Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1917 is stunned

Booming ~~~ Big vibrates, soon a huge gap appeared in front of many of the Ten Alliance.

The many strong people of the Ten Ten League passed this port, but also to join within the Star River.

"I hope that the stars will be able to persist in a while, so let us catch up."

"Reassured, this is just out of time, the star has not yet been completely extinct, we must have a chance."

"Hey, I can't wait."

These strong people of the Ten Alliance talk about each other, and they are constantly plunding in the arch.

Not long, they came to the core of the star river, that is, the battlefield.

As soon as they came to the battlefield, they immediately saw the battlefields in front, and they were ignored, and the expression immediately became stunned.

In front of them, the battle was still ongoing.

However, this war is now looking, but it is very fierce.

On the side, it is totally a battle.

Even the words of the Wars can't be described at all, but it is better to say that this is a slaughter!

I saw a large number of towers, with some stars of the stars, constantly flocked, and crazyly killed some people in the center.

A round of attacked, being surrounded by the strong people from the mortar alliance, was constantly killed, and the quantity was increasing.

In the present, there was less than twenty people who were killed by the Stars, and even if they were alive, most have been hit.

"How could this be?"

"I am not dreaming?"

"It should not be the star of the stars, it is completely crushed, slaughtered, no room for your hand? How is it completely transferred?"

"Extinguishing the star alliance, is it slaughtered by the star?"


Seeing everyone in the battlefield scene in front of the battlefield, all stunned.

They didn't expect this war at all, they will be derived.

Before they, they did not place a star in the district in the eyes.

However, the situation on the battlefield now is clear that the mutant alliance has been completely defeated, and it is facing slaughter!

"Ten Ten Alliance, is the ten-pole alliance!"

On the battlefield, those who had still been residual, and they were coming, they saw that they arrived in the Ten Alliance.

Some people immediately roar, "Ten Alliance, shot, and let me wait for the star!"

"Quickly, I'm excluding the star alliance, and you will not have a good way to take the star one."

"Fast life !!!"

The sound is screaming, with the screaming in the battlefield.

The many strong people of the Ten Alliance looked at each other.

"How to do?"

One of the eyes will have a sword of the sword, and the two peaks of the Wu Shi Shen Emperor have seen it.

On the way, they think about how to overhave the star.

It can really come to the Star River, but the scene seen is completely different from them, and the many ideas before they don't pass.

The main color of the Emperor Sword is cold. Just as a battle, immediately shot! "

"Well, this is our only opportunity." Wu Shi Shen also nodded.

"Kill it!"

A low drink, the Di Sword Men, the Wu Shi Shenmine took the lead in killing.

The many strong people of the Ten Ten League saw this, and they did not hesitate, and a road shape was also attacked immediately.

Ten Alliance, giving a war!

"It's good."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not anger. "All the best, the top ten alliance is also out!"

The sword is unparalleled, echoes over the battlefield.

The young people of the Star Winnads heard the words, and they couldn't help but hurt, and the eyes were excited and fanatical.

Before playing with the starry alliance, they still have some embarrassments, worried that the self cannot compete with the starry alliance.

Who once thought that the starry alliance was presented in the trend, and it was a slaughter.

This makes these guests, the elders, and the morale is also unprecedented.

Now, even if the ten pole is coming, they are not afraid.

What's more, now the star is still a lot of combat efforts, and it is not afraid of the Ten Alliance.

"Kill!" "Kill!"

"Kill them!"

"Haha, I haven't been there for a long time."

I am shocked, and the strong people in the stars will immediately fight against the ten-pointed people.

In the crowd.

"The sword is unparalleled!" A flaw sounded.

The sword is unparalleled, and when he saw a man who sent an angry person, his mouth couldn't help but wipe it, "It turned out to be an emperor door, I have seen this emperor. The main heart blazies, once I am in the crisis, you will definitely don't hesitate to shoot my star, now, now it is true. "

"Hey, if you first shot, I will cover my emperor, don't you have this scene?" Emperor Swordsman snorted: "Today, it is my emperor's sword to wash the brush. The day. "

"Yes? That looks like this can be resistant."

The sword is unparalleled, the idea is moving, the four sorts of Hong Yinjian have made the main lightning of the Dynasty sword.

At the same time, the sword is also a stent, fourteen arms, waving for 14-handed long sword, the sword is vertical, and the Di Dynasty swordsman is oppressed.

The Emperor Sword Men, who knows that the sword is unparalleled, and it does not dare to have a big meaning.

Immediately go all out to show swordsmanship.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

I only heard a fierce impact sound of the plum, just a photo, but the moment of kung fu, this Emperor Swordsman is already directly forced by the sword, and his body shape is a sorld.

"This sword is unparalleled, but it is really strong." Emperor's sword murmured.

"Emperor Sword Men."

The sound sounded, but I saw the main figure of the Principal's main body appeared next to him.

"This sword is unparalleled, far less than I can wait, I have been with the first king, the real Wu's leader, and it is pressed by him on the power of power. Now you have a single one who wants to compete with him. That is impossible, only you, I will add the Wu Shi Shen, three people teamed up to fight with him. "

The Wushu Palace is low, but if you look at it, you will find that the main color of this mourner is quite pale, and blood is still covered.

Obviously, one person is in the face of swords, and it is extremely miserable.

If he arrives in the Ten Alliance, I am afraid that he is quickly killed by swords.

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