Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1942 Duan Lingfeng

"Master, how do we do next?" The sword came over.

"Let's send these Luo Royal Disciples to Nan Yu, then go back to Tian Luo Shennan, go to the losing house." The sword has no double.

"What about him?" The king refers to the people who have been controlled by the sword.

"Leave him first." The sword has no double-faced indifference, "the bloody door has been very cautious, leaving him to let him continue to contact the blood, don't let the blood don't doubt, escape in advance."

"Continue to leave."

The sword is unparalleled, and the ancient silver spacecraft continues to flour.

The next approach is a smooth way.

Soon, everyone has come to the territory of Nan Yu.

Shortly after entering the territory ... a large group of groups, surrounded by a vioo robes and brushed it.

"It is the South of Nanmun!"

"The big man is coming!"

"Walk, we also hurry out."

The disciples of the Luo Royal People immediately walked out of the spaceship.

I met each other, I saved the cold.

"Luo brother's consecutive generation, only have you with your little guy?" Nan Yu Guo looked at the Ten Luo Royal Disciples in front of him, not sigh.

At this time, this Nanmun's Lord looks at the sword on the flying space.

When I saw the sword where there was no pair, the Nan Yu Guorou blingently blocked.


The main body of Nan Yu Guo is shaking, and it has appeared before the spaceship.

"Dare to ask, but the sword monarch, the sword is unparalleled?" Nan Yu Guo's voice took a variety of trembling.

"Do you know me?" The sword was unparalleled.

Nan Yu Guo is immediately in the sword. The picture is the Sword Monarch, you will show a sword in the star river, kill the scenes of many strong people in the Universal League, I just adopted the adults, and there is a big man around you. "

"Oh, it turns out." The sword nodded.

However, those who came to Nan Yu's gods in the Nangyu State, but also the disciples of the Luo Royal People, but they were completely shocked.

They didn't think of the country of the country, and they were actually as many people in their own, they didn't care, they worshiped directly in front of them!

That is a bow!

A chaotic is really god, a party country, identity, can let him worship, his identity ...

"Good guy, we encountered this road, what is the existence?" The blue-haired woman came with a lot of excitement.

As for those disciples of the Luo Royal, they also shocked.

When they were easily killed, they saw that the swords were unbearable.

But they didn't expect that swords were unparalleled, but they were qualified to worship the big country.

"Get up." The sword is unparalleled, and the Nangyu is not controlled directly.

The sword is unparalleled. "I have sent you all the way, and then, I am going to go to the palace, you are willing to be with me. go with."

"Go to the Gong?" These Luo Royal Disciples are all.

"Dare to ask adults, what do you want to win?" The purple joy Luo Tianhong asked.

"I will know it." The sword is unparalleled but does not explain too much.

These implement the emperor's disciples face each other, then Luo Tianhong stepped out, "Adult, I will go with you."

"Well, can." The sword is unparalleled.

"Tianhong brother?" Other disciples were worried about.

"Reassured, I will go with this adult, soon I will come back." Luo Tianhong is comfortable with these disciples.

The Nan Yu Guo is a small voice: "No matter what this adult wants you, you must do not hesitate, know?"

When I heard the South of Nan Yu, Luo Tianhong suddenly nodded.

And see this scene, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a smile.

He deliberately bring Luo Tianhong, but there is no other meaning, just want to introduce him to his friends.

"Adult, when will we start?" Luo Tianhong asked.

"Don't worry, first, wait." The sword is unparalleled.

Huge silver spacecraft is hung in this void.

As for the South of Nanmun, the same person, the same is waiting quietly, the sword is unparalleled, and the Nangyu is not dare to leave.

Didn't wait, a body shape has already appeared in the distance.

"Is it?"

The sword was not buddy, and the shape was followed, and the figure was moving directly.

"Haha, Duan Lingfeng, can you finally come?" The sword is unparalleled.

"After receiving your news, I will ride the space in the first time. It is already the fastest speed. You can don't be slow." Duan Lingfeng, a white robe, carrying the knife, is still indifferent, but There is a mild manner.

He is unparalleled with the sword, and it is difficult to suffer from each other.

When the sword is unparalleled, he strive for him.

At the beginning, he was forced into the desperate situation by the four elephants, and the sword was unparalleled to help him resolve the crisis.

It can be said that it is between life and death.

The sword is unparalleled to treat his own life and death, and there will be no shelves of any power.

Duan Lingfeng is indifferent in peace, but in the face of swords, there is a temperature and a lot.

"Let's go, go to the spaceship." The sword was unparalleled.

When the sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng, he returned to the silver spacecraft. Subsequently, this silver spacecraft took directly toward the direction of Tianlais God.

"Gong Gong people!"

Nan Yu Guo's et al., Is a silver spacecraft to leave.


Among the vast dark voids, the silver spacecraft plundered.

Inside the cabin, swords are unparalleled, Duan Lifeng, the king is sitting together, the sword is a respectful standing aside.

As for the purple boy, Luo Tianhong, but staying outside the cabin and continues his knife.

This Luo Tianhong didn't know that the sword was unparalleled, it was to cover the maste, his heart is still full of hatred, want to improve his strength as much as possible, in the future, to revenge.

And all this, naturally being seen in the eyes without a few people.

"The little guy outside is the disciple you refer to me." Duan Lingfeng looked at the sword with the wine glass.

"Yes, how do you feel?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Good talent, knife, killing road feelings, and I am right, but a sentence, I want to be my disciple, I don't do it, even if he is really suitable for my disciple, but still I am willing to accept it. "Duan Lingfeng carses.

He now, how to break through the energy of the energy, I didn't think about the disciples.

"Oh, no hurry, then look at it." The sword laughed.

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