Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1956 Blood Knife



Jiannan Tian, ​​Wang Yuan, Suiro and others have come to the sword.

Looking at the corpses of the evil spirits below, everyone could not help but horses.

"This is a genuine big energy." Wang Yuan couldn't help but admire.

"It is a big energy, and the strength is extremely weak. Unfortunately, when I walked in the vast chaotic world, I didn't know how much, this evil spirits were not worth it." Sword is unparalleled Channel.

The facts he said.

At the beginning of the star, he waited for the whole of the big energy alliance, which can be a hundred energy in the full foot.

With that, there is a evil spirits in the district.

The evil spirits are dead, those who have brought him before, they are all being killed.

The various parties of the fire world are naturally cheered.

At the same time, they have more awe of this unparalleled city owner.

It turned out that although this unparalleled city owner was just true God, but it was easy to kill the energy! !

After killing the evil spirits, the sword is no longer returned to the unparalleled city secret room.

In front of him, an old bronze mirror is quietly suspended there, and the copper mirror exudes a unbelive breath.

"Five Souls, I don't know how to break out in my powerful feeding."

The sword is not looking forward to it, and immediately, the power is rolling, and it is rubbed with the power of the ancient blood, and the soul of these five fires will go.

These treasures have been absorbed by the five gods of the ancient veins, and the five demon souls are getting stronger and stronger in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to start closing, but he doesn't know, just kill the evil spirits ...

It is still in the ancient battlefield around the surrounding, but it is extremely void from the green world.

! !

A bloody stream of bloody rows that were rapidly flooded was stopped.

Blood light dissipated, revealing a young man in bloody airtight.

After this young man, I still have a bloody knife, and the body is full of amazing fierce.

This breath has reached the level of God's king.

It is important to know that there is no big energy in addition to the sword, and one of his swords.

This bloody man is obviously not the people of the fire.

"Dead, brother, he died?"

This bloody bloody man is full of eyes, full of angry standing there.

He is a blood knife.

Soon after a big breakthrough to God's hierarchy, I just made a gods in the world!

At the same time, he still has another identity, that is the brother of evil spirits!

Of course, this identity, the vast chaotic world is almost a few people know.

As the sword is unparalleled, the evil spirits don't have the kind of friend who can live and die, like this battlefield, such a big charm, is a big treasure, even if there is a certain amount of people, he will not I am happy to share.

But only the brother of yourself is extremely deep.

This is the ancient battlefield, he only told one person, it is his brother, blood knife.

When the evil spirits swayed in this ancient battlefield, the blood knife gods came to the battlefield under the guidance of the evil spirits, but they did not join hands, but they were separated, and their own opportunity.

Previously, the evil spirits found that when the fire industry, they also sent them to the blood knife.

Unfortunately, the blood knife god has not arrived, but the evil spirits have been killed by swords.

Before death, the evil spirits broke through the sword unparalleled time and space, and sent a message to this blood knife.

"Sword monarch, sword monarch is in the green world !!!"

"The fire industry is the old nest of the sword!"

"Don't come, don't come !!!"

If the message is delivered, the evil spirits of the evil spirits will no longer have any movements.

Obviously, it is dead!

"Sword Monarch?"

Blood knife gods are gloomy.

Although he just broke through the gods, he also heard that the monk of the Jianhe's sword.

That is one of the great chaotic worlds that really stand at the top of the top, and it is also recognized as the first day.

He is just a true god, but he has a war. Even if it is a general peak, the emperor is very energetic, it is horrible.

"This sword monarch is in this ancient battlefield? And the fire industry is still his old nest?" The blood knife goddened.

At the same time, he also moved in his heart.

"I understand, I finally know why the sword monarch is like this, why make it so fast."

"It turned out that he has always occupied a charming machine, he alone, occupying a vast ancient battlefield !!!"

"He has a great resource that has not been there!"

"One person occupies such a vast ancient battlefield, accounting for so many opportunities, change is me, I am afraid that the achievements will never be weak than him."

This blood knife gods low, his eyes became a scarlet.

This scarlet is not only because of his unparalleled envy, jealous, and there is an endless hatred.

He and the evil emperor are the brothers, the relationship has always been intimate, even more than the brothers.

It can be said that evil spirits are his only loved ones in this world.

And now, the evil spirits are dead.

There is no doubt that it is definitely dead in the sword monarch.

"Revenge! Revenge!"

"I must revenge for the brother!"

"Sword Monarch ..."

The blood knife gods will also rise.

He wants to revenge for the evil spirits, but he is also very clear that the strength gap between his own monarchs is inevitable, and he wants to revenge himself.

Even if he is now in an ancient battlefield, it can get a small opportunity.

However, the sword is also progressive, and the sword is unparalleled now is true God, no matter how he makes it, he wants to catch the sword is unparalleled, and it is not possible.

So he wants to revenge, can only rely on the power of others.

"Hey, such a big ancient battlefield, how vast resources are all occupied by you, you are too greedy !!"

The blood knife gods are cold, and the mind is turning, soon, he has decided in his heart.

On the same day, the blood knife gods returned to the original road.

This ancient battlefield surrounding the ancient secret to the fire industry is connected in a spatial gap.

From the ancient secret, you can resist this battlefield through this spatial gap.

Similarly, from this battlefield, you can also pass that space, you can also go to the ancient secret.

And the position of the spatial gap, the blood knife goddess is very clear, through the spatial gap, soon, he returned to the world of chaotic world.


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