

Under the helplessness, those who have a great energetic force in the same veins, so soon, set up a new alliance, this alliance, a total of ten parties of the ten parties, so the name is called ten Polar alliance.

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