Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1927 picks me a sword

"Holy Lord."

The Shouqiao Palace, the main people of the Wushu Palace have come to the Nine Holy Lord.

The nine holy owner is full of faces, there is no blood, and the breath is even less than the general god.

He is full of grievances to look at the white robes, but they don't dare to attack.

He is very clear, the other party has the strength that is easy to kill him.

His heart is also full of incredible.

Long years, he has always occupied the third place in the heaven and earth, even if it is the second red dragon king, although ranking is higher than him, but not he is in mind.

He also thought that under the way, only Bai Emperor was able to truly on him.

He has always thought.

But today, I saw this white robe and proud man, and his inner pride walked outless.

Obviously, he is too small to see this world.

"let's go!"

The Jiu Han is difficult to say three words, followed by the escort of everyone in the Jiuqi Palace, the wolf left.

This scene, made many strong people in the field couldn't help.

You must know that it is just that the Jiu Han Lord is still that hegemony, unscrupulous, its horrible strength, makes everyone despair.

But the blink of an eye is seriously injured, even half of the words don't dare to say more, and you go.

It is a white robe that has become a focus.

At this moment, all people are roaring in the end, "this person, who is it?"

Everyone is in curious this white robe's lonely man's identity.


The sword is unparalleled, and you want to ask.

However, this white robe is no longer looking at the sword, but his scorpion is looking at a direction.

Everyone also looked at the direction of the white robe's lonely man, and saw a volatile void in front, but in the void, there is a black point.

Under the eyes of everyone, this black spot is constantly enlarged, and it is ultimately thoroughly in front of everyone.

This black point is also a movie.

He is a gray robbery, white hair, and the skin is equally full of fierce.

He, obviously a man, but there is a beautiful beauty that is ashamed to make the many women who have a chaotic world, which is unparalleled, plus the white-dedicated skin, and the whole person looks very different.

When this white-haired white monsters appear on this void, the many strong people on this void once again appeared.

The Emperor's Emperor is a fierce.

"White, Bai Emperor !!!"

This time, the whole void, instant!

"White Emperor! Is he Bai Emperor?"

"Wancha Chaos World is high, the recognized strongest Bai Emperor, actually arrived?"

"Scorpio, today, what happened?"

Everyone has a piece.

The great emperor, the ancient chaotic world stood in the top of the top of the pyramid.

Every one is a real taller, all of the big holy land.

This kind of existence, it is difficult to see it in the weekdays, but today ...

The Jiu Han Lord, the purple moon has appeared.

Then there was a mysterious white robe, the mysterious man, and the endless darkness was dissatisfactory.

It will be done here. Now, even the white emperor is all arrived! ! !

That's white emperor! !

Wanxia Chaos World Really strong! !

myth! ! !

"That is the white emperor?" The sword was unparalleled and the face was shocked.

He didn't expect that this supreme white emperor will rush to this void in this tip.

Moreover, after the white emperor appeared, it was like a white rouse that wear everything in the world, and he was still locked in the white robes.

As a strong, the white emperor is clear, and this white robe is a strong man in front of him.

"Are you the strongest in this world?" White Robe is still proud of the man, and it is indifferent to the white emperor.

"The strongest is not dare, I don't know if I'm famous?" The white emperor revealed a mildly smile and looked polite.

"If you can follow my sword, I have the qualifications to know my name." White Robe is relieved.

"Next sword? Then I want to try it." Baili smiled.

A simple turning dialogue, but it is shrinking in the scene.

This is just a sword to seriously hurt the White Robe of the Jiu Han Lord, to fight with Bai Emperor, do it?


"Let's go back!"

There are no hesitations in the scene, and they are crazy to go far away.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, Tianling God Emperor, the strong person such as this level is in this moment.

Even the emperor of the purple moon, and did not hesitate to reverse.

They are all very clear, whether it is white emperor, or the mysterious white robe is proud of the man, has a strong terrorist strength.

He is the battle, the great emperor is not daring, forcibly mixing, and there is no difference between life.

On the void, the two people are still holding a million miles away.

And there is no one in the range of hundreds of millions around him.

The strong people in the stars, the remains of the two alliances have retired from the extremely long, and they have their eyes, with endless excitement and expectations, staring at the most central.

Although it is the purple moon, it is extremely expected to this battle.

Finally, in this void, the most core of the white robe is proud of the man, and the carrier is slowly lifted again.

It is also a finger to extend, and then in front of the front, it will come casually.

This is like a ghost characters, it is easy, but it is ridiculous.

Without any sword, Shen Li Yi scattered.

But at the moment of his finger.

boom! ! !

A shock of heaven and earth, from the most central, heaven and earth to tear open.

A huge heaven and earth crack appeared in air, in the surrounding eyes, this heaven and earth crack began to zoom in in terrorist speed.

Hundred miles! A thousand miles! Wanli!


Finally, it stretched with footstep.

This hundreds of miles of cracks appeared, directly spanning throughout the world, with endless space, air, including time and space, all factors in heaven and earth.

The whole world has no substances.

Some swords light illuminated.

Very weak, a sword light that does not lick.

If it is on weekdays, this sword light will not cause anyone's attention, but now, this sword is becoming this vast world, the only substance that still exists.

It became the only one and became eternal.

"This sword ..."

The sword of the battlefield is unparalleled. When I see that it has become a unique, when I become an eternal sword, my eyes is instantaneous.

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