Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1946 Blood White Lord?

"Door?" The sword has no double-finish.

Before he heard that the white emperor said, the bloody door was changing, during this time, it was uniformly unified by the Thunder.

But what did him didn't think of it, unified blood, it will be cold! !

"Some of this time, my blood is really grateful to you, for my bloody door to clean it, or I have to spend some energy to deal with them." The black robe woman smiled. .

The sword has swept from the surrounding the body's body, and the heart also understands some.

No wonder how these bloody door strong is how to "high-key".

And see him to kill, flee, not to escape, but choose to fight for a battle.

It seems that these people have already rebelled blood, and they have been stadified in the snow, and they should have been imprisoned by people without accidents. They have not escaped at all.

In other words, they are actually dead, just waiting for the bloody door to kill them.

It's just that the bloody door has not been shot, they have encountered the sword.

So there will be all this.

"Sword monarch, today's things, I am grateful for my owner, say." The woman in the black robe smiled, but the figure has become blurred.

"Want to go?" The sword didn't have a double eye, and a purple bead appeared in his hand.

Under the intensification of the sword, there is a warming, you! ! !

Endless purple blotting sky, in an instant formed a large array of millions of miles away.

One of the beads, one read!

"You, can't escape!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Oh, I knew that you have a treasure of the sword monarch, I dare to grab the treasure in front of the sword monarch, naturally it is ready." The woman in the black robes smirk, but the room is taken out. A trick.

The symbol is broken, and the empties are crushed instantly, and a space-time channel appears out.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled.

The big array formed by a bead is covered with time and space.

However, the tolerance of the other party, but in this case, ignore the spatial space to form a time and space passage to the outside.


It's cold, and the sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, there is still a sword and unparalleled in these years.

Although his ancient blood pulse is only resumed, it can also be forced to use.

"Month"! "

Shenle exploded, rumbling ~~~

That time and space in the black robe woman immediately suffered an unprecedented oppression.

Like the spatiotemic channel that appears out, it is twisted to be deformed under this compression.

"Bad!" The black robe woman has changed.

But at this time ...

Since that has twisted time and space, A fiber-optic jade hand stretched out.

This jade hand is white, there is no flaw, and it has been extended from the air passage, and there is a cold breath that is unable to forget the sword.

Sensing this breath, the sword is unblocked.

"Cold as snow !!!"

The sword is unparalleled to death.

Which jade hands extending from the time and space channels are just randomly fluctuations, and the time and space that is compressed in an instant is completely stable, and the time and space channel also returns to normal.

The black robe woman took the opportunity to enter the spatiotemporal channel and disappeared.

At that time, the space channel has also begun to slowly converge.

However, before this time and space passage completely dissipated, there was a sound to pass.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, I really didn't expect that you have the opportunity to reach this level, but unfortunately, you want to save her, it is far away, it's far !!"

"Haha ~~~"

The sound takes a few points, constantly echoing in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with hands, watching the spatiotous space channel slowly disappeared, and the shape is also slightly tremor.

He is in the heart and is very heavy.

Differently ... these three words are still constantly sounding in his mind.

"My current strength is still not enough?" The sword didn't bite the teeth.

I left the green fire in the beginning of him to now, tens of thousands of years, he has always been strong in improving strength, thinking about it makes himself stronger.

Regardless of any crisis, any danger, he will do our best to fight for a line of life!

He is in order to find the cold as a snow in a day, step down suppression, saving his wife as frusting.

For so many years, he believes that his progress is very amazing.

Specially in the present, he has already standing in the top of the chaos world, even those gods, there must be some scruples to him.

But now he finds that his strength is still not enough!

Far from enough! !

"Bloody door, that is enough to focus on the darkness of the Holy League, the overall strength, even if it is not more than the Sheng League, but the gap will never have too many, and she can unify the blood of the thunder. The door of the blood, this can be resistant ... "The sword is unbolded.

In addition, the jade hand that has just been extended from the time and space channel is a cold as snow.

But from the jade hand, although it is unable to judge its specific strength, the sword is unparalleled, and the snow will inevitably reach the point where the emperor is shoulder.

"How can her progress?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Congenital sin, although there is a certain advantage in practice, but in just 10,000 years, she should not reach the emperor, and I will definitely get a very good opportunity." The sound is also ringing in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is clear that it is only like this.

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't worry too. She got a lot of the opportunity, and she made a big emperor in that short time, but you are not weak!"

"And you have now got a way to reverse the seventh step, just give you some time, let you really get into the seventh step, you will be enough to follow her, you have to put her strength It will never be too far. "Said the King said.

"Well." The sword has no double heart, and the bottom is absolutely confident.


The two movements appeared at the same time in the sword.

"Master ..." The sword watched the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, okay?" Duan Lingfeng also looked over.

"Nothing." The sword has shaken his head. "The big energy of the bloody door has been killed, and the rest is only some of the real gods, and some people who win the palace are also killed."

The sword has no double kill, and immediately waits, and the four ancient copper soldiers appeared at the same time. He again cooperated with Duan Lingfeng, the sword has a strong slaughter.


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