Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1935 The initial commitment

The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." He is going to lead.

Those law enforcement in the hall looked at each other, and one was quite horrified.

It's just some of the borders between disciples, slightly ate some loss, just a small little thing, the sword is unparalleled, but instructs to bring the four Tao soldiers to directly sweep the two parties of the squadron education?

This is obvious that some small tops have made it.

However, when they saw the three major temples and indifferent expressions, they immediately immediately.

Obviously, the sword is unparalleled and there are three major palays, and it is a deliberate community.

And the reason, they also understand.

Zhen Wu Shen teaches, it is one of the five major power of the federate star, but it is a little bit to die into death.

Although now because of the relationship between the Holy League, the star has promised to talk to both majors, but the hatred between each other is still there.

Now the star is absolutely superior, even if you can't pick up a battle, you caught the opportunity to retaliate.

Like this incident, it is just a little thing, but it is enough to become an excuse of the star.

They are going to find opportunities to deal with true martial arts.

And they are not afraid of the true Wu Shen Church to retaliate, and even hope that the martial arts will teach.

Once the true martial arts god, dare to retaliate, the star has nothing to do with, and when you pounce, even what is nothing more about.

As for the next thing that happens ...

He is directly killing the dragon fire in the East Emperor, and the two divisions of Zhenwu Shenzhao will be taught by the Thunder.

After sweeping, He is in the schematic of the sword, but also deliberately stayed in the dragon fire mainland, which is specially waiting for the true martial arts to retaliate.

But the true martial arts is obviously the goal of the star, not only does not retaliate, but also take the initiative, paying attention to the star, this is the matter.

The parties to the Shengfa are all known to be ignorant.

Eye people can see that this is clear that the star of the star is a big question, deliberately picking things.

And the star of the stars also directly sweeping the two taught of the true martial arts, killing the disciples of the true martial arts, but the last instead of the true martial arts.

"Hey, the strength is not as good as people!"

"Just just the battle between the men, this star will not be too overbearing?"

"Overbearing? Are you be stupid? Stars are not overbearing, that is hatred, for your own enemies, and still a dead enemy, who is willing to let go? I think that the star is not doing, if I must do this. "

"Yes, the Star Will only overbearing the power of the two major alliances, and is quite peaceful for our powerful force, it is quite flat."

"This truth is also self-sufficient, now the two major alliances, except for the nine palace of the emperor, where is the force to the stars, not taboo, I am afraid to provoke to the head of the star, let the latter Find an excuse, this true martial arts dare to make a big bully, let the realist people personally deal with the boundary disciple of the star, this is not to die? "

The perspectives of the South Affilions are talking about this.

Finally, no one thinks that the southern of the stars, and the opposite is a matter of course.

As for the so-called overbearing of Star Chen, it is obviously untrusted.

After all, the Star is only overbearing those enemies. Once the chance is seized, find excuses, it will not hesitate to kill.

But for other forces, it is still very peaceful, some small things friction, all parties sit down and negotiate.

A sway, I have passed for two hundred years.

The star has been completely calm. After the beginning of the establishment of the two alliances, after the lessons of the true martial arts, they also learned to be smart, and they were awkward to the stars, often see the strong people of the stars or It's a disciple, it's far away, even if you really encounter, you can bear to endure, you will not revenue the opportunity to revenge for the Stars.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, but it has already left the star, and it came to a regular country.

This goddere, named magic!

The ancient silver spacecraft shuttled in the dark void, and did not have a suspended continent.

"Where is it, is it the old nest of the devil's heart?" The sword didn't have a double eye.

Magic Heart ... A strong god strong is quite a strong.

Of course, the district god is not necessarily what is natural in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, it is to kill him.

During the dim, a thin thin old man is sitting in the front of it.

He is a magical owner.

It is also the national owner of this magic, and the long years have rushed to dozens of Gods around, and because there is a great background, it is a very unmanned chaotic world. It can be said to be a very happy big. Cannee.

And his name is a magic word, and the heart is naturally very vicious.

Rummage, dozens of God of God, every time, will send a group of beautiful women in his old nest, and all are divided, fewer people, more than 10,000 people, but hundreds of thousands, but Never people went out from his old nest.

Just this day.

! !

The ban on the coverage of the secret room has suddenly swayed.


The disc is sitting there, the devil's heart of the patriarchal, opened his eyes.

"Who?" The vaginal country voice echoed in the room.


A people appeared in front of him.

"Zhen God?" The magic of the moon moved his mind, and it had known the identity of the people.

"It turned out to be that the sword monarch arrived, the old husband was magical, there was a gift." The devil's heart gave birth to the sword, the sword was unparalleled, then smiled: "The Jian Jun Lord is here, I don't know what to tell, but what is the old husband can , Will not resolve. "

"I came today, it is for a person, and is also a promise of the original." The sword is unparalleled.

"A person? Commitment?" The devil is doubtful.

"No sadness, I don't know if the devil is the country, can you remember?" The sword was unparalleled.

"No sadness?" The main color of the devil is suddenly changed, and he has also guess the goal of the sword.

"My retro-repair, the first step is from no sadness, I promised him, if there is a strength, I killed you for him. Today, I am going to fulfill your promise." The sword has no double eyes flashing, right hand But it has slowly lifted.

"The sword monarch, the old man is the people of the purple virtue, and the great emperor of the purple deficiency also owes the old lady." The devil is connected.

"Oh, is it?" The sword was indifferent, but the movement did not stop. "

He knew the background of the devil's heart, but since it dared to shoot today, there will be no counsel.

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