Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1932 Another

Although doubts, the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword monarch, the matter is already, then I also warned." The Emperor of the Moon Road.

"This time, thank you for your help, the sword is unparalleled and the entire star will remember." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, say it is said." The Emperor of the purple laughed, and the radius turned around.

As for thousands of people, I naturally follow the purple emperor.

"The main hall of Yuan Temple." The main hall of the sword is looking at the palace, "told me, let my strength of our star, the stars continent will be re-controld."

"Yes." Yuan Temple nodded.

"The palace master, the two major alliances?" Nie Yun Demo is asked.

"The two alliances have been returned, this war is over." The sword is unparalleled. "

"The end? Just let the two alliances?" Nie Yun Demon wrinkled with brows, and it was obviously unwilling.

The Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, is also a little unwilling.

This war, although the stars wanted, but the two major alliances did not cover.

"Is it because the Sword of the Shengling?" The main hall of the Yuan Dynasty was unparalphed.

"Not only because of the Chinese Union, but also because this time the chaotic world is not peaceful." The sword is unparalleled. "I have reached an agreement with the White Emperor, and I will fight with the two alliances, I have been waiting. During the period of time, the chaotic world is re-stamp, and we are not late. "

"Understand." Yuan Dynasty was secretly nodded.

"Go do it." The sword is unparalleled, "although the two alliances have never been destroyed, this battle, my star is survived, and the crisis has also been released."

"Rain is sunny!"

"After this battle, my star has reached a new height after all,"

"And the most important thing is that from today, the vast chaotic world will no longer have any people to dare to ,,,,, ,, , , ,


The Holy League, as well as all parties to the world, have always stared at the star and three alliances.

And on this day, the three alliances and stars finally tried to truly.

Almost everyone has identified that the star is definitely no longer existed.

There is no opportunity to struggle.

The final result will be announced, but everyone is incredible.

The three major alliances have lost!

It is very miserable!

Among them, the first crazy exclusion league was directly hit by the star, nearly seventy large energy people finally lived, not enough 20!

The Ten Ten Alliance is better. Although it is killed by many major people because of the previous defeat, it is much better than the starry alliance.

The worst, it is the big energy alliance.

From the 100th largerists to join hands, the three major alliances should be the strongest, but the final energy union is a smoke, all the strong people are dead, no one survived.


This result is completely unexpected.

Although it is the big gods in the top of the Shengshi, it will not think so.

Of course, that battle process gradually announced.

The terrorist strength of the star has been present, as well as the truly terrible of the stars.

Especially the sword is unparalleled.

"A sword, covering the entire Daren League? What is your joke?"

"Hundreds of big energy, actually being slaughtered by the sword monarch, sword !!"

"It is terrible, this sword monarch is too terrible, it is demon."

Countless people amazed.

The horrible sword that is exposed to the sword is revealed.

Later, the emperor came, swept everything.

When the sword is unparalleled, a mysterious power suddenly shot.

At a glance, the endless darkness is excessive.

A sword, crushed the nine holy owner's body war armor, and hit the nine holy master.

Even if the nine-Temple is not qualified, he is dead in the other hand.

After another, the white emperor came personally, and the mysterious power made a confrontation with the White Emperor.

There are all people who are annihilated and horrible, and all people are surprised.

No one thought that there should be thoroughly crushed, there is no hi-suspense, but the result is a lot of changes.

But regardless of the process, the result is affirmative.

And after this battle, everyone understood that the vast chaotic world has no one to threaten the star.

Those who have great hatebles with the stars, those who are secret mothers, no matter their hatred, their greed is big, and they don't dare to take back to the stars.

As the remaining two alliances, after the battle, I immediately returned my old nest, and I didn't dare to make a whit.

These scenes can not help but have a sound. Many years ago, the Lord of the Star Herong was forcing the persecution of all directions.

At the beginning, because of the big slaughter of the Lord of the Star Palace, he shocked the power of the million chaotic world.

As long as the Star Palace is still one day, the parties will not really dare to shoot the stars.

Now, this battle, the effective effect on the chaotic world is even greater.

Not only because of this battle, it is not just because of the horror of the sword.

The most important thing is that even the emperor personally shot, and it is still the third big emperor, and it is seriously injured.

Excarriage, whoever, can you shake a star?

At the same time, at the same time, it is still in the shock, from the highest level of the Holy League, the Supreme Plan has changed again.

On the Tiandi Supreme Plan, the ranks of the fifteen emperors did not change.

Although everyone knows, there is a mysterious power of the Emperor on that battle.

However, because the Emperor is too mysterious, it is too special, so he has to hold the qualifications of the white emperor, even over the white emperor, but still have been ranked on the heaven and earth.

Instead, it is the ranking of the emperors under the emperor, and the change is too big.

There is no way, the battle of the Yanyue Hanoi is too much, and the many gods in the Universal Alliance are all tuned by the sword without a double sword, and the change is natural.

The ranking of the Emperor's Supreme Plan is like this.

Tiandi Supreme Plan 16 is still God!

This point is no longer questioned.

Although on that battle, no matter what the sword is still Tianling God, it has exposed a battle that is enough to hide the gods, but after all, he has never been handed over, and the god has been recognized, if there is no specific record It is quilted to rank the god.

The heavens and the earth are ranked 17th, then ... sword is unparalleled!

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