The ancient battlefield, on a space, the blood knife of the blood, blood, standing there, there is another indifference next to him.

"Blood knife, when you see adults, what should you say, how to do it, you should be clear, don't you need me more teaching?" The indifference is the middle-aged Mouth Dead.

"Reassured, I am already ready." The blood knife gods smiled.

And the two didn't wait for how long it was.

Hey ~~~ The breeze came, and then a portrait also appeared in front of him.

She, heights over five meters, unevenly, and beautiful faces, there is no cool and noble.

She stood there, and she naturally made her focus.

"Meet adults."

"Blood knife, see the glazed emperor."

Seeing the people, the blood knife God, the emperor of the Pougheon immediately greeted.

Glass Emperor, the Lord of the Glass of the Glass!

One of the great gods, in the heaven and earth, ranking sixth!

The glazed emperor is indifferent, and the eyelids who don't have the emotions have been overlooking.

"Blood knife God, you should know that this is also busy in this year of the battlefield, today is the strong man who is born in the holy place of my glass, plus the feathers, this seat Meet with you, but this seat hopes that what you said will give this seat to see your qualifications, otherwise ... "

The glazed emperor did not need to finish the words, but the blood knife of the next blood knife was amazed.

The great strength, it is not angry, and the emperor can be easily slaughtered, let alone how long this is just a breakthrough, there is no famous God.

"Blood knife, let you know it well." The emperor next to the emperor.

The blood knife goddess took a deep breath, and immediately solemnly said: "The emperor of the glazed, first tell you one thing, spread this ancient battlefield information, order to know the people, it is me! "

"Well?" The glazed emperor was just a condensed.

The emperor next to the emperor was also shocked to the blood knife.

He is only responsible for the introduction of the blood knife, but he doesn't know what the blood knife will say to the Glass of the Glass.

"Even if you spread the news, what is you?" The glazed emperor is still indifferent. "If you first tell this news, instead of freely open this news, this seat is a good reward, but Now ... this ancient battlefield has been well known. Who is the person who spreads the news, it is not a lightweight.

"Nothing is light? No, glazed emperor, I didn't inform you of this ancient battlefield, but now I dare to find the emperor, it is natural to have absolute confidence, such as ... I know this ancient Where is the biggest opportunity of the battlefield! "The blood knife gods.

"The biggest opportunity?" The emperor of the glazed.

This ancient battlefield is born in the past 90 years, and a large number of opportunities have been found, including the Dongfu left by the four ancient strong people. It has ended that the four Dongsi has endless appeal, but everyone knows Although these four Dongfu have, it is never the biggest opportunity of this ancient battlefield.

The biggest opportunity, there is no time to find, didn't turn this ancient battlefield to the air, and no one knows.

But now, this blood knife, but said that he knows the biggest opportunity of this ancient battlefield?

"Talk about it, what do you think is, what is it?" The emperor glazed overlooks the blood knife.

"Afurfine!" The blood knife gods heavy spit out three words.

The Emperor of the Glass of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Glass of the Emperor is doubtful.

"Blood knife, what green fire circles, clear." The emperor of Pouney.

The blood knife gods smiled and smiled, and immediately said.

"The fire industry is a big world!"

"But it is in the most core position of this ancient battlefield, which is made by this ancient battlefield through long years!"

"In other words, it is equivalent to the child who is born in this ancient battlefield, and it is still a born baby, it has unlimited possible!"

"It's worth, it is precious to have no bigity than the holy place of the ancient chaotic world, don't say that the holy place is tied together, it is not very tiered together!"

"Whoever can occupy the fire world, then after a long time, who can become the first hegemony of the chaos world, and even he can rely on the strong born of the green circulation, create a new Holy League ! "

The blood knife said, some of him heard from the evil spirits.

Some are what he guessed.

But his words, but it is indeed true that there is an unlimited possibility and value of the fire industry.

When you hear him, even if it is a glazed, you can't calm down.

"Blood knife, what are you talking about? This ancient battlefield really gave birth to a big world? And also had the great potential?" The emperor of the glass came over, and it contained absolute majestic.

"Go back to the emperor, the fire industry does exist, this is unquestionable, as for its specific value, although I am talking about it, you can imagine, how is this ancient battlefield, give birth to ancient battlefield What will I have to have a big world? "

"There is also the most important thing that this ancient battlefield of the earth, how is the cultivation environment? And the fire community is the core of the battlefield, the cultivation environment is the best place for the entire battlefield. If someone can occupy the fire industry, And the fire-fighting resources guidelines, leading them to cultivate, how will the fire world will reach? "

"What I said, is it possible to achieve it?" The blood knife gods seriously.

The emperor of the glass was silent.

Her emperor, in this world, there is not much thing that she is excited, this ancient battlefield is absolutely qualified to make her excited.

Now, the fire knife is said to the fire world, the world world ... If you really have the same words as the blood knife God, then it is absolutely qualified to be crazy!

"No, since there is such a big potential, you are the first to discover this ancient battlefield, find that the fire world, you can take it yourself, why also want this ancient battlefield to be public, Also tell the green world? "The emperor is cold.

"Go back to the emperor, I don't think about it. I am not the first to discover this ancient battlefield. The first found is my brother, evil spirits." The blood knife gods also respect: "As you said," After discovering the fire community, my brother, I did that I had to completely occupy the fire community, but he met someone in the green circle. "

"Who?" The Emperor of the Glass saw it.

"Sword monarch, sword is unparalleled !!!"


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