Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1914 Sword

"Sword, do it!"

If you hear the sword is unparalleled, everyone is a doubt.

Who is the sword?

"Is there a hidden strong in the stars in the West?" The real martial arts is still muttered.

But at this moment, the transformation is a sudden, and it happened to the true martial art.

I saw a robe sage, and I didn't know when I had already appeared in the Zhenwu teacher.

The means he appeared is too incredible. Although the Zhenwu Lord is a peak emperor, but there is no awareness.

Until this robe evil charm old man reached a palm, this palm contained special magic, and the main head of Zhenwu is coming from the main head of the world.

"not good!"

The main color of Zhenwu is changing, desperately wants to resist, but then the palm is too fast, and it is too mysually.


The palm of the palm, and shoot directly above the head of the Zhenwu.

Horror's power is passed.

The godlife of the true martial arts body table is also the chaotic god treasure, and most of the power will weaken in the first time.

The remaining power is coming, but it still makes the true martial arts main body, and the whole head is like bursting.

But only this palm, he still barely resists it.

However, when this truth is intended to escape, from the evil spirits of the robe, there is a big blush sweater, these blood fog is like a flood beast of the blood, do not give the true martial arts The time of the reaction swallowed the truth.

Blood fog wrap, no one can see the scene inside the blood mist.

Even if you want to find the soul to find out.

But just an instant, but a blink of an eye, the flood huge beast of the heavenly bloody fog has disappeared.

Many energy have retired, revealing the scenes.

But this scene, but all people around them have grown their eyes.

I saw that the robe that came before, the evil charm old, was standing in that void, and behind him was quietly suspended with a cold body.

This body is that it is the real thing.

Zhenwu, the peak emperor, just in this moment, was killed on the spot!

"How can it be?"

"This this……"

"This is a peak emperor."

People who see this scene are incredible.

In particular, the Solo Palace is the first God of the First God.

Their two are also the peak emperor. In fact, the gap between the true martial arts is not large, but the body of the body is slightly better.

But as the peak emperor, even if the body of the body is weak, not who can kill, not to mention it is easy to kill, even the resistance is not.

This suddenly appeared in front of the robe evil, how much is it?

Just as everyone shocked.


This robe is a shackles, but it has already appeared behind the sword, and it also reveals respect and fanaticism.

"Master." The evil spirits of the robe opened, and the sound did not deliberately.

He has also listened to the ear of the sword.

"the host?"

"The old robe of the true martial arts is called the sword."

"One horrible one is strong, I am willing to work with swords."

Everyone has a big eyes.

However, the Wushu master shook his head quickly. "It is impossible, the sword is unparalleled, the potential is endless, but now the strength has not reached that step, and this robe is able to easily kill the horror of the true martial arts. I will never now, I will be willing to be the main thing. According to me, he is 80% of the sword is unparalleled with a special means, but also the soul control! "

"Soul Control?"

One mentioned this word, everyone in the field is not only creepy.

It is definitely an extremely vicious means.

The sword is unparalleled to control such a strong, which is fully illustrated by his energy.

At the same time, everyone is amazed by the sword, but the sword is unparalleled is incomparable and satisfied.

Sword, is his sword, absolutely loyal to him, and in strength ... he is from ancient times.

The war of peaks, but the most extreme in the mixed, which is equivalent to the great chaotic world, but also the top of the emperor.

Such a strong, even if it is only restored to the realm of the top of the chaotic border, but the power is still unfounded.

The sword is unparalleled, knowing that the sword has strong combat power, at least more than himself.

So he has always let the sword stay in the stars, constantly restore strength, never let the sword will be out.

His purpose is to think that in such a battle, let the sword suddenly shot, causing a major result.

In fact, this result is also true that the sword is unparalleled.

Zhenwu's leader, a peak emperor, is also a big fight against the starry alliance.

But under the sword, it is too late to show any means, and it is directly killed.

"Originally, even if the sword is secretly shot, it can only seriously hurt a peak emperor, so that it will lose its fighting power, this is enough, but I didn't expect the sword to kill the Zhenwu, the ancient power The means, it is true. "The sword is unmarkable.

Zhenwu's teacher has a chaotic godhouse level of war armor, although it is the weakest in the peak of God, but wants to kill him.

The sword is a shot, but it is easy to do.

"Tianling God, this is the opponent I gave you, what do you think?" The sword was unparalleled and laughed with Tianling God.

That day, the pace of Ling God had already stopped, and he still holds his gun, but his scorpion has completely solidified it in a sword.

From the first sword, he saw that the strength of the sword was extremely strong, never weak than him.

After all, even if he just shot, it is not possible to kill the Zhenwu teacher.

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat is a little looked at you, and I don't know where to find such a strong, and also control his soul." Tianling God's cold channel.

"Where to find, how to control, you will not be prison, you only need to know that he is your opponent." The sword smiled, and immediately saw the sword next to him. " I gave you the emperor of Tian Ling. "

"Yes." The sword respects the head, and then the body has appeared in front of the day of Ling God.

! ! !

The strong breath is also from the sword. This is strong, and it is not more powerful than Tian Ling God, or even more hidden.

When the sword came, Tianling God felt the good pressure at this moment.

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