Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1928 Emperor Thirteen

The sword is unparalleled, it is a genuine pride of the goods.

He has a very high affinity on the sword.

Now, see the swordsmanship of this white robe, the sword is unparalleled, only a new Sword door appears in front of him.

He has never thought of it, a sword, can make the heaven and earth, including time and space completely excessive.

The sword is a sword, it is a tool to kill the enemy.

But now ... sword, it seems that it is not only that simple.

Many strong people have also been attracted by the swordsmanship of the white robes.

That sword, as if the book is the core of heaven and earth.

And I saw the sword attack, and the white emperor had a bright spot in Bai Yi, and his faces have also downgly.

Rumble ~~~ A breathing is suddenly littering from the white emperor.

This breath, in the world, overlooking all beings everything.

This is a high height, which belongs to the heavens and the earth.

White Emperor, he is the power of the ancient chaotic world, which is his breath.

At the same time, a huge golden imaginary shadow has also quietly emerged from him.

This golden vain is a golden emperor.

He is 933,000 heights, three thousand feet wide, a pair of golden eyes, look straight down.

This look, as if heaven and earth should have to surrender in his feet.

The white emperor shot.

His slender arm slowly lifted, five fingers were cleaned, and then a punch.

The nine thousands of nine thousand feet high golden emperors, the same grip.

A punch, enough to scream chaos.

However, whether it is the Boxer's punch, or the sword light of the white robe, there is no one, and there is no power to come out.

Feeling, all Puttong, the control of the power, has reached a thrilling point.

Subsequently, the front of the two came into contact.

Once in contact, endless power swept.

There are hundreds of millions of thousands of miles around, all by endless power.

However, even if the power is hevant, there is no slightly horizontal roar, and some are only the sound of energy squeezing collision.

The many strong people who stayed in the distance were thought that they had retired. However, the two attacks really touched the moment that the power was displayed. Endless power is also slightly wave, then The horror is sufficient to tear the sky, whiteline, everyone does not open his eyes under this strong sweater.

If the only one can open your eyes, it is estimated that only the purple moon.

However, the purple emperor at this moment is a full face.

"Too strong, too strong!"

"Single periphery is so strong, the core power, how much is it?"

The purple moon murmured, he as an emperor, the core scene of the battlefield, he also cited it, but even the peripheral power, but he has already jumped him.

He is clear, with his strength, if it is the core of the battlefield, under the horror of the horror, he can't live.

~~~ The horrible power continues the time of ten breathing, finally dissipated.

Many strong people around the world opened their eyes, and I went to the battlefield.

At this point of view, everyone can't help but hair, it feels completely to fell.

I saw the battlefield, the void of hundreds of millions of empty, has already completely disappeared.

All disappeared.

Some are just dark, swallowing all horrible black holes.

This black hole is still expanding rapidly in an amazing speed.

"Time and space, is there?" The sword was muffy.

A confrontation, billions of miles, everything is all dishemented, no.

This is the result of the white emperor and the white robe proud man.


This horrible battle force, the sword is unparalleled.

In his impression, perhaps only the independence of the eighth nest, in the ancient battlefield picture seen before that huge spirit, the ancient war in the picture can achieve this horizontal west. .

"too strong!"

The people around them are sent to the excitement, one by one, with an unprecedented horror.

And in that thoroughly became a million miles, the most central position, two people still stand quietly.

"You can block my sword on your front, you are not bad." White Robe is looking at Bai Emperor, but it is still indifferent.

The white emperor is slightly lined up, but the completion has an unprecedented dignity.

One confrontation, he has seen the strong horizontal of the opponent.

This is a strong horizontal, don't say the second era of now, it is the first era, and no one can have.

Like the first era, the great super strong, such as the unlike the Sword Emperor, is called the first time in the first era, but in the eyes of the white emperor, even the Sword Emperor of the whole day, no The mysterious white robe is terrible.

"The first era has already collapsed for many years, but I have survived, I have been now, I am stronger than too much before the strength, if it is now, the Sword Emperor appears in front of me, I have confidence positive Press it, but even defeat, but I haven't grasp it at this person! "

"This person ..." Bai Emperor ripped the waves.

"You are Bai Emperor?"

The voice of the white robe is again rang again. "Although it is just a chaotic border, it is also possible to explode the power of the chaotic level, you are eligible to know my name, Listen, my name ... Emperor 13! "

"Emperor 13?"

"The name of this mystery, called Emperor 13?"

There are countless strong inner motivations, and they also remember this name.

Because the owner of this name is a super power that can be on the front of the Breakfast.

The white emperor is cold and does not open.

He didn't heard about the name of the 13th, in the first era, did not heard of it, so there is no doubt that this emperor is inevitably coming from afar!

"The secrets you just show, Although the power is good, but unfortunately, it is incomplete, just, I am in my hand, I just have the full method of this secret, what you want, I can give you." Emperor thirteen Walk away.

Bai Emperor is now condensed.

"Of course, as a condition, you have to replace this little guy for a while, you can't use too long, and you will have a few thousand years." The Emperor's thirteen pointed to the sword behind him.

"Yes." Bernard nodded directly.

See this, the embarrassment of the embarrassment of the Emperor of the Emperor also reveals a light smile, but the body shape is dissipated.

"This is ..." Bai Di saw that this is a sharp contract, "consciousness !!!"

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