Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1913, Strong Heaven, Tianling God

"The sword is unparalleled, this day Ling God is very strong, it is really strong!" Thousands of people seriously.

"Well, I saw it." The sword has been stopped at all.

And just the scene of Tian Ling, he also looked in the eyes.

He is able to feel the horror of Tiaoling God.

The air strikes are separated from the distant distance. These means are highly sentimental on the time-space road, and the minimum is much higher than the sword.

In addition, there is the power of the long gun ...

You must know that the thousands of people have been following the Emperor of the purple moon, and its strength is extremely strong, and it is equally strong in the heaven and earth.

In the many gods of the vital chaotic world, the thousands of people should also take the top five.

And there is a chaotic god hierarchy tharmaceid body.

Otherway, this is just the hard work of the two photos, and the thousands of people were seriously injured by Tianling God.

Even if the owner of the Yuan Dynasty, the Lord of the Star River is helping, the life of the thousand is worrying.

"Tianling God, look, everyone is small to see you." The sword is unparalleled, and the death is staring at Tianling God.

This day, Ling God has not been out in front of people, and he has stayed in the second nest in the second nest, rarely appeared.

When the sword was unparalleled, the Temple of the Sword was very irrespondent. This day, Ling God has never been coming out in the second nest. At that time, the sword was unparalleled. Whether the Tianling God found the opportunity, it was in a key stage, now It seems that it should be like this.

The strength of this Tianling God is much stronger than he lasts in front of the world.

"Tianling God ..."

The Lord of the Wushan, the first god king, the real Wu's teacher is also very wrong with the God of God.

In the mistake, more is surprised.

Although they are still ridiculed with each other, no matter what to say, they are now finally in the same camp.

And now the starry alliance is a deficient disadvantage, and it is necessary to completely defeat. At this time, Tianling Shen Emperor will stand up.

This is naturally a surprise, great things.

"This sword is unparalleled, and there is a thousand people to give it to me, you will help the surrounding battlefields." Tianling Shen Emperor is indifferent.

"One by one, can you pay two?" Wushan wrinkled.

"Oh, just two relatively large antices, this seat should be paid to them, even if you want to kill him, it is just a hand." Tianling God smiled, his hands were hunting, in him The handle in the hand is a shock, and a strange alien beast is coming back.


Void tremors, swords unparalleled with the space in front of the thousandths, and immediately crushed.

A dark gun, carrying endless power, constantly zoom in in the sword unparalleled with the pupil of the thousand

"This shot ..." The sword is not a double eye.

"It is horrible!" Thousands of people are horrified.

"Ancient god, eighth finger!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the ancient god is the eighth finger, and the Qiankun refers to the sudden attack.

The thousands of people are the skyrocket, and the blood axes are mighty and the blood axes are also swayed.

Both people do their best.

Pong! Pong!

Two loud noises.

This time, the sword is unparalleled with thousands of people. However, after all, it is two people to join hands, unlike a single person before the thousands of people, it is slightly relaxed.

But this collision, but also fully explained that Tianling God Emperor is fully occupied by an enemy.

And the most important thing is that Tianling God's long gun is very casual, it is obvious that he has not made every effort.

"Too strong! This day, the strength of God is too strong. In the face of him, I actually feeling nothing A face." The thousands of people smashed.

"God?" The sword was unparalleled.

God, the Heaven and Earth Supreme Plan 16.

The first person recognized in the Emperor Chaotic World and God!

It is strong to the extreme, it is said that he can try to fight on it even if he encounters the general emperor.

And now, the thousands of people actually said that Tianling God is no less than God?

"Thousands of ages followed by the Emperor of the purple month, the strength of the gods is certainly unparalleled, and even the possibility of being handed over, since he said, then there will be no mistakes, this day Ling God ..." The sword is not very difficult to look extremely difficult.

The Tiandun of the Star River, the white hair is like a snow, one hand holding gun, the breath of his body climbed, and the time has risen to a new point.

This breath is enough to crush anyone in the field.

The Lord of the Wushan, the first king, the truth of the Zhenwu, the three people, I have been shocked.

They previously tauntful for Tiaoling God, it was extremely dissatisfied, but now it seems that Tianling God disdain, it is a absolute strength.

"Haha, big brother, whole power, kill swords!"

"Be sure to kill him!"

At the other place in the battlefield, the Tianshi God also noticed the scene of this side, and when he sent a lot of laughter.

Tianling God is indifferent, the scorpion is staring at the sword, but it is a step in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled. When this is not there, you are in the mainland, but the slaughter is the strong!"

"Today, this is to kill you, and you will kill your star, for me to revenge and hate the people!"

"You, you will die!"

The cold voice was issued from the mouth of Tianling God, and his voice took a unquestionable.

When he heard him, everyone around the battlefield was a shock, but did not dare to have any doubts.

There is no doubt that this Tianshan God has indeed accused of killing swords and unparalleled, destroying the strength of the star.

However, he saw that Tianling God's Emperor Xu is close, and the pressure from Tian Ling God is also more and more strong, but the sword is not buddy, but there is still no fear.

His inner is not afraid.

"Tianling God, you are really strong!"

"I didn't expect that your strength will actually reach this point, you are right, even if I join hands with thousands, I am afraid that it is your opponent."

"But unfortunately, your opponent is not me."

The sword is unparalleled.

"Well?" Tianling Shen Emperor browned.

Many people around them also conscious, the sword is unparalleled.

The opponent of Tianling God is not him, who is there?

"I want to wait for you to fight your star union, and then face the next Ten Ten League or the Union of the Union, it is useful, but now, it is afraid that it is not available, so ... ... Sword, do it! "

The sword is unparalleled, quietly echoing.

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