Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1909 Trap!

"Don't tighten." Yuan Dian is confident.

At the core area of ​​the Star River, the four distinctive giants bombarded the many strong people of the starry alliance!!!!

The four huge body collapsed directly.

However, these four distinctive giants just collapsed, in the volatile void, a large amount of energy gathered, but in an instant formed four solo-eye giants.

"Is this?" The star of the stars exposed the color.

"The four distinceant giants are the star river, which is uncomfortable, as long as the big array is still, this is a big giant is invincible, even if it is defeated, it can also condense again, and have been fighting." The main road of Yuan Temple, " This is just one of the attack methods of the Star River Barrance. As for more attack methods, it is still completely broke out, and then reveals. "

There is no double point of the sword, and you will look around everyone. "Next, it is the time of the shot. I said before, I will reward, I want to get the stars secret, then this battle Be sure to go all out. "

"Jiu Yulin is relieved." Jiuyin God first laughed: "Take our lineup, there is a big array of help, although I don't dare to leave all the strong people of the throne alliance, but at least it can complete them Killing, and even disabled! "

"Yes, kill them, let them!"

"It's more than so many years, it is now possible to fight against it."

"Don't let them have one person to escape from the Star River!"

These guests have a light, and the face is also a bloodthirsty smile.

See this, the sword is also slightly sigh, and immediately look at the main hall, "send us in the past."

"Good." The main hall is primitive.

Under the manipulation of the main hall, the voids in front of the front showed another space insect hole.

"Everywhere, go." The Yuan Dynasty was magnificent.

The people of the stars, including that close to one hundred and twenty tribute, there is no hesitation at this moment, and one will enter the space inner insect cave in front of it.

Through the spatial wormhole, the star has many strong people, and the moment of the star river is in the heart of the star river.

There, many strong people in the starry alliance are dealing with four distinctive giants.

They have already bombarded a single-eyed giant, but they can condense their eyes again, and they will fight with them.

"These four distinceant giants, not really life, should be affected by this star river around this, as long as they are in the Star River, they are invincible, there is no need to be entangled with them, we only need to kill the stars, the old nest is "The Warrier is shouting."



One space insect hole, which appears in the surrounding void, this moment is at least dozens of space insect caves.

Subsequently, a relationship came from this space insect hole, and there was an inner front of the union alliance.

Looking at these figure across the space insect cave, many strong gods of the mortar alliance are all.

Too much.

This is too much stronger across the spatial worm hole, and the absolute parallel is absolutely more than hundreds of people.

Among them, it is the troops that are wearing the bronze armor.

These Due, the Extrusion Alliance also knows.

"How can so much?"

"Day, Scorpio."

"not good!!!"

These strong men in the mortar alliance have changed.

And the star of the stars, including those towers, after crossing from the space insect cave, immediately burst into a murder.


"Kill them!"

"Haha, the starry alliance, today you come, but I will go out again!"

The sound is shocked, and everyone has shot.

And one shot, I went all out, and at the same time in the surrounding Star River, there was a layer of rays, like a warm sun, shining in the stars, the truth, the body, so that these strong people, The strength of Dao Bing has got a certain degree of improvement.


Surprised war, finally broke out.

"Be careful!"

"Trap, this is a trap !!"

"Star and one pulse, when is there so many soldiers, there is this big array, what is going on?"

Inside the stars, a panic.

Very normal, after two hundred or fifty years ago, after the stars were completely defeated, the mutant alliance did not think there were how big the stars had.

They all believe that as long as the Star River is defeated, it is a light and easy to cover the star.

But now, there is a scene in front of you, completely exceeds their expectations.

From the four distant eyes, it will come to the star, and the key is that the key is that it is close to one hundred and twenty tribute ... these combat power is too amazing.

By now, they are still stupid, and they have been showing weakness before the stars.

Why do they show weak?

Why do you want tolerance?

There is no doubt that it is for the present.

In order to deliberately reveal the flaw, they will lead them to the core of the big array.

This matter, from the head to the end, it is a bureau under the clue.

Is a trap!

"Don't panic !!!"

A smashing, I saw the first King of Shenwang Island excised a terrorist breath, and his voice echoed to the entire battlefield.

"Even if the trap is not big, I'm excluding the star alliance gathers five top scorpion, how strong the overall force is, is it possible to compare with a star in the district?"

"Don't panic, do your best, give me the people in the stars!"

When I heard the first king, the union of the union alliance was very large.

Yes, even if this big is really a trap, from the head to the end, it is a bureau under the clue.

Can the strength of their martial arts alliance, nearly seventy large energy, ten god emperors, such lineup, enough to sweep everything.

"Kill! Kill!"

The star exclusion alliance is in the past, and it will go up.

"It should be like this." The first goddess is cold.

It is at this time ...

"No!" A screaming.

This horses came from the first king, and the first god king immediately settled, but he saw a black juvenile who looked a poorly tender, and was worn by a golden light, and the golden hole After the skull, the moment is slightly subjected to a slightly.

The first king saw it, this .

"Second you !!!"

The first god Wang suddenly wanted.

You must know that by Hong Yin Jian Kong, it is his second brother, which is the second king of Shenwang Island! ! !

Shenwang Island has a total of three gods, which is the three god emperors. These three gods are in charge of Shenwangdao, which is extremely deep, just like the brothers.

At this war, Shenwangdao came to the two gods, and now his second brother is in front of his face, it is directly killed.

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