Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1955, Five Fun Soul

Booming ~~~

The evil spirits were dead, and the two black vain that blocked the swords before, and the world was once again returned to calm.

The sword has no double body shape, which has appeared next to the evil body.

Looking at the body of the evil spirits, the sword is not double-faced.

"The master, the sword is unable to." Sword stands respect.

"This matter is not blame, I am too big, I underestimated this evil emperor." The sword is unparalleled: "I thought that this evil spirits were just a bottom of the emperor, I can't turn it in my hand. Soil, I can first and steady the process of holding him to this battlefield, please ask in detail, and then I will kill him again. "

"But I didn't expect that this evil spirits were so decisive, directly escaped, and his strength was too much better than before!"

In the unparalleled understanding of the sword, this evil emperor is just a general emperor, nor is there any particularly powerful means.

But just, the strength of this evil emperor showed the strength, but he was quite surprised.

"No accident, this evil spirits should stay in this battlefield for a long time, and also got a lot of opportunities, so his strength will have great improvements, and there will be those specials in the hands. Treasures, with treasures, he just almost escaped. "The sword didn't smash.

If you just let the evil spirits escape, then things are really bad.

Now, although the evil spirits are killed by the sword, but just this evil spirits have bombard the big array of beads.

Even if I just blew it, I was killed by the sword, but this is no longer than a short time, the evil spirits can be submitted!

"From the beginning of the evil spirits, I have already blocked the surrounding time and space, ensuring that he can't communicate, but just when he broke the beads, the time and space was blocked, and I didn't know this short. In the time, is he newsmaked to a person, if it is true, then it is troublesome. "The sword is unmainted.

He is the most worrying, that is, this ancient battlefield, and the fire world is completely exposed.

At arrived, I am afraid it is not a two power, but all the strong people in the world will swar.

He kills the evil spirits, and it is also for extinguishing.

But the problem now is that he doesn't know that the evil spirits are in this time, there is anyone informing others of this ancient battlefield.

If he really told others, and now the other party knows that he is in the news, that person, the eighth hand will completely open the news.

By the time……

"This evil spirits don't seem to have a friend who can live and die, and this ancient battlefield, such a rich opportunity, he should not tell others, but should have itself alone." The sword is unmainted.

Of course, this is just his guess, how is it, he can't affirm it.

"No matter if there will be a second person knowing this ancient battlefield, I can't take much more, and I am in peace of mind." The sword is unparalleled with hands, and at this time he looks at the evil spirits Emperor's Qiankun ring.

This evil spirits have been in the surrounding battlefield for many years, and there must be a lot of treasures.

Others don't say, the bronze mirror that he just took out, and the half-ray stick that has been pinched by him, it is not in general.

The sword is unlikely to start finding it.

After a while, as the sword did not have a double, the bronze mirror that exuded a strange breath was already in his hand.

"This copper mirror ..."

The sword is unparalleled to feel the extraordinary of this copper, even if it starts to refine.

After a while, he has known the name of the copper mirror.

"Five fire god soul mirror, contain five soul souls, feeding, explosive!" The sword flashed in the light.

He knows that the two black vain came from these five fire gods, it is the two gods in the territory.

And the five fire gods, there is a total of five souls.

The five souls are the creators of these five fire gods, and the consciousness of the five strong people is erased, and then the five strong souls are trapped in the territory, and they are feeding with Shenqi. These five demon souls, they also wake up these five demon souls at the time of war.

As for the strength of these five demon souls, it is also based on feeding.

"Erase the powerful consciousness, refine the other soul into the soul, good poisonous means." The sword is unparalleled.

He saw that the refining method of these five fire gods is extremely vicious.

This treasure is also a murderer.

But still in that, in this world, there is no evil treasure, only evil models.

"The more powerful, the more feeding, the more pure, the stronger the battle out of these five gods," swordsseller.

He feels, now the five fire gods, the five souls are extremely hungry.

Obviously, in the ancient battlefield for so many years, there is no power to feed, the five big soul strength has already been exhausted.

The time that the evil spirits got this five fire gods should not have long, although they have been feeding with Shen Li, but he is an ordinary emperor, Xin Xi, is now only able to wake up two of the souls. War.

And these two gods' skills are based on his own strength, but it is only a general peak of God, not too strong.

However, if the five fire gods, if they are in the sword, it is completely different.

The sword is unparalleled, although there is no cross-foot refurbishment in the seventh step, but his strength is definitely better than God emperor, with the power of the ancient blood, and is far from the general emperor, and he The power is far more than normal, too much too much.

If he is full of filling these five souls ...

"Don't worry, wait back to the secret room, I will try again." The sword is unmainted.

In addition to these five fire gods, there is still a lot of treasures in the evil spirits, most of them are chaotic gods, and even three pieces of the body of the body.

As far as the evil spirits, the emperor wear is a strong body of the body.

"No wonder, I have a front impact of my four sorts, but he can resist it safely. It turns out that he is not just that his own strength reaches the peak level. The key is that he has such a strong body god armor. I look at the ancient battlefields in the surrounding ancient battlefield. "The sword didn't think of the darkness.

The treasure is briefly, and the sword is unparalleled.

It is a pity that there is no other treasure to be a sword in addition to the five fire gods.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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