Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1949 cultivator?


"This ancient battlefield is really amazing." The evil spirits muttered.

For more than two thousand years, he also has a certain understanding of this ancient battlefield.

There is no doubt that this ancient battlefield is more precious than that of the ancient battlefield.

This is not just because of this ancient battlefield, which is more vast vast times than the ancient secrets, the charm is more, the most important thing is this ancient battlefield, no one wants!

Like the ancient secret, do not say the first era, single one is open, I don't know how many times, once opened, a lot of strong people go to search for the opportunity, many of the indispensable chants have been found, Be got.

Those who have not been found, it is estimated that it is difficult to get in the future.

But this ancient battlefield is completely different.

This contained endless opportunity, but all of them were all in the whole, these firms were too much.

"Unfortunately, my strength is relatively weak, and the life expective ability is not strong enough. Many places know that there is a lot of power, but I don't dare to go in, or I will get more." The evil spirits were holding hands. "

He is very cautious, very careful.

Once notice that it is not right, immediately take it back, I would rather be too big, and I am not willing to be too big.

Just because of such cautious, he can live in this more than two thousand years.

Otherwise, this ancient battlefield contains a very dangerous crisis, which has long died, don't know how many times.

The evil spirits are thinking, but at this time ...

"Well?" The evil spirits fierce.

He has found a few breaths in the sense of strength of your own soul.

"This is ... practicers?"

The evil spirits suddenly appeared.

He just thought that this ancient battlefield did not know, only one of him is here, accounting for the advantage.

But now, he misses the existence of cultural practitioners.

Although the strength of the cultivator is very weak.

"Let's take a look again."

The evil spirits are slightly lighter, and the figure has rushed toward the direction of the cultivator.

Above the void, the four people moved to the front.

These four men have men and women, they are very young, and they are scattered, but the spirit of the boundaries of the world, one of the first brown hair is still a three heavens.

"It's going to be purple in the purple inflammation, you are careful, remember that the teacher said.

The three people around him nodded, and the eyes were looking forward to it.

They are all from the green fire, and they will experience cultural practitioners in this battlefield, and from the same door.

The current fire industry is not the original.

It's a lot of true God, and the world is even more than a few days.

So many practitioners go to the surrounding battlefield, go to search for opportunities, and the opportunities discovered in this battlefield is naturally more and more easily.

Like now, there are more than half of the borders in the fire circles, and most of the territories have been investigated by the green world, and they have also found many secrets, and purple inflammation is one of them.

"Purple inflammation, divided into three floors, the first floor of the first floor, is enough to make a lot of death, as for the second floor of the gods, it is to find death, even our Master has arrived in the second floor, I have to be cautious, I don't dare to have a big idea, as for the third floor ... "

"The third floor of purple inflammation, only in the entire fire industry, only the legendary arrival unparalleled unparalleled city owner, the party dare to go, anyone else, including our masters and even the ancestors, once It will be dying! "

The brown hair looks at the surrounding three people. "Let's go to the first floor of the purple inflatable, and you have to be very careful, as for the second floor, don't think about it, understand? ? "

"Understand, Qing Dynasty brothers." Three people around him nodded.

These four people talk freely, but they don't know their conversations, and the elders that are hidden in the dark are listening to the ear.

"The four hierarchy of the world is from the same paradise?"

"They have just been in conversation, mentioning purple inflaties, but also mentioned the fire industry?"

The evil spirits are slightly frowned.

Purple inflaties, he will know that he should be a special place in the battlefield around.

These four contexts are to go to Nazi.

Can a green world ... The emperor of the evil spirits will not understand.

"No matter what, ask if you ask."

The evil spirits smiled coldly, and immediately went forward.

The four world gods, under the leadership of the brown hair, the direction of purple inflammation, and suddenly, the evil spirits of the face were in front of them.

The pace of these four contest is stopped, and the four eyes also looked at the evil spirits.

"This person ..." The first brown hair youth is a sharp turn, although the evil spirits in front of you have no breath, but it still makes this brown hair feels extremely pressure, this pressure, ratio When he faces his own masters, he will have a lot more.

I took a deep breath, this brown hair youth is immediately a ritual: "The old man is not a dead disciple Qing, have seen the seniors."

Next to the three people in this brown hair, they also greeted the evil spirits.

Not dead, is one of the nine top scoring for the green world, the famous is amazing.

And the brown hair youth, is a genius in the unfame of the palace. According to the truth, as long as some people know in the second, he should hear his name.

However, the evil spirits blinks, and there is a doubt.

He stayed in the chaotic world for so long, but he has never heard of a Zongmen called an unfamed.

"This is something, I want to ask you." The evil spirits looked at the four people in front.

"The seniors, I would like to ask, I have a good thing to know." Qingyu is quite calm.

"I just heard a few of you talking about the fire community, and there is what you said is not dead. Can you talk to this seat?" The evil spirits smiled and asked.

"The predecessors don't know the fire industry, don't know that they are not dead?" Qingyu blinded, vigilant, suddenly skyrocketing.

The three unfamed disciples next to them, also showed a horror of the horror.

If the other party does not know that it is not dead, it may be well understood. After all, it will not be able to create it from the green border. It is less than 20,000 years away from now, and some will be closed, and the old monsters do not ask. I don't know normal.

But the other party did not even know the fire community.

Obviously, the other party is not a strong fire world.

"Master, Master, I found a mystery, the other side from the fire community!"

Qingyan did not move, but it immediately gave his teacher to his teacher.

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