Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1952 No double city owner arrived

"Very good." The sword didn't have a little bit, but the mouth was revealing a smile.

"Old three, do you want to do?" Wang Yuan looked over.

"How to do it? Oh, since this evil God wants me to meet, then I am all right." The sword is unparalleled, but this smile is like a blade.

On the same day, the sword was unparalleled from the unparalleled city, and it came to the suspended palace group outside the greenhouse.

Within a temple in the most central temple of the palace group.

The evil spirits of the noodles are sitting in the tall Wang Zun, and it is a cultivator to stand in respect of some green circles.

The practitioners of these green fire circles are most people, and they have reached the realist level.

At this moment, these real gods nodded at the waist, and the face was a smile.

Previously, the evil spirits killed the green fire palace, and took a self-cultivation of the green palace, as well as the nine top of the green world, this news was spread.

Naturally, there will also be a strong person who is lifted by the Qinglu Palace and the nine top scorpion, and these strong people have taken the initiative.

In now, this evil spirits also gathered some people.

"God Emperor, according to the news, now the nine top scoring for the green industry, has already gathered a green palace, it is estimated that it is trying to countermeasures, in addition, the Qinglu Palace has a strong city, please be unparalleled The city owner came out. "A purple man said respectfully.

"Hey, God Emperor, in fact, you can don't have to be troublesome, directly out of the green palace, put the nine top scorpion, and then support a new force, unify the whole The fire industry is not more relaxed. "

"Yes, this green palace has the nine top scoring, even if you are afraid of adults, you are estimated to be temporary, they do not believe."

There are several people next to them.

Even if it is a general parade, there is no lack of existence of some defeat, let alone a big world.

These true gods present is the fault of the fire world.

They know that the evil spirits are outside, but for their own interests, they are still unheedited.

And it has been confused to let the evil spirits have destroyed the green palace and destroy the nine top scorpion.

Because many of them are all being used by the Green Palace, they are oppressed by the nine top scorpion.

On the top throne, the evil spirits knocked on the armchair, and the face was also smiled. "This is a complete green world, like the green palace, the nine top scorpion The pattern is very good, there is no need to completely cover them, now this is to do, it is to replace the unparalleled city owner, so that many cultivators who make the green fire world will be as strong as the power, and be a god, this is enough. "

"Of course, if they don't know, then I can't blame this."

The few things below the bottom is a bit unwilling, but they have not said more.

At this time, a black robes came in and worshiped to the evil spirits, said: "God Emperor, there is no palace."

"Oh?" The evil spirits of the emperor.

"No Double City Lord !!"

The few things below the main hall, they were taking a breath.

They all have the legend of the unparalleled city, and they also know.

There is no double city owner, which has already been complete myth in the green industry.

Anyone, one mentioned that there is no double city owner, will not help but expose the fear and worship, these true God, even if it has already goded the evil emperor, but in the heart, there is a big fear of the legendary unparalleled city.

However, I think of the spirit of evil spirits, and the true God is slightly peaceful.

"Hey, there is no pair of pairs of pairs."

"Of course, no matter how high it is in the green world, it is just a true God, and how can I compare with God Emperor?"

"According to me, the owner of the unparalleled city is now very embarrassing. I am afraid that the emperor will kill him directly!"

"What is the unparalleled city owner, in front of God Emperor, the fart is not on."

These true gods have been touched.

And the evil spirits are smiling: "This is not too stupid, it is not too stupid, let him wait outside."

"Yes." The black robe came to the message to turn around.

Outside the palace, there are several shadows to stand in parallel, and in the Qingjin Museum in the distance, there are also many high-rise strong people in the hot world.

The highest level of the nine top scorpion is standing there.

Then there is still some of them.

Although the sword is unparalleled, there is more than one rescue of the green fire, and it is unquestionable.

But now these cultivars in the hot community are not more than the original, they are now seeing, and the sword is only true God.

And the migrant persevere, that is, the legendary energy, it is said that even the top of the world is in the world.

The gap between true gods, the gap is a big except.

So these people have absolute convictions on the swords, but they are still extremely worried.

"God Emperor has made it, let you wait here!"

The black robes who came to the message were highly joined, and they were more unprecedented because he knew that they were the highest level of the green world in front of them, and there were even the legend of the strong. .

Will not wait outside the door, let him wait here, he has never thought about it.

"Let's wait here? This bastard!" Wang Yuan just angry.

"Don't worry, since he wants to put a frame, then I will give him face, I don't know, how would he stop?" The sword didn't smile, and he didn't care.

In the autumn moon next to the sword, it is secretly shaking his head, and the heart of the evil spirits who do not know the high-grade thick.

And the sword is unparalleled for a long time.

In the palace group, it was finally moving.

I saw the evil emperor, surrounded by a few true gods, floating.

Booming ~~~ The vast neighborhood spread from the evil spirits, oppress the world.

The person has not yet arrived, but his voice is already echoating in this day.

"Which one is that there is no double city owner?"

The evil spirits are cold, with a high height.

He is carrying his hands on the upper side, everything is everything, it has come to the sword, but it is too lazy to see the sword.

He listened to the lives of the lives early, this unparalleled city owner is just true God.

The zone is really qualified to see him.

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