Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1936 Space Gap

I didn't stop the sword unparalleled action, and the devil was shocked, but I was running out of a strike.


The devil's owner directly crushed, while he said: "The great emperor of the purple, come to save me, sword is unparalleled to kill me!"

This entries are the trills of purple virtual.

Based on the truth, the consciousness of the purple virtue will be coming.

Although it is just aware of the body, but the emperor will come, the sword will give some faces.

At least the magic owner of the country is thinking.

However, he did not think that after the governor was crushed, it did not produce any movement.

There is no change in the entire secret room, the consciousness of the purple virtue, actually ... did not come?

"How can it be?"

"What happened?" What happened? "

"Is it a closed door?"

"Impossible, impossible!"

Mono is desperately desperate.

If the awareness of the purple virtue is coming, he may have a line of life.

But now there is no confidence in the emperor of the purple virtue, the sword is unparalleled, there will be no movement.

The sword is unparalleled, it has been completely lifted, and a golden light in front of him has emerged.

This golden light is the Hong Kong Sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and this bright golden light will take out.

"No!" The devil's heart is bigger, he knows the strong strength of the sword, and also knows the horror of the Hong Kong Golden Jockey.

Although it is just a Hong Kong Sword, you have to kill him, but it is still like killing chickens.

"Sword monarch, don't kill me, I was also ordered to be saddened."

"The death of no sadness is really not my intention, it is a purple virtue. It is the purple virtue that makes me countless!!!"

The devil is desperate.

However, the sword is unparalleled but did not pay attention to his scuffy. The golden light did not stop, and the horror rate broke out, and the head of the devil's head of the devil was taken directly.

Before the dominion is dead, it is still wide, and the face is not sweet.

The sword is unparalleled in the same place. When I strived, the Hong Yinji returned to him, and then he was reached in Qiankun.

Looking at the chilled corpses of the ground, the sword didn't smash.

"This magic is indeed a person of the purple virtue, and rumored that the emperor of the purple deficiency independently owed this magic country, but he had just got to see him for help. He didn't pay attention, even awareness has never been aware. Swordless? "The sword is unparalleled.

The Emperor of the Emperor, the Tiandi Supreme Plan ranked fifth super power.

Before the sword is also because there are many scruples, they have never shot this magic country.

And now ... The star has been high enough, and now there are many bottom cards in hand. In addition, the Emperor 13 will be helpful. Now there are certainly a certain amount of great chaotic world, so the sword is unparalleled without a scruple. The dominant is the heart of the country.

Before you came, the sword was unparalleled to face the preparation of the purple virtue.

Once the awareness of the great emperor of the purple, the sword is still still holding against the devil's owner.

He believes that the great emperor of the purpleness is not to completely turn his face with him, even to him.

But did not think of him, the great emperor did not even show, his consciousness did not fall, let him kill the devil's heart owner.

"What is the great emperor that is thinking?" The sword was unpaired.

In addition, the words that the Mono-owner finally said, and the sword was shed.

At the beginning, I really had to count my heart, not this magic, but the purple virtue?

Gay it?

The emperor, no hat, why do he have to deal with no sadness?

"In any case, I promised the things that I have no sadness. I have done it. The devil's heart owner has been killed by me. As for whether it will involve the purple virtue ..." The sword is unparalleled with eyes, "Don't say it first This is just a statement of the devil's owner, it is not true, and it is true, and I am not good. "

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled, there is no more thinking, turn directly to it.

He didn't know, at this moment, there was a huge manor in the fairyland, and the river was in the river.

The lazy man who is fishing in the lonely boat is the great emperor, but it is a laugh at this moment. "The sword is unparalleled."

"It seems that it is because there is no truth."

"There is a magic in the district. You will kill you, this seat gives you this situation, I hope this is to be able to here."

Laughing, this is lazy man, continue to fish.


Just in the sword where there is no pair to the magic, the killing of the devil.

Ancient secret.

It was originally opened once every five million years, and every time I opened the ancient secrets that only last 10,000 years, I was still close to the time limit.

This makes the many strong people in the world of the chaotic world, but they also have a big trip.

It is necessary to know that in ancient times, it contains many opportunities.

In these years, there have been many strong people to find the chair in the ancient secrets.

The evil spirits, in the many gods in the world of chaotic world, just an emperor in the bottom.

The strength is very general, and the luck is not very good.

Since this ancient secret, he has always stayed in the ancient secrets, and before, it has become a 10,000 years. After the deadline, I haven't had a good opportunity, but now, when he will enter the ancient secret, In many years, he finally found a strange place.

"I didn't expect, under the ruins, I still hid a space gap! It's really concealed."

The evil spirits flashed with the spotlight looking at the spatial gap in front.

This space gap, gives him feel like a time and space channel, and the other of the gap, he doesn't know where it is.

It may be within the Jedi, but it is also possible, but it is the land of the opportunity.

He is not sure.

"Requisiting in rich insurance, fight!"

It's just a long time, and the evil spirits will be hesitant to make a decision.

I saw him figured out, the whole person did not enter the spatial crack, so soon disappeared.

When you appear again ...

! !

The evil spirits have already appeared a completely different world.

Looking at the situation, it is still on ancient battlefield, the ancient breath, the evil spirits will not admit wrong.

But this ancient battlefield, the ancient battlefield where the ancient secret is located is significantly different.

"Heaven and earth here ... is so energetic!"

"It's too energetic, it is more than ten times more than the top ten cultivation holy situations!"

"How can there be such an abundant place?"

"Where is it here? Is it still in ancient times?"

The evil spirits are full of confusion.

But he knows that this place he is now, it is definitely different from the ancient secrets.

Immortal emperor began to slow down around.

However, if he can directly cover everything around the soul, he will find that he has come to another ancient battlefield.

This ancient battlefield, the battlefield in the ancient secrets is huge, and it is also vast.

And this battlefield, under the wrap of a huge spatant storm.

In this battlefield, there is a huge, enough, enough to make the head of the shocking.

The core of the head has a big world.

That big world is a green world! ! !


PS: Today is 5 more!

The sixteen volume war, finished!

Seventeenth volume, start tomorrow, everyone will wait and see!

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