Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1911, Kyushu India, Qiqi!


These three purple light tremors, and it is a purple spear that is completely condensed by energy.

This three-handed purple spear, at this moment, there was an amazing speed.

In an instant, there is a three gods in the mortar alliance.

The three gods are fighting with their own opponents, including two people have been suppressed, in the face of this without any signs, quietly attacking the purple spear.

These three gods have a large change.

"not good!"


"Do not!!"

!! laugh!

The three sounds sounded, and the three gods were shocked by the purple spear.

Two of them under the impact of purple spears, heavy injuries broke, and another person's body's ability was different, and they were directly pulled by purple long lard.

"not bad."

Deeply, the Yuan Dynasty saw the effect of the three-handed purple spear, and the heart was quite satisfactory.

"After ten breathing, you can make a second wheel impact!"

"A breathing ... two breathing ..."

The Yuan Dynasty has started to calculate.

The Yanyu River, but from the ancient, its ability, far more than just forming the defense big array, which is extremely amazing on the attack, the auxiliary ability.

From the beginning of the four distinceant giants, to the three-handed purple spear, it is the means of Hanxing Hano.

And only because the Yanyue River is extremely serious, only some simple means, if the Yanyi River can get an energetic heaven and earth aura moisture, the Xinghe is completely repaired, and there is a star of the Yanyue River, even if it is the big strength, forced Broken, there is no! !

Battlefield ...

"How could this be?"

"This is impossible."

The highest level of the muttoned league, that is the three peaks of the sword unparalleled hands, has always paid attention to the battlefield around the surrounding.

The scene on the battlefield is very clear.

The starry alliance has been suppressed.

A completely pressed it.

In the overall fighting power, this is better than the stars, and there is a big array of large array in the stars, and the gap between them has become more huge.

Guild to the present, but the moment, the felling union has been fully compressed. If you continue this fierce battle, the star advantage will be more and more, and finally you can completely roll completely.

"You must immediately find a way, otherwise this battle, I am defeating the star!" "The Lord of the Wushan shouted.

"Fully shot, there is something to show this sword without double. Only I will wait for three people to come out, and it is possible to reverse the entire battle." Zhenwu's main son.

"What are you waiting for? Go all right." The first God is roaring.

The sword has no double killed his second brother, and his murderous killing of the sword is much stronger than anyone.

I can hear the three-person dialogue, but the sword is unparalleled, "" I have to go out? Then I have to look at it, who is more means more and more! "

When the voice fell, he saw that the sword didn't have a palm of the palm.

For a time, the void above the Star River immediately started to change the earth-shaking change.

It was originally a star river, but now it is completely replaced by a huge and wonderful landscape world.

"what is this?"

Many strong people on the battlefield couldn't help but raise their heads.

At the same time, it is also shocked by the giant world above.

The sword has no double eyes, but the body has the power of ignorance. These power is completely integrated into the top of the mountain.

"Tiandi Kyushu, Qingzhou is printed!"

"First Print, Open Tiantian!"


With the sword unparalleled one handprint.

Among the huge landscapes, a complete continent came directly.

This continent is crushed throughout the battlefield, but it is deliberately narrowed under the sword unparalleled manipulation, and eventually only covers the area where the three peaks.

Feel this open Tianyin contained in the printed pounds, these three peaks of God Emperor are extremely dignified.

"I shot together and break this continent." The main son of the Wushan.

"Well." The first king, the true Wu's teacher will look back.

Immorted to the top three peaks broke out their strongest war.

Pong! Pong! Pong!

Three offensive, like three huge meteorites, shocking on the continent of the fall.

As the giant rang of the talents, the continent under the impact of these three meteorites, and immediately collapsed.

See this, the sword is not double-sided but there is no change.

In his hands, there is still a huge endless power to condense.

"Tiandi Kyushu, Zhangzhou is printed!"

"Second print, Land!"


The second seat is coming.

The mainland contained more than the first mainland, it would be significant.

The horrible percentage of war is against the whole world, and the top three gods in the lower three gods will teach.

They are very clear, if they are alone, it is absolutely impossible to resist such horrible offensive.

But now is the three peaks of God.


The Lord of the Wushan is low, and the first time has shown his strongest trick.

I saw the ancient shanner in his hands under his control, and he directly skyrocked several times.

Most of the murderey breath sweeps.

This big hammer is like a real star, with the Wushu master, this star suddenly burst.

The first goddess is cold, and his body has a pound of blood fog, as if the whole body is covered with a heavy blood!

He is like a bloody day, and the bloody knife in his hand is in this moment.

The towering shadow is condensed in the void. This knife is vastly adding, and it is necessary to split the whole world.


The knife is swayed, screaming, and also getting the mainland of the mainland.

As for the true martial arts, it is unique.

The two palms were filled with endless golden light, but they turned out of two genuine printed printed.

Pong! Pong! Pong!

The horrible roar sounded again, and the second continent was again crashed.

"Is it?"

The Lord of the Wushan, the first king, the real Wu's teacher just got tone, but he did not have a smile.

The sword is unparalleled with endless power, but it is once again.

"Third Print, Rainprint!"

Booming ~~~

It is also a mighty mainland.

And this continent is much better than just the first printed, the second print is more strong.

Kyushu India Succession Rainprint, this is also the sword unparalleled now, with the help of the mountains and rivers, the most powerful printed!

Under his strength and the ancient blood, the power of this print was completely revealed.

"Is there still?"

The three peaks of the peak were shocked.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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