Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1908 Giant River Giant

"Nearly one hundred and twenty dozens of troops, the two peaks God, this is the true power of the star,"

"It has a stronger strength than the starry alliance, but it has been never shot, this is ... show weak !!"

Show weakness?

These guests have thought of this word.

It took the cold air in a time.

And since the stars have been showing weak, now, now the starry alliance breaks the big array, killing, isn't it ... trap?

"All the position, my star is now this scene, planning for two hundred and fifty years, now I have received the net." The sword is unparalleled smiles, "Yuan Temple, talking to them, this star river. "

"Yes." Yuan Temple nodded, seeing many passengers in front of the old, "all, now it is the starry union], but it is actually that I deliberately guide them to break, not only. When they rushed in, I will also guide them into the core area of ​​the Star River, where there is, the power of the Star River can truly reflect. "

"I will send you to the core area of ​​the Star River Ballast, and you will get the blessing of the big array of power, the strength you can play, will increase much than before, this is one "

"Second, the time and space in the core area will be controlled by me, I can use time and space to give you the greatest help, if you are seriously injured, if you are on the verge of death, I will immediately use time and space, make you transfer you, make sure you The life is worry-free, of course, if you fall too fast, then I can't. "

"In addition to the above two points, I also contain extremely strong attack methods, these attack methods, you will know."

The words of the Yuan Dynasty were finished, but these guests have no surprise.

They thought that this star river is just a single defense.

But now, it is far more than this.

This has a stronger lineup than the starry alliance, and then cooperate with such a strong big array ... Tianxians and, standing in the stars.

Now these guests have already started pity in the courtstick.

"People who have exted the stars, have come to the core area." The main hall of Yuan Dynasty suddenly.

Everyone in the field is bright.

"Sword Monarch, we will take it directly." Xuanwu God is still caught up.

"Don't worry, I will play with them first." Yuan Dynasty is a surprising.

The core area of ​​Na Raise in the heart of the star river.

Many strong people in the mortar alliance are still flipped in front of the front, trying to kill the old nest of the star.

However, it has been flustered, don't say the old nest of the stars, but it is not seen in half a person.

"Don't be angry."

The real thing of the Zhenwu is slightly, "the star river big array is the biggest relief of the star, according to the truth, when we attacked the Star River, there will be reacted, but now we have already broken the big array. And I have entered the Star River for so long, the stars have not been moving for some move, and there is no strong person to block us, this is a bit abnormal. "

"What abnormally? According to me, the star is definitely known to know that my mating alliance will kill, so I am completely panicked, so now I am gathering the strength of the disciples to find ways to escape." The first king did not smile.


The people around him heard the words and smiled, obviously the bottom.

Two hundred fifty years ago, the star in the stars had a positive collision of the starry alliance, which has fully proved the strength gap between the two parties.

The star is all impossible to fight against them.

Otherwise, it will not hide two hundred and fifty years in this star river, and they are humiliated by them.

Now the big array is seized, under normal circumstances, the star of the star will indeed choose to escape, and the top more is only dispatched with them to be entangled with them. It is better to get more people to escape.

Most people think so.

This is also due to the weak two hundred years old, trends they want to think.

"Don't take these, even if you want to make any means, in front of the absolute strength gap, everything is futile, I just need to kill the stars, I will kill all the strong people in the stars. "The Lord of the Wushan kills the sky."

The union alliances have a heavy point.

It is at this time ...! ! !

A vast power is suddenly condensed in front of the union alliance, only a moment, this power is condensed out of the four phenomenon.

This is the one-eyed giant, the four-respects exceeds ten feet, and the alone is also holding a wolf tooth stick, the , with the qi of the sky, exudation from these four distinctive giants, directly The starry alliance is oppressed.

"what is this?"

"Strong breath, simple theory of breath, these four giants seem to be alone."

"Look at their body, that is caused by energy, not true life."

The unsatisfactory people of the Extinguished Joint Alliance stopped, and the eyes were solidified above the four distinctive giants in front of them.

In the deepest place in the Star River, the star of the stars can clear this clearly through the Star River.

"Yuan Temple, these four giants are it?" The guests of the Guests have doubtful to the main hall.

"This is a single-eyed giant that is condensed by the Star River. It can also be called the giant people of the Star River. Come, it is already the limit. "The main road of Yuan Temple.

Everyone heard it, but it was again horrified.

Four-respect, the giant, this is the four great gods! ! !

"Let's let these four distinctive giants, play with the starry threshold." Yuan Dynasty laughed.

At the core area of ​​the Star River, the four eyes giants have already shot.

They held a wolf tooth stick, suffocating the sky, and rushing into the unsatisfactory of the mutant union.

The many strong workers of the mortar alliance is natural, and it is naturally immediately.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A strong roar sounded in the Yanyue River, and every roar is enough to easily bombard the mountain river, but for the Yuxing River, this is the roar of this level, but there will be no effect.

In this fierce battle, the four distinctive giants have also exposed the power of the gods of the emperor.

It has also brought a lot of trouble to the mortar alliance.

However, there are so many energy-outstanding union, and the emperor is ten, it is not the same as this four-star giant.

Just a moment, these four distinctive giants were forced to enter the desperate situation.

"The Temple of Yuan Temple, these four distinctive giants can't support it." When there is a guest of the guests.

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