Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1918, three major alliances

"The three peaks goddess, can only be fighting with him?" The Emperor Swordsman was shocked, but the look became unusual.

And the udon of the monster, also appeared next to the monarchy door.

"Udemon God, I tried to join hands, to deal with this sword is unparalleled." The main road of the Emperor Sword.

"Well." Ui Di will look back.

Suddenly, the three peaks of the peaks, they were directly shot.

"Is it three? Haha, then come." The sword is not afraid.

Time, the sword is unparalleled with these three peaks.

The strong people who participated in the Ten Alliance and the Star Alliance also gathered with the strong battle with the stars.

The heat of the two sides war.

In a short time, I want to share a winning and negative, I am afraid of a lot of reality.

However, just in the battle between the two sides ...


The horrible roaring came from the far away, and the whole Yanyu River was crazy at this moment, as if it had been shake.

"not good."

The main hall of the Temple hidden in the star river is suddenly changing, and he has already seen the scene outside the starheater, even if there is no double message to the sword.

"The Palace Lord, the Dabin Union also has fun!" Yuan Temple is anxious.

"Canadian Union?" The sword is not a double eye.

The strongest strength is the most powerful alliance.

However, the Dacheng Union and the Stars have no hatred, purely rushing to the stars secret, so they have not too strong to the stars.

Before the consciousness of the Shuraki, I arrived in person, and I also put forward the conditions to the Stars, but I didn't reply to the star now.

In fact, there is a decision early in the West, and it is not only to stabilize the energy of the energy.

Even so, this Voluntary Union still has not been able to hold back, and it is at this time.

"Extinguished Union has been solved, plus the Ten Alliance, I can cope with the star, and cooperate with the big array, you can win more than 60%, but now if the Canadian Alliance is coming in ..." Swordless is unfolded.

The strong people of the two major alliances on the battlefield also induced the vibration of the surrounding star river.

They also guess this vibration.

"It is the Dabin Union, which is the Dabin League!"

"This veterans, is it fingered?"

"The strength of the stars is too strong, even if I now join hands, I don't have to have absolute winners, and this velive alliance, although there is no great hatred with the stars, but finally is rushing to the stars The stars secretly came, I want to get a secret, they must also stand in us! "

"Fast, we also attacked the big array, with the Daguant Union, let them come in."

The two alliances made a decision immediately.

When the strong who saw the two camps, they slammed their crazy from the surrounding Star River.

"Worse!" The main color of the Yuan Dynasty, "Single Sales A Canadian Alliance is crazy from the outside, it has great pressure, and now the two alliances are bombarded from the internal, my star river is finally damaged. Not repaired ...

"The palace master, I can't help!"

On the battlefield, it is unparalleled with the three peaks of God's fierce battle.

He knows that the Yuan Dynasty is trying to do our best.

"Since you can't help, let the strong people of the Canadian Union come in." The sword is unparalleled.

"Let them come in?" Yuan Temple is a big, but still does not wait for him, and it is a horrible power to bombard the star river.

The big star river is the big star, this time is a real bombardment.

The strong people of the Daba Alliance immediately swarmed, with their speed, but the moment, there was already the edge of the battlefield.

When the strong people of the Dagist Alliance, when they see the situation in front of the battlefield, many strong people are equally horrified.

In particular, I saw one of the battlefields, that day, Ling God and the sword!

Two major terrorist warfare, in the star river, the power of the show, even if the peak emperor is very fearful.

He two people fight, and no one dare to enter millions of miles of two people.

"Extinguished Joint League, the Ten Alliance has been shot, can only spend a flag with the stars?"

"Star and a terrible strength."

Many strong people in the Alliance Alliances are amazed.

And at this time ...

"Yuan Temple, send me to the power of the power of the Dabin Union." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Yuan Temple nodded.

Immediately after the sword didn't have a double, a space insect cave appeared in the sky, the sword was unparalleled to give up the entanglement of the three peaks in front of the top three peaks, and spanned into the spatial wormhole.

When the light flashes, the sword has come to the front of the Daren Union.

As the three major alliances, the most powerful multi-energy union, the vast energy of the vast energy is suspended in the Star River at the moment, and it is not directly involved.

The eyes of these big people are all about the shadows that are nearing in front of them.

This figure is naturally a sword.

"It has so many soldiers, there is no strength of any major alliance, but you have always showed weak stars, even if you are blocked by the starry alliance, you are in the heart of the star, until now, it's really truly, sword Monarch, your means, it is really good enough. "

The Shurao emperor of the Dagist Union is low, and it is spread in this world. "This time, if the speed of my energy is slow, I am afraid that this extinguishing joint party, the Ten Alliance will completely funeral Is it in your hand in your star? "

"Extinguished Star Alliance and the Ten Ten Union are in order to cover my star, I naturally won't polite to them, if there is an opportunity, of course, I will cover this two alliances, but it is your energy Alliance, with my star, there is no half of hatred, if you can give me a star, I will retreat, don't have to be in this matter, afterwards, I will thank you for greement. "Sword is unparalleled Humble.

"Want us to retreat?"

Luo's emperor smiled, said: "Sword Monarch, I will mention the conditions with you before, as long as your star is willing to pass the inheritance of the stars, I naturally retreat, I will never commit your star. One pulse one is one yet, as for the survival of the two major alliances, it is also not coherent to us. "

"Well, I can promise to pay the inheritance of Star Chen, but now I have to leave it first." The sword is unparalleled.

If you hear the sword is unparalleled, the inner workers of the Dagui Alliance are always moving.

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