Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1931 Pinghe?

When I heard the white emperor, the sword was unparalleled.

He also felt that the white emperor said.

At this time, although the stars wins, the two alliances are integrated, but they still have extremely strong strength.

If it is outside the Star River, the star is in parallel with the two alliances, it is indeed too great advantage.

As for those majesty, it is also impossible.

"White Emperor, I promise you, my star can not go to the trouble of the two alliances, but if the two major alliances have to provoke, then they can't blame me." The sword has no double.

"Reassured, the two alliances are not stupid, they know what to do, let alone the Shenglean will definitely have a warning to give them a warning." White Emperor smiled.

Donned, the white emperor said: "The last condition, this seat wants to know the specific origin of the Emperor, and what is the relationship with you?"

"Emperor thirteen?" The sword has no double one, the arrogance is a bitter laugh: "The white emperor, it doesn't matter, I am just a side of this emperor, and there is no relationship at all, but when I met each other, He won't know why I left a mark in my body. I am hurting the crisis. He is also with the printing of myself. "

"As for his origin, why do he help me, I don't know."

The sword is unparalleled.

For the Emperor 13, he did not know anything.

The only known thing is that the Emperor 13 is an ancient power, and it is from the ancient battlefield of his hometown.

However, the ancient battlefield where his hometown is located, he will never tell the white emperor.

"Is this?" Bai Emperor's slightly frowned, "The Emperor 13 is definitely a super power in the ancient times. He will come out to save you, but also let this seat take care of you, it is definitely a must But you don't know why yourself? "

"For, ancient times, this is a secret, these ancient strongholds are also a mystery than a mystery."

Bai Emperor smiled, and he listened to him, it was obvious that he had also seen the ancient people, and I am afraid more than one person.

"The sword is unparalleled, since this condition you have promised, then this will also give you a reverse the seventh step."

The white emperor said, taking out a gray stone bead.

Seeing this gray stone bead, the sword is not a breechy.

This gray stone bead, he is really familiar.

Daily creation, from the initial cultivation method, each step of retro repair is contained in this gray stone bead.

This gray stone-bead mystery is incomparable, and the sword is unparalleled. It is now unclear that this gray stone bead is refining with mystery.

"The method of the seventh step of the reverse repair is in this stone-bead, you will see." Bai Di directly delivered this gray stone-bead to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, simple browsing, the heart is large.

He knows that this is indeed reversed the fashionable manner.

"Thank you for the Northern Emperor." The sword is unparalleled.

"You don't have to be polite." White Emperor waved.

"White Emperor, I will take you to the Tibetan Classic Pavilion in my star, go to the stars secret." The sword is unparalleled.

"Good." Bernard nodded.

Under the leader of the sword, the white emperor came to the Tibetan Golden Pavilion and began to pass the stars secret.

Soon, the inheritance was completed, and the white emperor came out of the Tibetan scriptures.

"White Emperor, how is it?" The sword didn't smile and asked.

"Star secret, high-profile, although this seat has been inherited by three volumes, but eventually I can only refine the first volume." Bai Emperor smiled.

"Why can the White Emperor can only refine into the first volume?" The sword is unparalleled.

It seems that everyone, cultivating stars secrets are very difficult.

Most almost all can only refine into the first volume, and some have been inheriting that the first volume can be practiced.

As for the Lord of Xingchen Palace, it is also because the opportunity to absorb a seven-star Xuanzong strong, and the party is refined into the second.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't think this secret surgery is.

He cultivated himself, it can be said that it is quite smooth, even the third volume he is made.

This is inevitable to make the sword have no double heart.

After getting the inheritance of the stars, this white emperor did not stay.

On the star river, the many stars of the swords and unparalleled, they came to this, and they gave a white emperor to leave.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is the message of this seat. If you encounter something in the future, you can send me a message to me." When the Emperor left, he handed a message to the sword.

This also makes the many strong people around them.

Especially the purple moon, the mood is more abnormal, and the sword is unparalleled and even hidden with a jealous jealous.

Task, the white Emperor is a strong man, the top day is high, and many strong people, including those emperors, and only two or three are, with his messy, like the Asperi Emperor, etc. The great emperor did not have, if he had something to find the white emperor, he also had a tunic message.

But now, the sword is unparalleled but got the banner of the white emperor.

And Bai Di usually treat people extremely indifferent, and treats the emperor. It can face the sword without double, and even feel incomparable.

This makes the Emperor Emperor can't understand.

After the white emperor left, the Emperor Emperor immediately walked forward.

"The sword is unparalleled, congratulations, the news of the white emperor, even if I haven't." The Emperor's Emperor laughed, and the attitude was completely different before.

Before he was talking with the sword, he claimed to be called, but now it turns into 'I'.

"The Emperor of the Emperor said, I am just lucky, and the white emperor, it seems to be more good." The sword was laughing.

"It's better to talk?" The Emperor of the purple monster smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, this white emperor is very peaceful, very good.

At least during the conversation, this white emperor did not treat himself, and there was no more forced to force.

Like Narchen Secrets, in fact, with the identity of the white emperor, only one sentence star has a pulse.

It is only a matter of the white emperor with the two alliances with the two major alliances.

However, the white emperor did not force or forced to force, but to transaction with him with the fame of the seventh step. Make a choice.

Now Bai Di actively handed it to him, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Is it because the Emperor thirteen wants the white emperor to take my relationship, the white emperor will pay for me?" The sword has no pair of doubts, "I am wrong, the emperor is strong, but not so White Emperor went to the Barger? "


PS: Today is 5 more!

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