Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1957 spread!

Among the dim, the blood knife gods stand in the shape, seeing unqualified appearance.

In front of him, they respect hundreds of people.

Most of this dozens of people are true gods, but they have the existence of the world, they are all temporarily being arrested by the blood knife of the eyes.

At this moment, this dozen people shameful in the heart.

They don't know who this person is, what they are doing, but they know that people in front of me are a genuine energy.

"This seat belts you, it is to do things for this seat." The blood knife gods overlooks ten people in front of him, but immediately took out a piece of consecutive, "The gover here, you People take a piece, then head to Vientiane, Jiufang Palace, Lingxiao Temple, Tian Machi, Baifeou, Tiantao Tissue ... "

The blood knife gods reported a name of a forces.

These forces, some are the kind of large-scale zone, some are intelligent killer organizations, but they all have a common situation, they are all the top forces of the chaotic world!

As a Vientiane Building, it is a recognized intelligence of the ancient chaotic world.

Nine Pang Palace, Ling Xiao Bao Temple, that all wait a big force.

At this moment, the blood knife gods will read the names of the 10 forces.

"After the power of the power, I will hand over to them in your hands. If you don't say more other words." The blood knife gods the sound of the sound, but immediately waved and took a piece of Qiankun Ring, " In these Qiankun Rings, there are thousands of vast crystals, regarding your remuneration! "

"In addition, this seat has left a special imprint in your body. If you follow this seat, you will have it to complete this matter, but if you don't send the inquiry to your respective forces, this seat Directly, put it! "

"Listen to it?"

The blood knife gods, the cold scorpion looked around everyone.

"Advise the advice, I will have to send these characters in a hundred years." There is really the gods.

Others are also looking forward to.

They did not hesitate to have the strength of the energetic person to kill their strength at any time, and naturally did not dare to violate.

What's more, the compensation given by this energy is still enough to make them crazy.


The blood knife god said.

These people are immediately moving and go to their respective forces.

And on this void, only the blood knife god is standing there, his face gradually emerges, it is extremely embarrassing.

"Sword Monarch, Hey, single, my brother, you can kill the extinguishing port, but now the energetic battle of the people, will know the ancient battlefield, I have to be able to resist it. , All the strong people in the chaotic world will be killed !!! "


Not long after, many of the great power of the world's chaotic world, many majority, have got an enormous.

There is a message in this controven, as well as a mirror image.

In the mirror screen, there is no fierce battle, and there is no practitioner to appear, some are just a battlefield.

An old and huge battlefield.

The mirror screen only recorded a small part of the territory of the ancient battlefield.

However, the top of the chaotic world, but it can still be recognized through this small part of the territory. It is ancient battlefield! !

Moreover, that is a strange battle, even the ancient battlefield that is completely different from the ancient secret!

There is no doubt that this is a brand new, never being discovered by ancient battlefield!

As for the information, it is very simple, it is the location of the hidden spatial crack in ancient secret.

These characters have fallen into those strongmen of these forces, and they are shocked.

The whole dramatic chaotic world has also triggered a unprecedented vibration! !

This shake, which is not closed, and it is much more important.

You know, this is a brand new ancient battlefield!

Everyone knows that ancient times, the strong is like a cloud, which is the most prosperous period of the world.

After ancient times, the cultivator of this world is constantly weakening, and no longer reach the brilliant time of ancient times.

Naturally, the ancient battlefield has become a large number of cultivators to continue to explore the pursuit.

Since the second era, I have been in the present, and I have known the ancient battlefield, there are only two, the first nest with ancient times.

These two old ancient battlefields, although there is a lot of machine edge, but the first is too dangerous, the second is a long-term investigation, and many opportunities have been almost the same.

Therefore, these two ancient battlefields have a small appeal to the power of the ancient chaotic world, but this attraction is no longer too big.

But a new ancient battlefield, it is completely different! ! !

The new ancient battlefield, the changing machine is complete.



The biggest energy of the ever chaotic world is all crazy.

Dacuble, it is already high, it is not too much to attract their things throughout the world.

But a brand new, I have not been discovered before, and the ancient battlefield that contains endless opportunity, it is enough to be crazy for countless energy!

Don't say that ordinary energy is, even those gods that are at the top, after you know this news, you can't calm down.

Thunder Island, Holy Mountain.

I stayed in Thunder Island all year round, and the two emperors of the Many of the Shengshi, Tianchen Laozu, the East Emperor gathered together.

The faces of the two are extremely dignified.

"This news, who is passed out? Can you confirm?" Tianchen's old ancestors low.

"I don't know who spread it. Those who sent the inquiry to each forces, just some of the true God and the world, they only know that a large energy told them to do, but they didn't know that The real identity of the big energy, as for the mirror screen in the mirror screen, and now I can't confirm it. "Emperor Emperor Daodao.

"Send the monet to each forces, which is obviously deliberately spread, and he is still intentionally hidden ... This will it be a bloody door or a circle of the Huangquan Palace deliberately settled?" Tianchen old ancestors frown.

"It should not be, although the news has not been confirmed, but from the mirror screen, that is indeed an ancient battlefield, and the picture is only a small part of the ancient battlefield, that ancient battlefield should be extremely huge, so A huge ancient battlefield, if the bloody door is discovered with Huangquan Palace, they have long been in secret, and will it deliberately spread to us? "Emperor Emperor said.

"In addition, even if the two big yin, the dark force is to calculate my Sheng Leoint, the top more also dare to calculate a part of the strong, to calculate the entire Chinese, and even the whole dramatic chaotic world, they have not so appetite."

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