Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1934, the first big forces

In the tower, a huge bin bronze sculpture stands there.

This bronze sculpture has a high height, with a bronze ghost mask with bronze ghosts, eight hands, eight hands holding a variety of weapons.

At this moment, before this bronze sculpture, there is a white robe in the past.

He has already squatted three times.

Finally, there were some subtle changes in the bronze sculpture. I saw the only one on the top of the sculpture that didn't cover it with the ghostless mask.

"I should say that if there is no matter what is wrong, don't you come to bother?" Low and old voice slowly swayed in this attic.

"Magic monarch, there is a mystery of mystery in the chaotic world, should be like the magician, from Yuan ancient, his name is the Emperor 13." The white robe is still squatting, respectful.

"Oh? Emperor 13?" Low , "there is his battle picture."

"Yes." White Robe waved, when a mirror picture appeared within this tower.

Among the mirror screens, it is an emperor thirteen shots, easy to defeat the nine holy owners, in the scene with the front of the Bernard.

When I saw the scene among the screen, the top of the bronze sculpture was a fierce.

"It's he?" "The ancient voice took a shocked.

"Magic monarch knows this person?" White robe couldn't help but ask.

"I know, of course, I know, the emperor is thirteen? Haha, it really got a good name, wrong, this should be his name before him or in the future." The ancient voice returned, and the sound took the sound A smile, "this, but a big person!"

"A big man in an earth!"

"The first battle of the world, the top of the top, many of the tops, many of which have a big means, and this, in the countless power of the battle, its strength, enough to take the top five !!"

"What?" In the middle, the strength is enough to discharge the top five? Isn't that, he is stronger than the magic? "

"Well, of course, it is better than I have to be strong. When I gave him, I had to retreat, otherwise my life was worried, but the original in the same day, now this world is very restricted, I The strength cannot be played, and he is definitely, so, even if he is now, I am not afraid. "The sound of bronze sculpture with absolute confidence.

When I heard this, the beautiful woman was slightly tone slightly.

"This is already awakened, the other people should be fast, haha, I have been there for so many years, is this day that is going?"

"Haha ~~~ I'm looking forward to it."

"I hope this time, I can completely end!"

"Go, go, go to prepare."

"Hahaha ~~~"

The entire attic echoes the crazy laughter of the bronze sculpture.

And the beautiful woman, it is already respectable, and I went towel.


The darkness of the wind, but the stars have been calm down.

The mediation of the Holy League, the star of the Stars and the two Union is unable to continue, the next time, the star is naturally a re-yard star mainland.

One shock, three hundred years have passed.

In these three hundred years, the Star has not only resend the Star mainland, and the forces are further spread, and there is a certain influence in other continents in the purple land.

As for in the Shengba ... Although it has only been three hundred years, the star has become the first big forces under the Shengshi.

This is an unopened, after all, the power of the Stars now, there is no one in the Shengshi, which can be comparable.

The words of the Stars are in the Word of the Sorrowflier, and it is much more than before.

Although the big gods in the Shengshi are the highest level of the Shengshi, there must be a certain amount of counseling against the Stars.

First of all, they get news, know that the sword is unparalleled from the white emperor, the method of reverse the seventh step, as long as he gives him the time, he can break through the energy of the energy, enough to be with them, even over them.

Secondly, they also know that there is a horrible end behind the sword, enough to compare the Emperor of the Emperor!

There are two points, these emperors are of course long.

As long as the stars have not too much, they will close a eye, and they will not be too serious.

Stars are naturally a bovan boat.

There are many high-level high-level high-level high-levels in the stars in the main hall.

Among them, the natural is the sword is unparalleled. Second, the three major temples and the law enforcement of many real gods at the stars.

As for those guests, they are just a guest, and there is no matter what the star will not pay attention to the star.

"The palace master, I just got the news, my disciple of my star, when I broke out in the dragon fire in the east of the Emperor, I created friction with the disciples of Zhenwu God, and the two sides played. It was originally my star disciple. Due to the advantage, the true God of the true martial arts people took a serious injury personally, and the disciples of my star were seriously injured. "The Yuan Dynasty said indifferent.

If you hear the main words of the Yuan Dynasty, there are people around the law enforcement to see the main view of the Yuan Dynasty.

The battle between the disciples, got a loss in someone else, this is just a small matter, it is very insignificant.

Under normal circumstances, the Yuan Dynasty only needs to tell a law enforcement to handle this matter.

But now, the highest level of the stars, and the Yuan Dynasty mainly moved this slightly, and the sword was unparalleled.

Doesn't this?

Just in these law enforcement, the elderly were confused, and the swords on the uppermost throne were taken from the case, and the anger was ever.

"Zhen Wu Shenjiao?"

"Hey, this truth of this truth is dead, but it dares to be arrogant, so unscrupulous bully, the disciple of my star, it is really good!"


The sword has no double gaze overlooking.


It has become one of the long-term volunteers of the star, and she immediately stood.

"The true martial arts is not in the East Holy Land, but the dragon fire mainland is not their site. They just have one or two divisions, you bring four high-rise soldiers to go to a trip, will be true martial arts Teaching two divisions in the dragon fire, I will give me a flat, I will let Jiuyin God hide in secret. If the true Wu Shen teaches a large energy, it is dare to come out, one is destroyed !!! "

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