An old silver spaceship, a silence.

The disciples of those Luo Royals have already been horrified.

Even if it is the first Luo Wei and Luo Tianhong, the same.

Although they stay in the cabin, they happen outside, they still see clearly.

At first, they knew that people who were able to drive this spacecraft, inevitably be a real power, but they are in the face of the maste!

Especially the five masks, that was the five masks, and directly gave their Luo Royal.

So, they also fade their hearts.

In the end result ... Capture the palace, in addition to the top of the mask, others were killed, others were killed.

Even the sword is unparalleled, I have never showed, just sent a battle, drove a golden light, gently and easy to complete this.

"They, who is it?"

These people of the Luo Royal are shaken.

The sword is unparalleled but did not pay attention to them. His scorpion was cold, and the people in the black robe in front of the past were seen.

Although this black robe mask is covered under the mask, it can still be seen from him from his eyes.

"That Jin Guang is too horrible, chaos really has no hit, and it is necessary to use this golden owner.

He didn't expect it, but it was a championship of the Lu Royal Emperor, which would actually get a big energy.

"Talk, what is your relationship with your blood?" The sword sounded in a double voice.

The heart of the black robe is in the heart, but it doesn't move the look at it. "The little man does not open the eyes, please also delith it, so that the blood of the adults, but I don't know what. "

"Don't know?" The sword is unparalleled: "The bloody door is big, you don't know?"

This black robe masque is a shock, but it does not dare to argue.

The coagulation is a large array of blood.

This big array is not seen, even if it is some of the energy, there are only some people who know high, they will recognize.

This black robe mask is a lucky, thinking that the sword is unparalleled, there is no necessity, but now it seems ...,

However, although the identity has been recognized, but this black robes are still not intended to say.

"Don't you say? It doesn't matter."

The sword is unparalleled, but it suddenly raised his head, "Looking at me."

There is no double look at the fencing of the black robe mask, but when he is not straight to the sword ... ~~~ A vast soul is moving directly to him.

The power of this soul suddenly invaded the brain of the black robe mask and poured into his consciousness.

Soul control!

The sword is unparalleled to control each other in the soul.

With his power of his current soul, a true god in the soul of the soul is really difficult.

The black robes were slightly struggled, but they quickly calmed down.

"Master." The black robe mask is unparalleled, and the scorpion is full of enthusiasm.

"Ask you something." The sword didn't double asked.

The soul is controlled, and this black robes will naturally no secrets in front of the sword.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled to get what you want.

"Capture the Palace, it is really bullied with the blood." The sword is unmainted.

According to the people of the black robe, it is because there is a bloody door to help, and the palace will cover the Luo Royal Palace, and take advantage of the whole day.

Now, Tian Luo Shen Guo is in a great place to win, but in fact, it has been completely controlled by the blood.

Within the old nest of the palace, there are many strong people's strong, including many people with the masks, even those who have the blood of the blood.

The blood of the blood is just a styling, the representative is the power of God's level.

During the harbor, there is a god of the gods, and there is more than one!

Of course, the sword is unparalleled with the soul of the black robes, and it is not allowed to have a true high level of the blood, and how many strong people have a bloody door in the end of the harbor, and I don't know.

"It's a bit strange, this bloody door has always existed in the dark, even if it is impressed with a lot of forces, but they act is extremely careful, even if they need to refine the treasures, improve the strength to slaughter, it is a thunder's means to slaughter After the territory, immediately left, and now, this bloody door actually helped to win the palace, occupying a side of the country? "

"Although they are still very cautious, they have never exposed the identity of the blood, but after all, I have already gone to the way?"

The sword is unparalleled with eyes, and it is always a bit embarrassment to the blood of the blood.

"In any case, since Tianquan Shenguo has been controlled by the bloody door, then it can't be seen." The sword was unmarkable, and immediately took out an enormous.

This is the governor of the purple moon.

The sword is unparalleled directly to the purple moon.

"The sword is unparalleled, you said that you have met the blood of the body, and that day, Luo God has been completely occupied by the blood of the gods?" The Emperor of the purple is a bit surprised.

"Yes." The sword nodded.

"This matter, some embarrassment." The Emperor of the purple muttered, "You first wait a moment."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not long, and the purple moon is coming.

"The sword is unparalleled, I just talked to Tianchen ancestors, Tianchen Laozu also believes that the bloody door acts abnormally, my Holy League has played so many years with the blood, they have never actually 'high-key' Therefore, there is certain that some are in the inside. "The Emperor of the Moon Road.

"I think so." The sword has no double.

"Tianchen Laozu said, you are also a staff member, since this matter makes you catch up, I hope you can clear this, and all the strong people of these blood." Overn.

"Yes." The sword has brought it directly.

Bloodymen, Huangquan Palace, these two big darling power is the enemy of the Sorrowmin.

The sword is unparalleled is also a staff member, nature is unshirkable.

And the sword is unparalleled, this is refreshed, except that he is a Chinese member, there is still a reason.

That is a cold!

Cold as snow, cold, is now a member of the bloody door, he wants to figure out the fall of the snow, starting from the blood of these strong people, is the most suitable.

Just encounter now, he naturally won't miss it.

"If you encounter something or trouble, you can send me, in addition, remember to be careful, bloody door is not good to deal with."

The purple moon took a sentence, and then interrupted the message.

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