Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1961 is coming

The sword is unparalleled, and the high levels of many green circles around the surrounding fire are revealed.

Now the fire community is completely thriving, and the surrounding ancient battlefield, it has played a great experience.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled to order the banner to visit the ancient battlefield, this is the reason ...

"Is it possible to say that the Jiannan is a glimpse, and it has been possible.

"Your guess is true, from the great people of the vital chaotic world, has come !!!" The sword is unparalleled.

When I heard this, everyone was almost asking for a good expression.


The vast ancient battlefield contains endless opportunity.

Just at the spatial crack connected to the ancient secret.


This hidden spatial crack was suddenly flashing, and then the three people were joined.

These three are all energy, and they are from the same forces.

After the appearance, the three were ringing around.

"This is the newly born ancient battlefield?"

"Seeing, we should arrive soon."

These three people are talking, and it is obeying that the spatial cracks behind them have flashing again.


The connected number is span from that spatial crack.

"It is Shenwang Island, which is the first king."

These three people immediately got the identity of the people.

But this is just just beginning, then I saw that the spatial crack continued to cross out.

After short film, there were already dozens of people to arrive at this ancient battlefield, and they were just the first batch of strong people who arrived in this ancient battlefield.

After they, more people are rushing.

And all the strong people who came to the ancient battlefield, I didn't in the ancient battlefield in the first time.

"Heaven and earth aura, good life!"

"It's too strong, it is more than ten times more than ten holy land, how can it be so rich?"

"The same is ancient battlefield, but the ancient secrets and this ancient battlefield is a good spirit, the gap is too big."

"The heavens and the earth are so rich, if you can practice on this ancient battlefield, how big is it?"

Many strong people have admired, and then ...


"Go to find the opportunity!"

The first batch of strong people did not have more delays, and even the surrounding saga search machine.

The second batch of the second batch, the third batch and even afterwards, the same, in this ancient battlefield, searched.

Come up!

This piece has long been quiet, I don't know how many years of ancient battlefield, and finally become lively.

There is no doubt that this ancient battlefield, everywhere, is a treasure, before it is just no one to search.

It is too weak before the green fire industry, and there is no god of the gods, so even if this ancient battlefield is so many years, it has not been able to get this ancient battlefield.

Later, there was no double rise, but it was a search for a while, but he was only one person.

With his strength, even if he gave him tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, it is estimated that the area of ​​exploration will not be too much, and it will not be too much.

But now, the people are coming, and many of the great people in the chaotic world are searching in this ancient battlefield, and the chance to find the opportunity is naturally too much.

With the search, there is soon a place where the opportunity is found.

And in many strong people fall to this battlefield, only one month later, the Dongfu left by the ancient power was found.

The cave house left by the ancient power, this is not necessarily able to find one hundred and thousands of years.

But in this new ancient battlefield, just in January, there was the first Dongfu left by the ancient power.

This cave, has a madness that is enough to make countless gods, and the emperor is the madness of the emperor. Under this, it is naturally unable to compete.

Striving, there are also strong people fall.

In addition, this happened to the ancient battlefield, naturally passed to the world of chaotic world.

In the Out of Chaos World, there are many powerfulmen, including some excitement, although they have also received news, know that this new ancient battlefield is born, but in order to conservat, many forces have assigned a part of the strong to explore the situation. .

Like Ling Xiao Bao Hall, only the Tian Ling God will go.

Now, a month has passed, from an ancient battlefield news, it is clear that the ancient battlefield does have a moisture.

So, those who have reserved, and some of the strong people who have been in the past, no longer hesitate, all the bee rushed to this ancient battlefield.

Even the old monsters that have been closed all the year round, the old guys also appeared, went to this ancient battlefield.

In just a few years, the energy of this ancient battlefield is more than hundreds, and if it is the many strong people who come with special ethnic groups, it is already nearly a thousand!

It can be said that the large energy of the world's chaotic world has disappeared this battlefield.

This is a feast!

An unprecedented feast.

In this madness of many of the big energy, the time is constant.

A sway, ninety years in the past.

In 1990, it is insignificant to many major people.

If you put it in the ancient secret, unless the luck is good, otherwise, you can't find anything at all.

But now this new ancient battlefield, short90 years, but there is a endless chain. ,

Don't say anything else, the Dongfu left by the ancient people, in the ninety years, it has already found four! ! !

In the four cave, there is a lot of money.

Just want to get the chance, the threshold is extremely high.

Many of the big energy people in the Outdoor Chaos World, in this ancient battlefield, more or less gains.

Some lucky people, harvesting is even more eye-catching.

But despite this, these strong people are now searching, but only a small territory of the entire ancient battlefield.

Among the ancient battlefields, the two gods and rows, their souls have already spread.

But at this time ...


The looks of these two gods are all moving, their soul has been induced by a homomized thing in front.

"what is that?"

"It's a big world!"

The two gods face each other, and there is no endless shock.

The spatial gap between the ancient secrets is not too far away from the younger circles. At the beginning, the evil emperor broke the battlefield for two thousand years, and found the fire community, and now although It is only a short period of ninety years, but it is too much strong in this battlefield to find the chance to find the chance of the fire.

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