Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1939 Recommended

Wink, the past one year.

In this year, the sword unparalleled a trail did not encounter any obstacles, and the people who won the palace did not kill the door.

Dark void, the old silver spacecraft continues.

At this moment, on the deck of this silver spacecraft, a violet teenager single hand holds a knife.

" " " "

A knife is connected to his hand.

This knife is extremely dazzling, with endless hate, every knife hates the extreme, hate to the bottom!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The purple boy kills the sky, the knife method he shows is absolutely killing.

Always, it is the kind of hate that is not dead.

While he has a knife, the entire void has been completely caught in this murder and hate.

The knife is strong!

The mood is even more amazing!

"The little guy named Luo Tianhong is very good."

Inside the cabin, the king is flat.

"Well, it is very good." The sword is unparalleled.

For a year, he didn't say a few words with Na Tianhong, and he all worked in the eyes in the eyes of the other person.

Unlike other Luo's debut, this Lu Tianhong is hard to practice almost every day. In constant exercises, improve your own knife, improve your strength.

Every moment, his mind is thinking, it should be the strength, then go to revenge!

"With a big hatred as motivation, it is the same as I am young." The sword is unimaced.

And the sword is unparalleled, this Luo Tianhong is not just enough, it is important that his talent is still high.

This kind of talent is not only reflected in the knife method, and his understanding is also reflected.

"A three heaven, and should pass the third heavy robbery, but he has gone on the killing road, and the feelings are more unsurcited, and it has reached the second floor of the Taoizhi." Sword is unparalleled Stunning.

The second floor of the Taoizhi, there are only a small part of the top ten in the world.

This talent of this Luo Tianhong is stronger than many talents who have seen more than the sword.

Even the sword is unparalleled, his pro-disciples, is simple in understanding, which is slightly different than him.

"Unfortunately, this Luo Tianhong is not good at Jianji, or the owner you may accept him as a disciple." The sword is unparalphed over the sword.

"Disciple?" The sword shook his head without double.

If it is not necessary, or really like it, or he will not easily discipast.

This Luo Tianhong is high, even what is going on above, but even if he is good at Kendo, the sword is unparalleled will not accept him.

"Although I will not accept him as a disciple, I can give him a teacher." The sword didn't have a sneer, and then she took out a message. "Duan Lingfeng, many years, now I am good ? "

"Oh, the big name is the sword monarch? How do I think of me today?" Duan Lingfeng quickly sent, and there were a bit of fun.

"Haha, you are a small child ..." The sword is unparalleled.

Duan Lingfeng, sword unparalleled life and death, rare brothers.

In the Dongfu, who had no sadness, he and Duan Lingfeng are suffering from a total, and the two have a similarity, and it is called the top genius.

The two are life and death, but they are rare opponents.

Have a more than one another.

However, since the sword is unparalleled, it has become a great advantage, his strength is in an instant improvement, and naturally, the Duan Ling Feng is far behind, and now the sword is unparalleled, it has been standing in the world's chaotic world. top.

The seventeenth place in Heaven and Earth is second only to those emperors.

These strengths are not compared with Duan Lingfeng. After all, Duan Lingfeng has not broken through the energy.

However, although there is no energy, Duan Lingfeng has broken through the chaotic real god level, and with his talent and knife, he is now ranked first, and it is still unable to controversial first. It was very much.

"Duan Lingfeng, I found a good disciple for you, do you want to come?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Disciple?" Duan Lingfeng shook his head directly. "My present purpose is to break through the big energy soon, reach the point you should shoulder, but there is nothing to think about disciples."

"Don't refuse, you are still here to see him, maybe you are very good at your appetite?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Well, where are you now, I am coming over now." Duan Lifeng Road.

"I will go to Nan Yu, you can get it as soon as possible." The sword was unhappy smiled.

"Don't worry, I will ride the space, you can arrive in ten years." Duan Lifeng replied.

After exchange with Duan Lingfeng, the sword has no funny smile.

The purple boy Luo Tianhong, in the sword, there is no double, talent is really high, and he is good at the knife method, and it is even more incredible in the talents of killing.

Duan Lingfeng, just good at knife with a knife, and also feel killing.

Coupled with Luo Tianhong's hardship and sex, swords are unparalleled to believe that Ling Feng should also be appreciated, if it missed this disciple, I am afraid that it is difficult to find this outstanding disciple in the future.


"Well?" The sword was suddenly moving, and the angle of the mouth showed a smile, "" finally came? "


On the forehead of the spacecraft in the sword unparalleled, there are dozens of body and stood quietly.

This trial is full of black robes, and the breath is quite strong, and the light is more than ten.

"Those Luo Royal Hie, is it in front?" A red-haired old man is slightly looked at the eyes, overlooking the front, ", these mouse, it is really able to escape, but how can it be difficult to escape, No, they have been left a special mark, but they have never discovered it. "

"After today, this Luo Royal Final can be completely covered."

And next to this red-haired old man, there are several gods with black horses.

These some masks have a breath, and there is also a killing atmosphere to spread.

When I heard the red-haired old man, the top of the top of the mask was cold: "Don't say too much, start to escape from the Luo Royal Ethius, I have been chasing the footsteps for a decade, and it is assassinated. They several times, but they can't completely kill them every time. I hope that this time will not let them escape. "

"Hey, even though he is relieved, it is too much more than these more, and killing, when they flew, they will have some missing fish, but this time is different, Luo Royal only leverages ten people. There is absolutely no fetching possibilities. "The red haired old man said.

"Tone nonsense, do it directly!" The mask is a quiet.

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