Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1915 Zhenlong Secret

"Your name is a sword?"

Tianling God stared at the sword. It is slow to get hot. "I thought that in this world, I only had the qualifications of the god, but now it seems that it is not the case. "

"But this is better, I am defeated you, then challenge God!"

The words of Tianling God were spread, and many people around them were a shock.

Challenge God!

In the current Outdoor Chaotic World, many emperors, it is estimated that only the strength of Tianling God dare to say this.

~~~ A homotype is suddenly litter, but after Tianling God, it is a dragon faint that has a good fortune.

These dragons are very shadow, each vitality is extremely large, and the dense Ma Ma is in that, and it is afraid that there is no thousands of respect.

And Tian Ling Di is the most central, the most center of the dragon, is like the dominance.

"Zhenlong Secret! This is the ancient secret, Zhenu Dragon secret, who is Tianling God, who has been in ancient times, and get an ancient secret, Zhenlong secret!"

"It is said that this secret can be used by the power of the real dragon, so that the strength is increased, this secret can only be absorbed by the Tianling God who has absorbed a drop of Zi Dynasties, can practice and show, others Even if you have a secret, you can't make it, this can be said that it is the strongest secret of Tianshan! "

"When I saw Tianling God, he showed that Zhenlong secret surgery, only to condense the hundred dragon vain, but now it is a thousand respect."

The Lord of the Wushan, the first god of the first gods has a certain understanding of Tian Ling God, and they are amazed.

Tianling God is very famous in the chaotic world, and his unique true dragon secret surgery is naturally known by the world.

Previously, Tian Ling god and the thousand people were handed over with thousands, and they did not use this secret.

But now, it is obviously from the sword to feel a pressure, so it is fully committed, and this secret is displayed.

Thousands of Dragon Dragons were condensed behind Tianling God, and Tianling God's look is indifferent, like a high high emperor.

He is holding a long gun, and a trick can take the force behind the body.


A low drink, Tianling Shen Emperor took the hand.

I saw that he had a blanket in front of his hand, and he had a shadow of the dragon behind him, and he sounded a roar.

~~~ The space is broken, a swirl passage appears.

And the gun shadow of this carrier thousands of dragon vain, it has passed the whirlpool channel, and it appears directly in the sword.

A fire of terror, as if you can boke Billion Mountain River.

The gun is over, the grass is not born!

I saw the guns that came in front of them, and the sword was also in a faint cold.

He has not moved, but his palm is slowly extending, and the gun shadow is angry.

One pointing out, the sky is off!

A dark beam is out of the radius.

This beam volume is not large, but its own power is enough to shock the world!

The same point, when the sword is in the green world, the sword is unparalleled with the sword, and the latter has also made him, the sword is unparalleled, but it is still injured.

Nowadays, the strength of the sword is much stronger than before, and the strength of power is strongly strong.

This referring is also to show it.


The roar of terror sounded, this roaring as if it was a violent impact in two worlds.

After this voice sounded, he!!!! It is also a low slanting sound.

On top of the paint black, the power of the vain of the vain is dissipated, and the black champion will be slightly like. The Tianshan, which is holding the gun, can't help but retreat three steps.

These three steps, each step across tens of thousands of miles away, each step is a huge space black hole in the endless star river.

"Well?" Tianling Shen Emperor brow wrinkled, and it took a shockedness.

He didn't think of it, and he went all his best to make the true dragon secret, and he can confront the sword, but it is still in the wind.

"Come again!"

Tianling God has skyrocketed, and there is no other person in the eyes, and there is no battlefield around him. There is only one of his eyes.

He wants to fight with the sword and divide the winning and negative.

The sword has a magical movement, and immediately welcomes it.

Two enough to rush to the peak emperor, and even faintly comparable to the power of the gods, they were in the center of the battlefield, and they were willing to kill.

The horror moving that killed, making the people around you, don't dare to get close to slight.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled, but it is showing a touch of smile.

The strength of the sword is indeed disappointed, and he doesn't spend a lot of resources for a large amount of resources.

Tianling God is now entangled by the sword. It doesn't come out at all, and the star is in this party. Whether it is the sword is unparalleled, it is still idle.

That took it down ...

"Thousands of old, how much fight is there?" The sword didn't ask.

Just thousands of people were seriously injured by Tianling God.

"50%." Qianzi replied.

"Is it five ?" The sword is unparalleled. "If you add the power of the Star Big Array, it is 70% of the battle, enough!"

"Thousands of old, now the peak emperor left in the starry alliance, only the Wushu Palace and the first god king, you and I shot, I want to give these two people!"

"Yes." Thousands of people nodded.


The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is instantaneous.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled once again, the four-headed gold sword is also slightly trembled, and the first time appeared in front of the owner.


Seeing the four sorts of Hong Yin Jian, the main color of the Wushan is mainly

Even in the outside world, the sword is unparalleled with four sorts of Hong Kong swords, it is enough to suppress him.

And now, this is in the star world, the sword is unparalleled with big array. In addition, the sword is unparalleled. This time he kills him, he is not only single, Hongyu Jinjian, his book is directly rely.

"Three hits have been suppressed by him, one-on-one?" The main color of the Wushu Palace was pale.

As for the first king, it is handed over with thousands of people, and the thousands of people are finally impaired. It is difficult to make too big advantage with the first god king, but it has not fallen.

The first king can't provide some help to the Wushan Lord.

As far as the Wushu master, the sword is unparalleled, obviously enemies.


The sword is unparalleled.

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