Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1904 Three League

The Ten Alliance, gathered ten parties and a few exclusive strengths, and its strength is also extremely strong.

On the number of large energy, the Ten Ten Union is not absolutely unstruthted, just at the level of God, with the mortar alliance, slightly insufficient.

After all, the ten part of the Ten Alliance is a great force, whether it is with the Lingxiao Temple or Shenwang Island, the nine-day emperors are more gaps.

Ten parties teamed up, coupled with some excitement, but only got eight emperors, and the peak emperor, only two people, one of them, is doing unparalleled with swords, emperor sword Door!

Although in the power of God, the Ten Alliance is better than the starry alliance, but the overall strength is still very good.

In addition, it is not just that these and the strong energetic power of the stars, there are still many and the stars have no fear, but they are rushing through the stars.

These people, more quantity.

In order to compete with the Ten Ten Alliance, the Union of the Union, and also formed a league, named Dagui Alliance.

The Dagists Alliance, single energy, more than one hundred, which is also a lot of emperors, the overall strength, but more than the starry alliance, the Ten Ten Union has to be strong.

Star has a championship.

The main hall of Yuan Dynasty and the Lord of the Temple, the three people of Nie Yun Temple gathered together and is analyzing the current situation.

"Two hundred and fifty years have passed, the current situation is completely clear," Yuan Temple is Xu Xu said.

Only a star extinguished alliance before, others are hidden in the dark, and the stars don't know how much power will face it.

Therefore, even if there is a fight against the starry alliance, the stars have been weak, but they don't dare to shoot, because there are too many scruples.

But now, it's all clear.

At least these people have been standing up.

"Now there are now the Star River, the three alliances are standing. In these three alliances, the union alliance with the Ten Alliance, with my star, there is a great hatred, it is iron my heart to completely cover my star. As for the big energy alliance, although the strength is the strongest, it is the most no position. "The main hall of Yuan Dynasty said.

"This Volunteer League has no hatred with my star, purely just for the stars secret, and we may tell them the conditions." The Hall of the Temple.

"I think so." Yuan Temple laughed.

at this time……

"Well?" The Lord of Yuan Dynasty suddenly moved.

"What happened?" The Lord of the Director and Nie Yun Temple came over.

"Outside the Star River, some people seek, and it is exactly the Shurami, one of the three major alliances of the Canadian Union!" Yuan Dynasty is an ancient road.

"Shura God?"

The Lord of the Demonstaism and the Nie Yun Dynasty are also awkward.

They are thinking that they can try to talk to the Dagists Alliance. When I just finished, now there is one of the Alliance of the Union of the Union, and the monk will come.

"You will stay here, I will welcome the monk of the monarch." Yuan Temple.

"Yuan Temple, do you want to inform the Lord of the palace to say, the monk emperor is a peak emperor. If he is a heart, once he let him enter the star river, cooperate with the many strong people in the outside world, maybe it will be The Star River is threatened. "The Lord of the Temple said.

"Rest assured, the Shu Lu Lu is just a consciousness of the body, can't get rid of the waves." Yuan Temple laughed.

I heard the words, the Lord of the Temple and the Lord of Nie Yun Temple were relieved.

Under the personality of the Yuan Dynasty, it was not long after the consciousness of the Shuran, came to the Star River, and came to this palace.

Within the palace, the main hall of the Yuan Temple, the owner of the temple, the main three people in Nie Yun Temple are sitting in one.

"How can I only have three, the sword monarch?" Dradous old old people wearing a black robe, the monk, looking at the three people in front.

"My house owner is now closing, and I can't accept it. You can tell us, many things, we can do the Lord, even if you can't do the Lord, we can also teach the palace." Yuan Temple The main said.

"Closing the door?" Shura Shen Emperored, "This sword monarch is so patience, the star has been forced to this, he actually hangs up?"

"Sui Luo Shen, what's the matter, please speak." The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"In fact, this is the purpose of this line, you should also guess some." Shu Lu Yili came to the company, "Now in this star river, although the three major alliances are columns, I am in the Union and Stars There is no hatred, our purpose is just a stars secret, as long as you can get stars secret, no matter how fast the stars are fading or survival, they have nothing to do with my energy union. "

"In other words, as long as you can get stars secret, my Canadian Alliance does not care where to stand."

The main Temple of Yuan Dynasty is the side of the temple, the main three people of Nie Yun Demon, and the bottom is a laugh.

They have already listened from the words of the monk of Luo, that is, as long as you get the stars secret, the Dagui Alliance can stand on the side of their stars.

"The meaning of Shu Lu, I understand that my star can make the strong people of the Dabin's alliance cultivate star secrets, but the premise is that they must first become my star, which is more than 100,000 years. Of course, in this 100,000 years. Among the process, I can also reward in my star, according to their contribution, I will pass the three volumes of the stars one by one by one. "The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Is the star in the stars? This is impossible!" The monk of the monk shook it directly. "Even if it is only the old man, there is nothing to be binding on weekdays."

"Then ask the public to join hands with my star, put the thrilling alliance, the Cross-Ten Alliance, and my star will make the people accept the inheritance, how?" Yuan Demin said.

The monk of the monarch is sinking.

Hand down the starry alliance, the Cross-Ten Alliance?

I don't say the starry alliance, the Ten Ten League's own strength is extremely strong, the key is the crisis facing this star, and there is a shadow of the emperor behind this.

Let the Dabin Union Station, standing on the side of the stars, there is no problem, just a position.

It is possible to make the Dabin Union to make a whole force, with the starry alliance, the front of the Ten Alliance, and many strong people in the Dagui Alliance may not be willing to be willing.

"Why, I don't want to become my star, I'm old, I'm doing I am not willing to shoot with the two alliances, and I only show a position, I want to get the inheritance of Stars, and the emperor, you don't want it too good. Some? "The main point of the Yuan Dynasty became sharp.

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