Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1929 Sword Musou and Bai Emperor


Unlike awareness.

Incaround, just consciously condensed, there is no strength of power, and it is just just will.

But consciousness is a certain degree of war, which is related to the strength of the present.

Bai Emperor knows that in ancient times, some powerful powerful strong people, through the heil-free means, can form awareness to fight.

But he didn't think of it, just fighting with him, and he must go all out to treat the Emperor to treat, just just a consciousness.

The consciousness is strong, it is true that this is coming?

"The strong people in the ancient times ..." Bai Emperor's white palm is not compromised.

And many of the many strong people around, seeing the Emperor Thirteen suddenly disappeared, so.

Especially the sword is unparalleled.

He didn't know if he turned it. This emperor is thirteen, why suddenly shot help him.

He and the Emperor should do not have any entanglements according to the truth.

Last time I am in ancient battlefield, he also offends the opponent's hidden.

According to the truth, even if he kills him directly.

However, the Emperor 13 not only didn't kill him, but it left a mark in his body. When he met the crisis, the Emperor thirteen was directly delivered.

I will rescue it. Before I left, the Emperor has reached an agreement with Bai Di, who is going to take him one or two?

This is clearly a big dry system, it will do this.

But honestly, the sword is unparalleled, the emperor is unclear, he just knows that the other party is from ancient times.

In addition, I don't know.


I have a body shape and have appeared next to the white emperor.

"Bai Emperor." The Emperor of the Violet shouted.

The same is the emperor, but the Violet Emperor faces the White Emperor, as God, God is facing the emperor.

This is also normal, Bai Emperor, although it is just the land, but its strength has already surpassed the emperor.

"This seat has just arrived, the previous thing is not aware, let's talk." White Emperor saw the Emperor of the Emperor.

"Yes." The emperor of the purple is nodded, and it is said that some things you know is simply sure.

Among them, how to include the Jiu Han Lord hegemony, regardless of his hindrance, directly to the sword without double shot.

Even the Jiu Hoshan shovel destroyed his consciousness.

Of course, the mysterious white robe is proud of the men's Emperor thirteen, defeating the Sacross of Jiuwei, and he also said it.

"Is this?" After the white emperor heard, he nodded slightly, then the Bai Wei came around to open around, "this war, until all people come from, all come back."

The voice of the white emperor took a unquestionable.

After listening to the many strong people in the scene, they did not dare to have a violation, and they left to the White Emperor.

When I left, the two major alliances did not have anything unwilling, and they were a bit a greatest.

After all, they have already defeated it. If you continue to fight, there is only a strong slaughter.

When the strong people of the two alliance leave.

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat wants to go to your star, you can welcome it?" Bai Emperor was unparalleled in the sword.

"White Emperor is visible, my star is a fluffy, there is a refusal? Adults please." The sword is unparalleled.

Immediately in the leadership of the sword, the Bai Di, the emperor of the purple moon will go to the star.


The old nest of the Yanyu River, the old nest of the stars, is also a sword unparalleled residence, and the Sword is above.

In the temple of magnificent hall, there is only two unparalleled and white emperors.

As for others, including the Emperor Emperor, all waiting outside.

The sword is unparalleled with the white emperor, and the white emperor has a cup of tea in his hand, and it is light, but it does not open.

The sword is quite humble, but there is no fear.

Silent, the Bai Emperor finally put down the hands of the tea cup, and there was no double to the singularity of the sword. "The sword is unparalleled. How long have you been in the ultimate God?"

The sword has no double look.

The ultimate God, this is called, he has never told others, but the white emperor is the same as him, but also reverses, naturally it is.

"It is already a thousand years." The sword has no double.

"The only thousands of years?" Bai Emperor smiled slightly, "The time that did not have a sadness in the first stage, the time staying in the ultimate God can be more than you have, and he stays extremely long time in the ultimate true God, and During this time, he didn't just want to ask this seat. I wanted to get a way to refurbish the seventh step. But unfortunately, I wouldn't want to see him until I finally, why do you know why? "

The sword has shaken his head.

He reversed the first step of the next step is no sadness, he also talked with no sadness, knowing the helplessness of no sadness.

No sadness has paid a lot in order to reverse the seventh step method, but unfortunately until he is dead, you can't see the white emperor.

"This is not willing to see him, that is because he is too weak." White Emperor said: "Although he fate over the triple reflexive renovation, he really reaches the topmost of the ultimate God, but he has reversed this identity. In addition, the other all is a place, the power, he is purely on the powerful power of the Emperor's level, which is equivalent to the first strength of the emperor level in the third stage of the ultimate God, can be wrenching with the general gods. "

"His sense of arrival, all kinds of secret motion, very mediocre."

"In this case, even if he handed the method of the seventh step of the refurbished step, let him break through the level of the energy, then he also has the power of the emperor, even in the Emperor, because this is him. The limit! "

"This is too weak, and there is almost no impact on the entire Out of Chaos World."

"In this case, why do you want to see him? Why do you want to give him a manner?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is quite surprised.

No sorrow is not high, the opportunity is not very good, this sword is unparalleled.

However, Bai Emperor is because there is no sadness of the gods, it is not willing to give him the seventh step method, this is the sword.

"No sadness is too mediocre, but you are different."

The Bai Di's sword watched it, "Your talent is strong, it is much stronger than it is strong, and your blessing is deep, there are many opportunities, otherwise it is impossible to have an endless bottom card, if Let you break through the big energy, your future achievements, you can match the enemy, even more than this emperor, and more helpful to the people of the ancient chaotic world. "

"So, this is reversed in the first step, this seat can be given, but this seat also has conditions."

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