Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1926, a sword!

"Is he?" The Emperor of the purple is full of mistaken look at the white robes.

This white robe is proud of the man, he has never seen it.

However, he looked at the first eye of the other party, he knew that each other ... is terrible!

This horror, his emperor, never succumbed from others.

The sword is unparalleled and staring at this person in front of him.

This person, others don't know, but he knows.

The mysterious power I met when he was in ancient battlefield when he was in the ancient battlefield. The 'geeks'.

It is a geek. When the sword is unparalleled, it should be offended. But he did not move, and did not shoot the sword without double, just left a special mark in the sword.

This imprint, the sword is unparalleled.

But just a mark, the sword is unparalleled.

But now, this mystery from the ancient battlefield, actually appeared in front of him through imprint

What is this means?

"who are you?"

The low voice came from the mouth of the Jiu Hibin. He finally became the great emperor, and he was still the top of the emperor. Although he felt that this person was very strong, he may be weaker than him, but he can also stay calm.

Standing in the sword where there is no double-in-faced man watching Nine Hall, just a cold word, "roll!"

Simply a single word does not have any power.

But but let all the people have an illusion, as if this word is representative, it is the will of heaven.

"court death!"

The Jiu Han is anger.

He is a nine holy owner, even if it is white emperor, it is not directly to him.

Now I don't know where to come out, but I want to roll?

How does he not angry?

"Under the trend, in addition to the white emperor, anyone does not put it in his eyes, which is the onion?"


On the occasion of the nine holy owner, his eyes were flashing, and the boundless dark world was crazy.

Booming ~~~ Endless black cloud swept, in an instant, there is a black giant behemoth with millions of miles.

This dark behemoth opened a big mouth, this big mouth is a huge dark vortex, which is before the sword is unparalleled, and the clouds can be swallowed. Directly swallowed in the white robes.

Dark beasts, destroy the earth!

There are unbounded people in the scene.

Even if it is the emperor of the purple month, the eyes are also sharp.

The same is the emperor, but the nine holy main row is in the third, and he is in the bottom of many emperors, and the strength is naturally large.

Even if you go all out, you can only do it in the nine holy owner.

And now, he sees that the Nine Holy Lord has fully handed it.

"This person, can you block nine amen?" The emperor of the purple muttered.

But at this time ... The white robes who have been eye-catching by everyone, but suddenly look up.

He didn't have any action, just looking up, looking out.

A eye, one mind ...


That foot is filled with the dark giant burst of the miles, millions of miles of black clouds in the smoke.

At the same time, around the world, because the existence of Jiu Hao is falling into a boundless darkness, but in this white robe's lonely man's eyes, the darkness of the sky will fall back, and the moment is too quiet, and the whole world is returned. There is no one in a dark trace again.

"How is it possible?" The nine holy is widened, still standing there, but he can don't have any darkness in the moment.

"Scorpio." The Emperor of the purple is also shocked.

Everyone present is even more unique.

"You have already shot, then I, you will also have a sword."

The white robe is still there, and the indifferent sound is issued from his mouth, and his hands have been carrying a finger, slowly reaching out, facing the Nine Holy Lord. Void, casual one.

This is like an ordinary child with a finger like a void painting.

The clouds are flowing, but it is simple to extreme.


A sword is light, suddenly lit.

Sword is not dazzling, it is very ordinary, flat.

It can be such a sword light, but the Jiu Han is close to the soul.

He despends to show the means to resist, but at this moment he is frightened, he can't move.

"Can't you move?"

"I can't move the emperor?"

The Jiu Han Lord is sluggish, and the body and mind will only look at the sword light in his eyes.

He even even didn't even even the simple raise hand.


Sword is coming, a roar.

The paint black armor of the Jiu Hou's main body is that he has got an ancient warfare in the ancient times a long time ago.

This war is extremely strong, absolutely the chaotic godhouse, even more strong than the general chaotic gods.

With this war armor, the Jiu Han Lord even dare to break into some crises in the ancient secret.

But now, with the sword swept, the armor of his body is touched, and it is directly burst.


His chaotic god treasure warfare, was smashed by this sword, and smash.

And the sword light is still impact on him.


Jiu Han Lord is mad, spurting a blood, the whole person is like a dead dog, but he can surround the void, but there is no one-stop, and there is no one, the power or sword light can sweep. Only this nine-Tang Holy Lord suffered from heavy.

This scene was seen in the eyes.


The whole field is quiet!

Everyone looked at the white robe and lonely man.

A look, bombard everything in the world, smash the dark beast, making the surrounded by boundless darkness.

One-handed one, a sword, smash the nine-pointed home format, so that the Jiu Hosheng is hitting the holy.

These, all the white robe is complete.

"He, who is it !!!"

The purple moon is crazy, roaring, hysterically.

But the lonely man in the White Robe once again supported his hands. His indifferent eyes glanced at the direction of the nine-Tang Holy Lord. "You, don't die in my hand, roll!"

Sound propagation is open.

When I heard this, the nine-Tang Holy Lord was once again sprayed a blood, almost awkward.

Many strong people around them are unattled.

They all understand that the nine holy owner, the reason is still alive, just because he is not killing in the other party?

Because not match?

So, what he lived?

Everyone in the field, all have it.


PS: Today is 5 more!

Today, the chapters should be very cool, I feel refreshed, if the brothers feel good, enjoy a lot, vote!

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