Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1964 Legal Emperor!

"Sword monarch, sword is unparalleled !!!"

When I read this name, the blood knife gods poured together, and the endless grievances were erected.

"The sword is unparalleled?" The glazed emperor is a moving, "This sword is unparalleled in the fire industry?"

"Yes." The blood knife gods will look back, "This sword is unparalleled is the first strong, the entire fire world is now in his control, and I don't know these before my brother is evil spirits. Directly kill, but the result is in the hands of swords. "

"After I learned the news, I know that I can't resist this sword monarch, and I can't revenge for the brother, so I will spread this news from the ancient battlefield."

"And I originally wanted to spread the news of the fire world, let the power of the people of the vast chaotic world to find this sword monarch, so that the sword is unparalleled, it will definitely get a message in advance. When I was too much pressure, he may take the initiative to make the fire industry, so, I can't revenge my brother! "The blood knife gods clasp hands.

"It turns out." The Glass of the Emperor I nodded. "So you now come to see this seat now, is it to kill the sword for you?"

"Great Ming Jian." The blood knife gods respectfully, "The sword is unparalleled, although the strength is strong, but if you are willing to take your own, he will die, you can also take the entire green world, two whole! "

"Oh, if you really follow what you said, the fire community has such a big potential, even if this is, it cannot be completely occupied by one person, the Holy League will definitely come, but this seat can take the first time. The fire community, this seat will also get the biggest benefit. "The emperor of the glass smile.

"Blood knife God, this seat promises you, as long as you can bring this seat to the green world, the book will kill the sword for you."

"Thank you, the emperor." The blood knife gods immediately watched, and immediately asked: "The Emperor, when will we start?"

"Don't be terminated, now it." The emperor of the glazed emperor.

Under the leadership of the blood knife, the emperor of the glazed emperor and the emperor of the emperor will go to the fire.

Three people shuttle all the way in the ancient battlefield, there is no pause on the way.

After a period of time, the three have come to the vicinity of the fire.

"The Emperor please see, it is a green world." The blood knife gods pointed to the giant world in front.

"Sure enough, it is a complete world, the closer, the more the sky is also more rich, and it seems that this green world is indeed the core of this ancient battlefield." Glass Emperor stared at the hot world in front of the fire world, beautiful It also flashed in a heavy concentrated light.

"Phane, you stay here with the blood knife, this seat will go to the sword monarch."

The voice is falling, this glass emperor has floated.


When the body is more than five meters, the Geekh's glazed Emperor has appeared in the edge of the fire, and the highest launcher in the fire community also immediately learned.

The sword is unparalleled, it is the first time to recognize people.

"Glass Emperor, is it her?" The sword was unparalleled.

He and the Glass of the Glass are also a hand.

At the beginning, in order to retaliate the Lingxiao Temple, I will directly enter the Holy Land, and the strong people of the Lingxiao Temple will have no way to force the Lingxiao Treasure.

Finally, the Temple of Lingxiao was invited to this glazed emperor.

The Emperor came out of person, a sentence, the sword at that time was unparalleled, and he had to retreat.

Therefore, between the sword is unparalleled with the glazed emperor, it is actually a bit of a festive.

At least the sword is unparalleled to this glazed emperor.

"The emperor of the glazed, the existence of the fire industry wants to hide, it is impossible." The sword is unparalleled. "

And at this time ...

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Icy, with endless and quiet sounds awkward from the glazed emperor, the voids are passed around.

The sword in the fire industry is unbelievable.

"This glazed emperor, I don't know my existence?" The sword did not have a double heart.

In an instant, I understand that people who deliberately spread the news will inform this glass emperor with their own existence.

"When I spread the news, I didn't mention me. I didn't mention the fire community. I just told the Golden Emperor, huh, this person, I am worried that I will not stand the pressure, I will directly discard the green fire. He can't kill me? "The sword didn't see the idea of ​​the secret.

Since the existence of myself has been known by the other party, the sword is unparalleled, and it is not concealed.


The shape is shaking, the sword is unparalleled from the fire world, and it directly came to the face of the Glass of the Emperor.

As for many strong people in the fire industry, they still stay in the fire industry.

The great emperor, these cultivators in the fire world can not be able to face it.

"It's really you." The emperor of the glazed looked at the sword, flashing a strange light.

Previously, she also took a few doubts about the blood knife, but now I see the sword is not double, this is suspected to have no.

"It seems that the person is correct, you are indeed different from the people, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to give birth to the top enchanting like you." The emperor of the glazed.

"Glass Emperor, since you already know the fire industry, I know that I exist, then let's mind, don't talk, let's talk, what do you want to do?" The sword was indifferent.

He is now, it is no longer the time when it is in the mainland.

At that time, he faced the emperor of the glass, the latter was just a consciousness, he had to bow.

But now, even if the emperor of the glazed, he has never been afraid.

"It's very simple, let this seat go to your green circles to go into a green circle." Glass Great Road.

"What about it?" The sword asked without a double.

"If you have anything out of your green fire, this is naturally left, but if it is the same as that says ... The seat is going to stay in the green fire world." Glass Emperor Smiling, she said, although it is more twisted, but the meaning of the sword is unparalleled.

"If I don't agree?" The sword has no double.

"Do not agree?" The emperor of the glass is cold.

"If you don't agree, this seat is directly shot, you will occupy your green circles, who dares to kill, as for you ... sword is unparalleled, this seat knows that you have a mysterious power behind you. Existent, look at him, this seat will not kill you, but this seat only needs you to be trapped, or you will take you in a row, the emperor is as come out, this seat will give you you. It is it. "

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