Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1916 Tute!


A low roar sounded, and the four sorts of Hong Yinjian were bombarded, and the sword was unparalleled and the killing ability was completely burst.

The Wushan owner could not be resistant to fight, and the fierce battle was completely pressed.

And this pressure only continued for a while, and the swordsmanship of the sword had already hit the Wushu master three times.

Although the Wushan Master is extremely strong, it is hit by positive attacks, and the body is still impact.

"I can't stop, I can't stop this sword."

"If you go on this, I will die!"

The Wushan Moul is like fire.

And at the same time, he also noticed the battlefield around the surrounding.

On the battlefield, the Extinguishing Union has already formed a defeat.

Nearly seventy large energy, in the stars, the squad, with the glory of the star river, now, has fallen more than twenty.

Confused and the stars, the martial arts, the loss of the troops, very few.

The strength of both parties, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

The strong people of the Extinguished Union are all panicked.

"If you want to do a way, it is finished!"

"Escape, we quickly escape!"

"Escape, here is the Star River, it is a trap deliberately arranged in the stars. They deliberately let us come in. Now we have already been completely blocked, can't escape. "

A panicked voice continued to spread on the battlefield.

Most of those who have a strong eye of the starry union is red.

They are not stupid, and the situation in front is clear.

The starry alliance has been defeated, and it is completely defeated.

Even lost the ability to resist, continue to stand, only the shack of crazy slaughter by the star.

At this point, they are also thinking about it, they can quickly discover, they are not there.

This is a trap in the stars, since it is a trap, it must be blocked.

They can't escape.

The only possibility is that some people come to rescue.

For example, the same two major alliances have an idea of ​​the stars.

"This death, time and space is blocked, our messages can not pass, and they cannot contact other two alliances, and the two alliances will now have gathered outside the Star River, but they don't know this in this star Hano. what."

"What should I do? What should I do?"

"The two major alliances will definitely have a pulse of the stars, but they are waiting for the timing, I want to wait for my union alliance to put the stars, and then shoot, and now, we can only hope, the two alliances It's been able to rush into the Star River early. "

"Yes, only this!"

"All support, I want to drag the two major alliances to kill, and can resolve the crisis when they arrive. At the same time, you can pull the root of this star !!!"

On the battlefield, a shout.

The strong people of the union alliance have now regarded the two alliances as the final life-saving straw.

They are trying to delay the time, dragging the two major alliances.

Of course, this process is extremely torment, and a large number of strong people have been killed directly by the Stars.

The quantity of the federal alliance is also reduced at an amazing speed.

There are nearly seventy-seventh large energy, but now, there is less than fifty people, and it is still decreasing.

Less than forty people ...

No thirty people ...

It is still reduced.

On the other side, it is an exterior of the Yanyu River. They are doing two major alliances for life-saving straw, and now they have already gathered the strong to come here.

Ten Ten Alliance, many God gathered together.

The Ten Ten Alliance is two strongest, that is, one of the two peaks, the emperor of the Emperor, and the Sword of the Sword, "Extinguith the Star Alliance broke into the star river, it has been a period of time, no accident is now the star The strong is almost the same as they kill. "

"Well, although the strength of the stars is good, but it is too far from the frenzy alliance, but it is too far away, as long as the big array is defeated, then they have no resistance to the power, and the top more is only to do some sleepy beasts. It can't support it too long. "The other peak emperor, the Wu Shi Shi said.

"In this case, what are we waiting for, hurry up!"

"Yes, although the first side, the best waiting for the star, all the high-level war, the best of the starry alliance, but the stars, my heaven, the hatred is too big, if you don't kill the star, one pulse I am really unwilling! "

"I am waiting."

The other Gods around the gods are all in the sky, and they are all overwhelming.

In the three major alliances, the union alliance and the Ten Ten Alliance have a great hatred with the Stars.

Many of the hatebles are very deep, which is the kind of not dead.

Although letting the starry alliance destroy the star, they enjoy their good choice, and huge hatred has trend them to personally.

"Since you can't wait, let me wait."

Emperor Jianmen looked at the surroundings. He subsequently subsequently, the entire Ten Alliance, the same lineup of ten largerists, near the Dynasty River near the past.

The many strong people who have come to the Crossing River have come to a corner of the Star River.

"Before the felling star, is it in this way?" Emperor Swordsman looked around one.

"Yes, I will see the eyes, the union of the union, the strong people will blow a big hole here, but now this big hole has healed." This emperor's Swordsman's true God said.

"Hey, what is healed? Since the mortar federation can break this big array, then my ten-pole alliance can also." The Emperor Swordsman smiled.

I am a lot of strong people, and I have shot.

A strong attack, while falling to the weak place of the Star River, and suddenly the entire star river shot crazy.

The deepest place in the Star River.

The Yuan Dynasty is always hidden there, and continuously use the Star River to create an advantage to the star.

Suddenly ... Boom! The entire star river is abrupt.

"Well?" The main color of the Yuan Dynasty was slightly changed. "Is it finally couldn't help?"

"Fortunately, just a ten-pole alliance."

When the Yuan Dynasty is the battlefield, it is crazy to crush the Wushan Lord. The main injuries of the Wushu Palace will have been able to force it to the desperate sword.

"The Palace Lord, the Ten Ten Alliance has been working, and now she is bombarding the big array." The Yuan Dynasty was indifferent.

"Just just a ten-pole alliance? What about the Canadian Union?" The sword was unparalleled and immediately retired.

The time and space of this star river is controlled by the main hall, and the strong people of the Extinguished Union cannot be submitted on the battlefield, but the sword is unparalleled.

"The Dabin League has never been doing." The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Very good, anyway, the union alliance is almost the same. Since this Ten Alliance is going to die, then I will receive it!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Put the Ten Union!"


PS: Today is 5 more!

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