Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1960 Exposure

Single soul, so strong, you can have five souls in the past five fire!

And once the five demon souls have been out, they can form the five-fire big array, the fighting power of the five gods will be stronger!

"If it is simple enough, I am really not the opponent of the emperor, but I have this five fire gods. If I have encountered a general emperor, I can not be afraid." The sword is unhappy smile.

The five fire gods are in hand, and the sword is unparalleled.

And this card is very strong.

The sword is unparalleled in the surprise, suddenly ...

"Master!" The main news of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Yuan Temple, is there something?" The sword asked without a smile.

The stars are now in the same way as the fire world, and the stars have given the priest of the point of the Yuan Temple to take care, he has been very assured.

"Is there something, and still a big event." Yuan Dian is the news that the new ancient battlefield is simply changed.

Just start, the sword is unparalleled to stay calm.

But when he heard the newly born ancient battlefield, his face had changed.

Hearing the end, his face is completely gloomy.

Yinshi water!

"You are the newly born ancient battlefield, which is arrived through a hidden space of ancient secret." The sword did not have a double low.

"Yes." The main hall is primitive.

But the sword is unparalleled, but the body is fierce.

The ancient battlefield with space gaps ... no doubt, this ancient battlefield where the fire industry is located! ! !

"Yuan Temple, this news, how do you know, knowing this news, who else?" The sword asked.

"This news is now crazy, the whole of the South Angle, all parties to the world, all parties, including many exclusive people, have been known, and there is already a large number of strong people to rush to the ancient battlefield, The news received by my star, but it is relatively late. "The main hall said.

"All is completely transferred?" The sword is unbolded.

"The palace master, now the guests of the guests in my star, I plan to go to the newly born ancient battlefield, you see ..." The main words of the Yuan Dynasty have not finished.

"Ordered them, do not go to the ancient battlefield." The sword is unparalleled, but it is directly low.

"Why?" Yuan Temple frowned.

"Don't ask why, you are doing it." The sword is unparalleled, but it is too much to say too much. Sinking, the sword is unparalleled: "Yuan Temple, you let the guests are going to be prepared, I will let the long return To the star, let him take them a place. "

"Where to go?" Yuan Temple couldn't help but ask.

"I will know, and I will stay in the doors, I only have to leave a few respects, make sure the stars will have no two." The sword has no double.

"Understand." The main hall is nodded, and there is no question.

After completion with the sword, the Lord of the Yuan Dynasty saw the many Guests in front of the Many Laofa.

"All the people, the palace master told you, let you wait for the ancient battlefield." Yuan Dynasty mainly.


These eyes are fanatics, exciting, Guests, the elders are all changed, and they are immediately stunned, and they are the main reason for the Yuan Temple.

The main hall is a Shen Sheng: "The specific reason is not known by the palace owner, but since the palace owner tells, it will inevitably have his deep meaning, and you only need to listen to it."

I heard the words, these guests are still unwillingly, but they have not opened their mouths.

However, they are only old, and the stars can't really restrict them. Although now, although they have not said more, they don't listen from the sword unparalleled instructions, then they don't know.


There is no double city, in the room.

The sword is unbolded, but his face is extremely ugly at the moment.


A low drink, the sword is unparalleled, and the right hand can't help but hold the box directly.

This me, although he did not use the power, but the power of single poppics, the lower ground did not have a huge pothole, and the entire secret room is almost collapsed.

"I am the most worried thing, I still happen!" The sword is unimaced.

What is his most worried?

There is no doubt that that is the fire community completely exposed to the world.

To know this battlefield where the fire circle is located, what big machine treasure?

The fire industry is the real core of this battlefield. It is this battlefield to be born directly, plus this year's battlefield began to change.

Why is the value of the green fire world?

In the past, the evil spirits saw the fire community, immediately raised the idea to completely occupied, and kill it directly.

This is still because of the evil spirits to the fire world, the value of this ancient battlefield is not fully understood.

If you really understand, he believes that it is a great emperor, it will definitely be crazy.

In these years, he has been careful, trying to make the green fire world to improve, to grow, it is also desperately cultivating the strength, because he knows, there is always a secret of the green circles will expose, he only wants to completely thoroughly Before exposed, I have already standing the top of the world, and I can protect the green world. Let all the parties will bother to dare.

But now, he is from that step, although it is not close, but it is still slightly different.

In this juncture, the secret of the fire industry is completely exposed ...


The sword has no double body shape, has left the secret room.

At the same time, he has also given the highest level of strong troops in the Qinglian, Wang Yuan, Su.

Soon, many of the high-rise power of the fire world, including the true power of the nine top scorpion, have gathered together.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is the forehead of these people sitting.

"Father, how did my green circle in the year of the battlefield?" The sword did not double.

"The process is not bad." Jiannan Tiandao: "As my green fire world is growing, there are more and more strong people who go to the battlefield around, and now there are ten kinds of newly discovered special places, these special The land, many have not been truly explored. "

"You also know, our green circles are on a huge skull, and it is just in this head of the head, and these years, my green circles have explored the heads of this head. It also draws a detailed star map, as for the place outside of this head, too far, so it has not been involved. "

The sword is unparalleled, but the arrogance is a positive color: "Direct order, let me return all the strong people in the ancient battlefield to return to the fire world, and anyone will go to the ancient battlefield in the future."


PS: Today is 5 more!

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