From the golden mountain, to this Fang Jinlong, now, this seventh palace is connected to the two golden speelides.

The two sorts of golden spears are also good, and it is also a chaotic god.

His treasures have a treasure, it is too much.

"The treasure is good, but the strength is finally the peak emperor, and the top is more similar to the Wushan Lord of the Jiuqu Palace. This strength has a lot of treasures to assist, but also the opponent of the sword."

The sword is unparalleled, and his eyes have seen the six major people around him.

The seventh palace is handed over to the sword, but these six people ...


The sword is unparalleled, and the four sides of Hong Yinjun will rise at the same time. In an instant, it will be filled into four golden light.

These four golden speeds are incredible, and they are directly in the surrounding of the six big energy.


"kill him!"

This six big energy is a murder, and there is no fear, and the strength and sword are unparalleled.

However, it is even more than six people to join hands, and there is still a great gap between unparalleled swords.

The sword is unparalleled only to drive the four sorts of Hong Kong swords, and it is a lightning to kill four gods.

As for the rest of the two strengths, the emperor is still not allowed to support, and they are killed by swords.


The sword has no double shape in the void, and the four sorts of Hong Yinjun also returned to him. His eyes looked at the six ice-cold bodies below the ground, but the heart was a little horrified.

You know, these six big energy people are obviously not his opponent, fighting with him, completely crushed by him.

But in mind, these six major energy people have not retired from beginning to end, and some are just crazy, just want to kill him.

"Dachers, everything is extremely rare, and it should also be very valued for his own life, but these six people seem to have already put their own life and death. What is going on?" Sword unparallert .

Not only this six big energy, the sword is unparalleled, then the seventh palace owner of the sword is the same.

His bottom sign is still being suppressed by the sword. According to the truth, he should have to go to escape, but in fact, he doesn't want to escape.

at this time……


The seventh palace is completely cold, followed by the breath of his body, but it starts directly on the amazing speed.

"This is ... The soul burns!" The sword did not have a double-color suddenly change.

Burning to the soul, he is not unfamiliar.

At the beginning, he invited the Emperor of the Gyban, Jiuyin God killed Hong Tianbao.

At the end of the last siege, Hong Tianbao is in a desperate, and then the soul burned swear to death, but finally was not doubled by the sword.

Once the soul is burned, the overall strength will grow in a short period of time.

But it's a price, you will die!

This trick, only the strength of the peak emperor is eligible, and the last desperate, no one will do this.

Now, this seventh palace master, although the sword is oppressed, but with the many treasures of the treasures he owns, it is not necessarily there without escape opportunities. But he actually burned the soul to fight against death.

"It's crazy!" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I want you to die !!"

The seventh palace main face has broken, revealing a picture of a bit of ugly face, this face is completely distorted, and it is extreme.

With the soul burned, he broke out this moment, has reached a new level.

Combine the treasures he owns ... The power is not in general.

"Sword, stop him!" The sword was unparalleled.

The sword is naturally not hesitating, and his strength is completely revealed.

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

The horrible roar sounds in the world, and the world is crazy, and the suspended land is crazy.

Fortunately, there are many countless cultivars on the land already fled to the distance, otherwise this battle is enough to destroy all the souls on this land.


It is also a big ring, and the suspended land finally crashed into the crash.

"Sword is unparalleled! Sword is unparalleled !!!"

The sky is roaring the world, this sounds, with endless madness and unwilling.

"This guy ..." The sword was unbeded, and the nature of the seventh palace is also very gloomy.

His heart is also fortunate, but fortunately, with the sword, this seventh palace is even if the burning soul cannot break through the hindrance of the sword, and kill himself.

If there is only one of him ...

His seven stars have not really repaired. Many means are difficult to use. At this critical, the seventh palace owner of the soul is burn, I am afraid there is a lot of dangerous.

Time passed, after a while, the awareness of the seventh palace owner has gradually begun to blur with the soul of the burning, and begins to dissipate.

After a while, the seventh palace owner's voice finally dissipated, and it was dead.

"Is it dead?"

The sword is unparalleled, "Yes, his treasure ..."

The sword is unparalleled. This seventh palace master has a treasure, and he immediately wants to go up.

Suddenly ... Just around the seventh palace main body, the darkness is blunt, and the ghost charm is coming out of your broken void, and then the body of the seventh palace will be taken with him. And the treasure, all the time.

"court death!"

The sword is not double-finished, and the four sorts of Hong Yinjian instantly exploded.

The sword is not far from the seventh palace main body, and the body shape is directly killed.

But the ghost charm is a cold and a smile, the figure is shaking, it has been flying away.

The four sorts of Hong Yinjian and the sword were all empty.

"The sword monarch, don't be so hot." The touch of sound came, the figure was stable, but a black robe woman, this black robes, the breath, although only the gods level, but give the sword unparalleled feeling Very quirky.

Others don't say, single, this black robe woman is hidden in the surrounding void, the sword is unparalleled, including the sword, never find it, this ability is not to be underestimated.

"Who are you?" The sword was unparalleled, and the woman saw the past.

"Who is not tight, the sword monarch you only need to know, I am coming from my master's order, and my owner is cold, the sword monarch, you should know." The woman of the black robe laughed.

The sword has no double shape.


"Cold Zun Lord?" The sword didn't have a double eyeliner.

"Cold Zunner? No, my hostess, now is no respect, but ... bloody door !!"


PS: Today is 5 more!

Recommend the old book "Wuji Cang", "Wu Xiao Shu", "Rebirth, I will be the beast", you can go see, and it is also very hot.

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