Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1958 Blocks Crazy! (on)

"It is also right, but still try to be cautious."

Tianchen old ancestors did not dare to go, asked: "What is the reactions of all parties in the St. League now?"

"How can I be? I am crazy!" The Emperor Emperor directly said: "This can be a new ancient battlefield. He is completely different from the ancient secret, but the ancient secret is found in the first era, already After the exploration of many strong people in the first era, we have reached our second era, and there is still a lot of strong people. "

"Can a new ancient battlefield, its value is more precious than the ancient secret, thousands of times, or even more than 10,000 times!"

"Don't say that the strong power of the Shengling is, even if it is me, if the two big yin, the dark force is a bit can't live, the Holy League needs to control the overall situation, I am now in the new ancient battlefield. "

Emperor Emperor is absolutely no exaggeration.

A brand new ancient battlefield, the value is indeed a hundred times more than the ancient secret!

"You are all this, it seems that several other people can't help it." Tianchen grandmother sighed.

"Of course, I can't help it, I have received news, Red Dragon, Jiu Hao Sheng, glazed emperor, the emperor of the purple is already there, and several other estimates are fast. As for the strong power of the Shengshi, almost all The news has been prepared, as for those forces that are the first to get the news, I am afraid that a large number of strong people have arrived at the space gap in the ancient secret. "

"In addition, the people in which I am inserting in the special ethnic group have also reported that the highest strongest of the special ethnic groups seems to know the news, and they are also awkward."

"Even those special ethnic groups are amazed?" Tianchen ancestors were shocked.

The ancient chaotic world is large.

In addition to human cultivators, there are many special ethnic groups, like ancient gods.

These special ethnic groups live in different territories, with rarely dealing with human cultivars in peacetime, but they do not represent their news.

Once the ancient chaotic world has a major event, or there is a major opportunity, not single human cultivator, those special ethnic groups will also be alarmed.

"The new ancient battlefield is born, this is in our second era, or the first time, it is difficult to think that there is no big movement, but this ancient battlefield has no longer appears, no late, biased to the present, I am not a big peace in the chaotic world When I appeared, I really don't know if it is a blessing. "Tianchen old ancestors muff.

The new ancient battlefield is born. This should be a great creation and opportunity for the whole dramatic chaotic world.

But this Tianchen old ancestors are quite worried.

"Right, this matter, the white emperor knows?" The Emperor Emperor asked.

"I have already told him, he just asked one or two, and did not say much." Tianchen old ancestral road.

"Then will he won't go to the new ancient battlefield?" The Emperor Emperor doubts.

"I don't know, but I should go." Tianchen ancestor guess the road.


At this moment, the power of the people of the chaotic world is indeed, as the east emperor, all are mad.

A brand new ancient battlefield is born, this is too great to attract a lot of energy.

Almost no one can resist this temptation.

Natural countless strong people want to go, prepare to go to the ancient battlefield.

Nine pool.

"Holy Lord!"

The Wushu Palace is full of enthusiasm to the nine holy owners who are completely covered in the dark.

More than two thousand years ago, the star of the stars was killed by the mysterious power of 131 swords, near death.

Despite more than two thousand years of healing, the injury of the Jiu Han is a lot of injuries, but it can see that his face is also pale.

"The new ancient battlefield is born, this is a great opportunity. I can't miss it. You will go to prepare, start as soon as possible, and this seat is one step forward." Jiu Hao Sheng.


The Wushan is immediately led, and then immediately prepared.

After the sage of the Wushu Palace, the Jiu Hao Lord turned to the hand to come up with a Dan medicine. This medicinal medicine is extremely high, and it is also from ancient battlefield.

The Jiu Han Lord swallowed with the medicine, after a while, its face was redroved again.

"This Dan medicine has swallowed seven, this seat is nine, can be hurt, but still only recover than 70%!" The nine holy owner is gloomy, and the bottom is even more exciting. .

"This new ancient battlefield is born, this is a rare opportunity, as long as it can reach the big firing, I hope to achieve the point with the Emperor 13, Bai Emperor, even overdrained on them!"

"Emperor 13, Bai Emperor, give this seat !!"

The Jiu Han Lord and immediately started.


Ling Xiaobao Hall.

Within the main hall of the emperor, the two founders of the Lingxiao Temple, Tianling God, the emperor and the emperor.

As for the lower part, there are only a few big energy in the Lingxiao Temple, but there is only six people, and there are two or this time, the Lingxiao Temple spends a lot of money.

"This new ancient battlefield is dead, it is indeed a great opportunity, but this ancient battlefield has not truly confirmed, and it is not certain whether there is a great crisis in the ancient battlefield, so the insurance starts, I went alone to the ancient battlefield. "Tianling god emperor was cold, spread.

"Heaven, you continue to take the town Ling Xiao mainland, wait for my news, wait for the ancient battlefield machine to completely confirm, I will go to the monks of the Temple, nor."

"Yes, big brother." Tian Xiaodi nodded, and also reminded: "The new ancient battlefield, although there is a big homage, but it will also have a big risk, big brother is still careful."

"Reassured, I am from myself." Tianling nodded slightly.

Subsequently, the Tianling God was alone in the space gap of the ancient secret.

As for the other power of the Lingxiao Temple, one is not moving.


Zhen Wu Shenjiao.

The true martial arts is a battle, the loss is heavy, and even the teacher is directly killed, the strength is full.

Nowadays, the big energy of the true martial arts is all added, but only 50%, the emperor is left.

At this moment, this emperor is a strong ** light, and looks into the four gods around.

"My true martial arts, the stars, has been hit hard, plus the aggressive people of the stars, and the situation is extremely unsatisfactory, then in this way, my true martial arts teach sooner and soon be completely destroyed by the star. history."

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