Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1950, evil spirits

Youth is already the first time to react.

But when he tried to send a message ...

"My message doesn't pass it, what is going on?" The Qing Hao was very shocked.

And the evil spirits have seen the young movements of the Qing, and immediately smiled: "Little guy, don't want to communicate, it is useless, this time and space has been completely blocked by this seat, depending on your district. It is impossible to break, and you can't escape. "

When the voice came, he saw a mighty oppression of the evil spirits.

! ! ! !

These four are not dead, including that brown hair youth, it is directly squatting.

The four people are bonsored, and they can't go back.

For a long time, it is still the first time to restore the heart. He bites his teeth and staring at the evil spirits, but the heart has already understood that the other party is far from what they can compete.

Don't say it is them, even if they are their masters, even the arrival of their teachers, I am afraid it is not the opponent of this person.

The other party said that they can't escape, and it is also a fact.

"You are four, you answer the question of this seat, maybe this seat will put you a way." The evil spirits smiled.

"You want to think!" Qing Yu cold.

He knows that the other party is from the fire industry, and the people are not good, naturally do not want to cooperate.

"Oh, there is still a bone." The emperor of the evil spirits is a smile, follow the finger.

A beam burst out, and the head of the arrogant hematition of the dead in an instant was done directly, the sound dissipated.

"Youth brother !!" The three men in the side have changed.

"Your brothers are dead, next to you, is honest to answer this question, or die as yours, you choose." The evil spirits were cold.

Under the means of the midistors of the gods, the three districts of the district, and the little guys who have experienced insufficient, naturally unable to resist.

It is very soon.

"The fire industry is actually a big world?"

After knowing the fire world, even if the evil spirits are also shocked.

He has always been an ancient battlefield, there is no cultivator, only him is alive, but now, there is a big world in this ancient battlefield?

And this world seems to be born in this battlefield?

Breeding by ancient battlefield, this value, how amazing?

"No." The evil spirits shook his head, "this ancient battlefield heavens and earth are so abundant, the cultivation of the illusion is more excellent than the top ten cultivation holy land, plus the surroundings and the ancient battlefield so large, this How much is the strong in the fire world? "

The emperor of evil spirits first be vigilant.

Such excellent cultivation environments, the overall strength of practitioners will definitely be weak.

"Who is the strongest in your green fire #, how is the strength?" The evil spirits asked directly.

One of them replied: "The strongest of our fire circles, naturally the supreme unparalleled city owner, he created unparalleled city in one hand, which is the first holy place in my green circulation. There are countless strong people to break the head, I want to go to the unparalleled city, but I have to work according to the rule, I have the nine top scoring for the green world, but this nine top scorpion does not have any side of the unparalleled city. He is a strong force that is recognized in the green fire! "

"As for the specific strength of the unparalleled city owner, no one knows, we only know, our Master, and even our teachers have a self-denial of the opponent without the double city owner."

"How do you have a teacher, what is the power of your teacher?" The evil spirits continue to ask.

"Our Master is a virtual God. As for our teacher, the teacher is not dead, that is, it has reached the situation of eternal life, but the top of the eternal real!" This unfamed disciple replied.

And I heard the answer of this unfamed disciple, the evil spirits of the emperor were one move.

"The palace owner of one of the nine top pointers, just just a eternal true God? How can it be so weak?" The evil spirits were confused, and he finally understood as he continued.

"Haha, it is so!"

"It turned out that this green fire industry began to change in 10,000 years. The previous cultural environment is very bad. There is no one in the gods. Later, I don't know why this battlefield is beginning to start. The strong people in the fire industry do not know where to get some cultivation guidance, the strong people in this green circle will slowly. "

"No wonder, no wonder in such an excellent cultivation environment, the palace master of the nine top-pointed power of the green fire world is eternal."

The evil spirits smiled, and the unusual abnormality, his is also a endless surprise.

"Great, great!"

"It's really helping me!"

"I found this ancient battlefield that was completely isolated from the ancient chaotic world, now let me find a big world with infinite potential!"

The emperor, this evil spirits see the value of the fire world.

Although the green fire industry has not yet grown, it is equivalent to a newborn baby, it is necessary to grow slowly, once it grows up, what will be achieved in the future, simply unimaginable!

After the death of the evil spirits, he raised many ideas after the first time.

Occupy the fire community, build this green circle into his private posture garden!

"Walk, go to the green world!"

The evil spirits immediately forced the three disciples who were not dead, leading him directly to the hot world.

As for him, he was still worried about the quality of the green circles, but now he doesn't care at all.

Even the most powerful palace owners of the nine major, it is just the first forever level, the so-called supreme unparalleled city owner, where can I get?

In the eyes of evil spirits, the top of the unparalleled city is also a chaotic true God. It is estimated that it is not the top in the chaotic real God.

As for energy?

The evil spirits didn't think about it at all.

There are not many energy in the world of chaotic world, and it is so simple to achieve?

And even if there is one in cases, the unparalleled city is really a big breakthrough, he doesn't care.

It is to know that he is a god of God, and through this ancient battlefield for more than two thousand years, his strength has long been in the past.

Because of this, he has no scruples.

One of the fire circles in the district, he is enough to sweep.

Soon, under the leadership of the three disciples, this evil spirits have come to the gate of the fire industry, before the green palace! ! !


PS: Today is 5 more!

It is recommended that you have finished the old book "Wu Xiao Cang", "I am born, I am the beast", and the friends who can go see it.

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