There is no double city, the secret room, the sword is unparalleled alone, it is close to the eyes.

After two thousand years of closed door, he had collapsed the seven stars before he had already completely recovered, and the strength has reached the most peak.

Not only, he also got a small progress in the understanding of the road, the time-space, the wheel, the road has reached the eleventh floor of the Taoine.

Swords, there are also some breakthroughs.

"Now, the overall strength is indeed a truncation than before, but unfortunately, the seventh step of the reversal is supreme, but it still does not take out." The sword is unbearable. Some regrets.

After the retrozing seven steps, he has been studying.

I have been thinking about breakthrough.

He has done a lot of efforts, but the total feeling is broken, and it is still so bad.

This silk, as if a window paper is like a window, you can smoke it.

But this is the window paper, but it is a great opportunity.

The sword is unparalleled and efforts are to keep calm.

at this time……


The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes have also opened, and then he has a shackles and has left the secret room.

There is no double city in the hall.


The sword is unparalleled with the upper throne.

"Father, Wang Yuan, old, old four, so urgently looking for me, what?" The sword watched the three people next to it.

He told him before the customs, if it is not very urgent, don't easily disturb him cultivate.

"It is an urgent matter." Jiannan is indifferent.

"Let me say." Wang Yuan is directly: "The old three, there is a foreign person to kill my green fire world."

"Outth people?" The sword did not change the double-faced.

Now the fire community, the entire Ancient battlefield is under the coverage of the Big Array, and no consent of the highest level of the green palace, no one can force it.

In this case, the fire industry ushered in the outside person?

"Either it is an ancient power in the ancient battlefield, or it is the same as that of the ancient king, through the space of the ancient mystery, lucky to come to this battlefield, from the power of the chaotic world." Swordless Mamage.

"What is the strength of these people?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Very strong, strong," Wang Yuan, Zheng Guan: "I have grown through these years. The strength has already been in the past, and there is a lot of things, but the outside is just standing. There, let me have the courage of my live in the hot world. If I have not guess, he should reach the older's level of the old three you said. "

"Can a big energy?" The sword didn't have a little bit.

"This outner seems to have figured out the system of my green fire world, and I will directly attack the green palace with the Thunder's means. The Qinglu Palace will not be able to resist, and only the few trows you left by the old three. Come out, but even if you have a few towns and join hands, they are easily defeated by him. "Wang Yuan Road.

"Oh?" The sword was unbeded.

He left a few towers in the Qinglu Palace, but it was just an ordinary bronze road.

Several tricks, to fight against a gods, should be more than enough.

The result is easy to defeat by the other party. The other party is at least the top god, or the emperor.

"Can there be a mirror picture of his fight against Dao Bing?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, I am deliberately recorded." Su whispered on the side and took an ancestor.

As Su Soft waved, a huge mirror screen appeared immediately above the void.

This mirror screen is made in the mirrored and a few towns.

Four Squares, all went all out, and the evil charm young man in the picture is just casual, it is very easy to follow the four tribers.

And the evil charm young man in the picture, but the sword is not a bite, but "is him !!"

The sword has already recognized this evil young man.

Many people in the world, there are many strong people, but there are many powerful people who have a famous arrogant, and the sword is unparalleled.

The evil charm young man in the picture, the emperor, the sword is unlikely to know.

"Evil emperor, he actually ran to my green circle?" The sword was cold.

The evil spirits have always been in the ancient secrets, and since there is this, it is undoubted that it is definitely rushed through ancient secret space.

"Fortunately, just a god emperor who is unintentional, and the strength is general, it is still within my cash, if it is ancient power, it is talented." The sword is unparalleled.

A evil spirits, strength, he is still enough.

But if it is an ancient power from the ancient battlefield, it is really trouble.

An ancient powerful, even the weakest, once restored to the peak war, is not a sword and unparalleled can be easily dealt.

"I'm old, do you know this?" Wang Yuan asked.

"I didn't play the hand, but I know his details, how is it?" The sword has no double.

"The purpose of this outner is to occupy my green circles, so after the crushing, it has been defeated the absolute strength, he did not slaughter my high-rise strong, but he stayed. Speaking, give us a month, after a month, I have a green palace, and even the strongest nine top scorpion in the green fire world is not completely suits him, he will kill the door, full of door Slaughter! "

"In addition, he also mentioned the old three you." Wang Yuan did not look at the sword.

"Oh? What do he say?" The sword was unreliable.

"He knows that the old three, the unparalleled city is a strong, a strong, a saying, a saying, so he spread, let you see him." Wang Yuan.

"Let me see it? Oh, this evil spirits are quite courageous." The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is almost, "This evil spirits I still don't know if I really identify?"

The sword is unparalleled, what is the murder of the vital chaotic world.

Even the great emperor has a bit of counseling, not to mention a evil spirits in the district.

However, the evil spirits didn't care, but they also released the words to let them be active, it is certain that the other party does not know his true identity.

The evil spirits are estimated that only the strong people in the fire industry are unparalleled, but they don't know the true name of his unparalleled city.

If you know, this evil emperor, don't say that this is so crazy, I am afraid that I have been scared.

"Where is this outside?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Just within the palace that is suspended outside the greenhouse." Wang Yuan Road.


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