Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1910 is a comprehensive battle!

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Just as the roar from the nine days suddenly sounded, the first goddess of the king rose red, a ribbling of a green gluten, and there is a lion in the burning of the raging fire, just like the lion in an irritated, he A pair of eyes are more like lightning, directly locked the sword in front of the front.

"Haha, the first king, you just can't calm down, saying that it is a trap of my carefully prepared, it doesn't matter, how, now, it is now a god emperor, you will Is this anxious? "The sword is unparalleled.

Like the stars, like a bus, the sword is unparalleled when crossing from the space insect cave.

The second king of Shenwang Island is just near his, and the sword is not a double.

It's awkward, and I went all out, I went all out, I went all possible, this second god king couldn't resist, and he didn't have a chaotic Shenbao's hierarchy, and a moment of kung fu. Kill.

The speed is too fast, so that the first king is not too late to rescue.

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

In the first god Wang Hysz, the horror of the peak emperor swept, and held the knife in the hands of the hand, a step directly in the sword without double killing.

In addition, the Lord of the Wushan, the Zhenwu, the master, also instantly locked the sword and unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, the last time let you escape, this time, you will not have the good luck!" The Lord of the Wushan is magnificent.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will die today!" Zhenwu's lake is the same cold.

These two big peaks know that one-on-one, no one is a sword unparalleled opponent.

Only when they join hands, they can suppress the swords without pairs, so that the sword is unparalleled, this is unable to shoot, and attack the people around the battlefield.

And I saw that the three peaks of God came to him, but the sword was unparalleled but did not fear.

"Haha, last battle, because we want to show weakness, I didn't have more entanglement with you, but today, I have to fight with you." The sword is unparalleled, and its ancient body has been revealed, seven Head fourteen arms, the four handles Hong Yinjian is also suspended in front of him.


The sword is unparalleled, only two hundred and fifty years, it is again stood with the three peak emperors.

In the surrounding, the two major camps have many strong people, and the troops have also fought.

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

A roar, hitting, constantly helping.

The war has reached a white thermal stage from the beginning.

In the crowd, a strange folk lifting two flashes, appearing in front of a white robe white hair.

"The old man is a thousand people, I will stand the name of the God of God." The thousands of faces with a gentle smile.

"Thousands of people, have never heard of it." Tianling God is indifferent, and look at the eyes of thousands of people.

"After today, you have heard of it, there is a old man, will not let you have the opportunity to interfere with the battlefield next to it." Millenzi laughed.

"If you are you?" Tianling Shenmi burst into cookedness and couldn't see mood.

"I don't know." The thousands of people no longer nonsense, and the figure is moving towards God.

Before the start of the battle, the sword did not have a double, and he only needed him to entangle the God of the God, so that the latter did not have the opportunity to shoot.

Thousands of people go all out.

This war, earth-shattering, warfare sky.

Originally, a lineup, the stars are not weaker than the starry alliance, plus the four distinctive giants, its combat power is even more slightly, not to mention the star river, the star river is also helpful.

At the beginning of the war, the star of the stars, the Tao soldiers had the blessing of the Star River, and the strength of the outbreak was significantly more.

In addition, hidden in the depths of the Star River, but not lonely.

One of the battlefields.

clang! clang!

Two giant sounds, Jiuyin God was blown directly by his opponent, but after a moment, his body was stabilized, and then smiled once again, and the war did not affected.

This scene, the nine days of the nine-day emperor of Jiuyin God, sinks.

Nine days, although not the peak emperor, it is infinitely close.

Many years ago, the Nine-Day House had hit the Jiuyin God, and the Jiuyin God saw him, and he would choose directly to avoid it.

but now……

"This nine Yin Shen Emperor, the blessing of the surrounding big array, dared to kill my front, and he also had a chaotic godhouse level of the armored nails, I didn't have any way." Nine Tianfu main heart Helpless.

Jiuyin God's strength is not too far from the peak, plus the big array, and it has improved two% of the body, and it can be a battle with him.

The void next to it.


The star of the stars, a passer, a red robe, a woman who was arrogant by the other party, and hit it on the spot.


The starry alliance immediately had two gods, including a top god to attack him.

"Not good." The color of the red dress is large.

But just here ...! !

After this red dress, a space appeared in a space, and the palm of the hand condensed from the space in the cave, and took her into the space in the cave, and the glare The woman disappears in the spatial wormhole, which is directly dissipated.


The two gods who came to the bruises in the red dress were all awkward.

There is a void in the depths of the Star River.


The shade of the red dress appeared again.

"Die Xie Yuan Temple."

The red dress is looking at the main temple standing in front of it, a face grateful.

She is very clear, just if the Temple of the Yuan Dynasty, she took the time and space in the battlefield to bring her to this, she was already dead.

"Restore it."

The Yuan Dynasty is just a faint saying, and his eyes are always staring at the battlefield of the core area.

Once the battlefield, there is a strong force of the stars, or the soldiers caught in the crisis, he immediately shot, manipulate the time and space of the big array, and rescue it.

In this way, it can greatly reduce the casualties of the star.

Of course, this is a fierce battle, one inadvertently died, some people met the dangerous, and the Yuan Dynasty is too late to save.

"It's almost, then the trick, it should be used."

The Temple is murmured, but the scorpion is extremely cold.

At the core area of ​​the Star River, the hot fire of the battle between the two sides of the battlefield.

But at this moment, there is no signs, and the three space insect caves appear in the three corners of the battlefield, from the space insect hole, each has a violet spot.

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