These cultivators in the fire industry have also believed that there is only true God, and it is impossible to compete with this evil spirits.

But now ... The sword is unparalleled, and only standing there, the evil spirits did not hesitate to escape directly.

"This is that there is no double city owner, my myth of my fire !!"

Many strong people in the green circles are holding hands, and the color of the worship is flashing.

And the sword is unparalleled, looking at the evil spirits that flee flee, and the face change.

He wanted to ask some questions again, and then kill the evil emperor, but did not expect that the latter fled so decisive.


"Do you escape?"

The sword is unparalleled in the cold voice echoed in the world.

At the same time, while his voice sounded, a vast violet shun was raised, and instantly covered millions of miles of territory.

One of the beads, one read!


The evil spirits saw the big array of surroundings, the face is more ugly, not only that, but he also found this big array, the surrounding time and space is completely attached.

He has never done it to the foreign news.

"Sword Monarch, I am not intentional, I can have a bloody vow, this battlefield, there is also a green circle, I will not tell anyone, let me go!" The evil spirits fell, he is full of remorse now , Hate yourself should not come to this green world, he didn't expect to meet the sword monarch here.

"Hey, what is the use of the vow? Secret, always only in the mouth of the dead, the most reliable." The sword is unparalleled, and there is no slightess.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The four brilliant golden motifs raised up and out of an instant.

"That is……"

Seeing these four golden lights, the evil spirits were just condensed.

He also learned from the sword and knowing that the sword is unparalleled, the most terrible is the four sorts of gold swords.

Four sorts of gold swords, each handle has a good power of the peak, and the four handles jointly, even the peak emperor of the Wushan Master will be completely crushed.


The crisis is gone, and this evil spirits have come up with a big ax.

This big ax is the sky, and it is also a chaotic god.

The big ax waves in the hands of the evil spirits.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

I only heard the four low hitting sounds, and the evil spirits suddenly broke out, but the four sorts of Hong Yinjaclooeded out of the shock.

"Well?" The sword flashed on the face.

As far as he knows, the evil spirits can only be considered in the emperor, even the bottom of the bottom, even if you are very good, there is no means.

Such an emperor, according to the truth, his four-handed Hong Kong sword, a round of impact is enough to kill, but now, the other party actually gave the four handles and gold swords, and did not hurt.

"It seems that I am a little bit of you."

The sword is unparalleled indifferent, but the blood peak sword behind him is instant, the sword is horizontal, and his body shape is also a stepping.

"not good."

The evil spirits saw this.

"The rumor is not only the four sorts of gold swords, and his close smashing ability is extremely terrible. If the two are perfect, it is enough to kill the peak emperor!"

"I will never fight against him!"

The evil spirits have self-knowledge.

He is in the surrounding ancient battlefield, because of a lot of opportunities, the strength has risen, and now it is still strong, and it is still a fight against the peak.

But only this combat power is definitely eligible to face the Junjun of this fameered Hero.

Seeing that the sword is unparalleled, this evil emperor is suddenly turning forward, and the bronze mirror that exudes a mysterious breath is taken. He is holding the copper mirror, giving the power in his hand.


Two pounds of breath out of the bronze mirror.

These two stakes are extremely cold, just like Hell Huangquan.

Instantly Kung Fu, these two breaths are condensed in the void, and they have two black vain.

The two black vain is the same as normal human cultivators, but the volume is especially huge, height is more than three meters, and the black eyelids do not have a substantial eye, some are just a black flame, it is like a ghost.

"Block him!"

The evil spirits told that these two black vain were in an instant, and they came with the sword.

Two Sen Sen Cool and a strong atmosphere lock in the sword.

"What is this?" The sword was unbrick.

He can feel these two black vain, the war is extremely strong, bringing the pressure to him, and it is not as a general peak emperor.

And this is two vain, it is equivalent to two peaks.

"Hey, you think that you can escape with these two vain?" The sword is unparalleled, "Sword!"


A void appeared in this big array, but it turned into a streamer, and broke out the speed of terror, and the evil spirits were attacked.

The sword has not paid this evil spirits in the eyes, but after all, because of the matter of things, in order to prevent the sword.

When I was blocked by the two black vain, the sword directly shot.


The evil spirits have changed, but they are not desperate.

At this moment, he has appeared on the edge of the big array formed by the bead, and the sword left him, there is a certain distance.

He has a chance to escape.

I saw him turning back, but it was once again took out a stone stick, this lague only left half.

This lague is a special treasure that he got in the surrounding battlefield, which is extremely huge.

It was completely complete, but he had crushed half of it because he had hit a crisis.

"Life and death, you must not be so much." The evil spirits were cold.

With his palm of his hand.


The remaining semi-stone sticks are also directly burst, after bursting, a stunned power has exploded directly.

This power is strong, although there is no level of emperor, but it is just close to the emperor.

And this power is still completely concentrated, and suddenly broke out.


The purple big array formed by the beaded bead broke out, and then the place where the power swept, there was a huge gap.


The evil spirits are now big, but the smile on his face has just found out that it is completely solidified.

Because he found that the sword has come to him behind him.

Moreover, a horrible, which made him completely not struggled the room, and it was already grabbed by his throat.

"How can it be so fast?"

The evil spirits are wide, and the face is full.

"This, this is ... Great Emperor?"

With a full shock, the evil spirits of the evil spirits have been directly smashed.

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