Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1938 Luo Royal

For the sword unparalleled and other people, anyway, it is indeed passing through Nan Yu's north, and it is only to raise his hand.

As for the so-called little trouble, it is possible to add more fun on the way, why not?

"All, although I promised you, but I have to ask you to tell us what you encounter." The sword is unhappy smile.

The blue-haired woman with the surrounding people face each other, and several people have sprout.

"It's this ..." The blue-haired woman immediately said.

The sword is not listening.

Soon, he understood the cause of the matter.

At the same time, I also know the identity of these people in front of them.

More than ten people in front of me, there is indeed a small origin, they are actually the royal disciples of the world, the royal disciples of Liang Guo!

Yes, it is the royal!

Their gang is the country of Tiangalai.

Originally, in the country of Tianlai God, it is a symbol of absolute rights.

Not long ago, Tianlai God was in the country, and one of the great power in the period was directly to the royal family.

This, the original strength is far less than the royal family, but I don't know where to help you, it is actually a large number of high-rise powers of the Thunder's means, including that Tianlai Dome is also killed, only some The royal disciples escaped.

These royal disciples have ever escape thousands of people, they are the best geniuses, but they have been chasing the palace in the way to escape, and the wars have been taken several times, this thousand people's royal disciples are only There are more than ten people in front of you.

And more than ten people, now the strongest blue-haired woman Luo Wei, but it is only the true god of void.

As for others, they are just the world.

They are now intended to escape from Nan Yu to the country of China, and the Nan Yu is giving a good marriage with Tian Luo Shen, and the land of Nan Yu is a life and death of the owner of Tianlai, which naturally accepts them. Of course, the premise is that they have to arrive. Nan Yu did ten in the country of China.

"You, the That is to kill my Luo family, the next road is not too far, but maybe it will be attacked, you have to prepare early." Luo Lao Road .

"Do you know. I know." The sword has no double nodded, but it is not too much.

At this scene, Luo Wei also saw a purple boy around him, and his eyes were all.

"The means of winning the palace is extremely good, you still don't want to be good." The purple boy couldn't help.

"Yes?" The sword was unparalleled, but he was surprised to see this purple boy, he saw that this purple boy is not old, but his eyes are extremely deep, and the sword is unparalleled from this purple boy. The deepest place, saw a hidden hatred.

This hatred should be the enemy of Luo.

"Little guy, what is your name?" The sword didn't even see this purple boy.

"Luo Tianhong." Zifa teenager coldly.

"The name is good, rest assured, then win the palace, I will send it to you." The sword is unparalleled.

Wen Yan, Zifa Teenager Luo Tianhong also said more.

The next time, the old silver spacecraft is still straight.

In the cabin, the sword is unparalleled with the king. The sword is in respectful and autumn moon.

As for these disciples of the Luo Royal, they have gathered together, and they did not talk too much from the sword.

"Tianhong brother, you said this time, can we live to Nan Yu northern?" A green girl asked.

Some of the other Luo royal disciples couldn't help but looked at the purple juvenile Luo Tianhong.

Although this purple teenager is not the greatest in these disciples, but it is the most talented, and there are also the most, and the mind is most mature.

These Luo's queen disciples have always been looking for Luo Tianhong Ma.

"Don't worry, we will definitely live." Luo Tianhong comforted these disciples around him, and there was a smile on his face.

"Well, I believe in Tianhong brother." The girl todmed with a little bit.

Pointed these disciples, Luo Tianhong came to the blue hair woman Luo Wei.

"Tianhong, how do you see these people?" Luo Wei did not move his voice, and there was no double person in the play of chess.

"These people, although I can't see it, I can feel that they should be very strong." Luo Tianhong Road.

"How do you say?" Luo Lin asked.

"First, the spacecraft of this world is not in general. They can drive this worldwide spacecraft, they have proved strength, and they also know that the means of winning the palace is extremely strong, even my Luo Royal can be directly destroyed, but they speak It seems that there is no way to win the mouth to the eyes. I believe that the power of such spacecraft is, I can't be the kind of blind idiot, so they must have relying on it. "Luo Tianhong Road.

"I think so." Luo Wei smiled, "In fact, no matter whether these people really can resist, anyway, we have already fallen into a desperate, can only gamble this, I hope we can bet."

"Well." Luo Tianhong also looked back.

They did have forced to the desperation.

I have been chasing thousands of disciples, but I have been killed several times. Thousands of royal disciples have only more than more than more than ten people, and they are only a powerful power of all the way. Force, if you have encountered the way of winning the palace, they will die.

So ... that is because it has already been going.

Under the helplessness, when I saw the sword where they were unparalleled, they will gamble.

As for the result, they can only listen to their lives.

On the other side, the sword is unparalleled and the king is indeed playing chess, but on the way to play, it is also casual.

Of course, they have already been isolated from time and space, what they said, the Luo Royal Disciples are impossible.

"The sword is unparalleled, I just felt it. In these people, some people were left a special imprint, and they did not accidentally, it should be left behind." The king smiled.

"Well, I know." The sword has no double nod.

Leave the owner of the imprint, the strength is not strong, should be just a true God, such a mark, sword is unparalleled, can also be easily seen.

"Do you want me to shoot the imprint?" Asked the King.

"No need." The sword is unparalleled and shakes, "It's hard to come to a picture, and you can miss this, and that the mark is a bit unreasonable, I also want to confirm that it is."

"It's just right."


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