Without the energy, the rest of the bloody door, with the wins, and faced the sword where they were naturally not struggling.

Just use only a moment of Jung Fu, the whole won the palace, is cleaned, only some of the very weak disciples are escaped.

The void.

"Your name is Luo Tianhong?" Duan Lingfeng's eyes were cold, stared at the purple boy in front of him.

"Yes." Luo Tianhong mainly nodded, and there is a fanaticism.

"I have arranged an opponent to you, if you can kill him, I will accept you as a disciple, but if you are unreasonable, it is killed by the other side, then you can only blame yourself, I will not shoot Help you. "Duan Lingfeng cold road.

"Reling disciple?" Luo Tianhong lick, licking his lips, he has already seen the strength of Duan Lingfeng, although it is not as good as the sword, but it is enough to make him more enthusiastic super existence.

Under such a super existence, even if it is just named disciples, it is also worthy of Luo Tianhong to fight.

"He is my opponent?" Luo Tianhong looked at a burly man in front of himself.

The burly man is like a dead ash, and the body is desperate, but the breath has reached the level of the top emotional God.

To be a contest, the battle is the world, and you have to kill each other, this is indeed too much.

However, it can be done for the true top genius.

Others don't say, at least the sword is unparalleled, and they can do this when they are in the world.

"You listen." Duan Lingfeng also looked at the burly man. "I will give you a line of life now, and you can kill your opponent, you can live, turn it!"

The burly man from the wins the palace was originally completely desperate. He heard the words of Duan Ling Feng, but his eyes became bright.

He stared at Luo Tianhong, and a unprecedented killing and hope of life, liter.

A person, the strength of life and death, the outbreak is often the most terrible.

"Start it." Duan Lingfeng is cold open.

Immediately, the two fought in this void.

These two people, one is to be able to worship under the Duan Lingfeng door.

Another one, it is pure to be able to live yourself.

Both people broke their best.

In the edge of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with Duan Lifeng.

"Let this little guy talk to a top void, I have to be born, you really want to come out?" The sword has no double ancient times.

"I want to be my disciple, and it is that simple, let alone the opponent to him, it is quite equal to his strength, and it is not bullying him." Duan Lingfeng coldly.

There is no double eyebrow, and there is no more to say.

After all, this is Duan Lingfeng in picking up disciples, not him.

On the void, this world of God and the true gods have a long time.

Both parties have great beliefs, and they are very crazy, and they will completely evolve into the spelling, and their strength is.

Finally, this battle out of the victory.

Finally, it is Luo Tianhong!

His figure trembled in the void, and his body was also covered with blood, pale, but he was light and shiny. In front of him, he was lying on the border of the burly man.

"I won!" Luo Tianhong was excited, and blood in the body was boiling.

"This battle, for this little guy, barely calculates a transformation." The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

"OK." Duan Lifeng is slightly nodded.

Luo Tianhong defeated his opponent, according to the previous, Duan Lingfeng closed his disciples.

Later, Luo Tianhong left the Ling Peak.

As for the sword unparalleled, I also left Tianlai God.

On the way, the sword has no two-way purple emperor, informing the passage of this event.

The sword of this prince is not deliberately concealed, but only conceals his relationship with the blood of the blood.

"It seems that the news that I got from the Holy League is not wrong." The Emperor of the Moon is admired. "Not long ago, although the bloody door owner was unified with the thunder, there were still many People, I don't want to listen to the order of this bloody door, I was attached to the rebellion by the bloody door. During this time, the bloody door has been secretly clearing these rebels. "

"As for the seventh palace master, my Holy League also knows some, before the bloody door, there is a great power and status, but unfortunately with the bloody door owner is not the same camp, after the bloody door, He took a batch of strong people to escape, and he seems to have some treasures that have accumulated a part of the blood. "

"Unfortunately, these treasures have not built in your hand, but they will be held by the blood."

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, this time, the chaotic world is not peaceful. The bloody door has the Huangquan Palace, which is called the moving. I will have a big move. Before this, you have to take my heart, and strive to break the big breakthrough. The capabilities, you are reversible, once it becomes a big energy, it is enough to hide the emperor, you can become a big power of my Holy League. "

"This is to you, is the urgentity." The Emperor of the Moon Road.

"Well, I understand." The sword nodded.

He also knows what you are now most important.

Stepping on the seventh step, breaking through the energy, this is a top priority.

"Returning to the fire industry, there is the most spiritual power, in that sustained effect is the best." The sword is unparalleled.

Immediately, the ancient silver spacecraft fludys directly in the direction of the green fire.

After some space insect caves on the way, there is not long, and the sword has returned to the fire world.

This time, the sword is unparalleled to leave the Qing dynasty only for thousands of years.

But in this thousands of years, the fire industry is still greatly changed.

First of all, it is on the heaven and earth aura.

Thousands of years ago, when the sword was unparalled, the heaven and earth in the fire circles have been far from the top ten cultivation holy land, and now ... has passed thousands of years of evolution, the world of heaven and earth, There is also an overall cultural environment, at least ten times more than the top ten cultivation holy land!

This is just a conservative estimate of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, even thinking that now the cultural industry in the green world is probably able to catch up with the first era.

Even if there is still a gap, it is not too far.

In such an excellent cultivation environment, the fire community has a cultivation guidelines from the sword unparalleled, and the refurbishment of the fireworks will naturally be very fast.

By now, the world in the fire industry has no longer less than 10,000 people, even the real god, has already exceeded ten.

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