Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1965 Old Woman

It can take a part of the holy place to become a big overlord, and this glazed emperor is not stupid.

And her news is also very simple.

At the battle that happened in the stars, she was also informed, naturally she also heard that the mysterious ancient power of 13.

That can be a super power, and there is a certain relationship with the sword, and it is absolutely not allowed to die.

At the beginning, the nine-Tang Sheng is going to kill the sword. As a result, this emperor has taken it, and only one sword is almost killed, the terrorist strength, than the white Emperor is only strong enough.

And she is not as good as the Jiuyi Holy Lord, so she can't kill the sword without double.

As for the previous, she promised the blood knife, but only in order to let the blood knife godde, she went to the fire world, he never thought of killing the sword.

However, as long as it doesn't kill, just still trap, or suppress, she believes that the Emperor should not find her trouble.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you want to be a seat, you choose?" The glazed emperor looked at the sword.

I heard the words, but the sword was not angry and laughed: "Glass, you don't know how to be more than a young woman, it is too self-righteous?"

"What do you say?" The emperor of the glass suddenly sink.

old woman?

The sword is unparalleled. She is an old woman, but also said that she thinks?

That's right, she is very long, it is indeed the existence of the old mock level, but she is a big emperor, it is the same level of the emperor, and there are not a few dare to call her old woman, and the sword is unparalleled. Which onion?

"Why, didn't you listen to it? You and I will say it again." The sword is unparalleled, "I said that you don't know how to be more young women, too self-righteous, I will give you a face, just call you the emperor, if Don't give you a face, what do you count? I am a green world, is it your color? "

"If you know, hurry, otherwise ..."

The sword has no double-sided like a cold cream.

For this glazed emperor, he really doesn't want to be polite.

"court death!!"

The glazed emperor is directly angered.

Tang Dynasty, the everlan chaotic world is existed, is it a criminal?

What's more, the sword is unlikely to be a broken, but a provocation and even humiliating.

How can the emperor of the glass be angry.

Booming ~~~

Endless God is solemn from the emperor of the glazed, floods the world.

The voids, under this Shenwei, they are crazy, as if they are shivering in Surse.

The glazed emperor is cold, and his face is also a cold cream. At the same time, a chill is also swept in an interior.

, the void of the large piece is completely freeze, around the Emperor of the Glass, a case of a few hundred thousand miles in a moment is completely solid, forming an ice.

And the sword is unparalleled.

This shocking, as if he should completely freeze him, freeze.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't think that there is a mysterious power behind you, this seat is not available!"

"Even if this seat can't kill you, but less training you, or you can do it!"

The glazed emperor sounds coldly echoed in the world, and her jade finger is slowly extended.

! ! !

The ice is irritating, and there is a three cone formation in an instant.

These three ice cappths are not large, but they have a cool intent, but it is enough to make any emperor.

"go with!"

With the glazed emperor.

These three ice cones have become unparalleled with a double attack.

The sword is unparalleled in the void. It is possible to feel the surrounding time and space. Even if he is his body. At this moment, it is also very oppressed. It is extremely difficult to act, you want to shoot these three ice cones, afraid that it is not big reality.

And even if he really can shot, the power of the emperor is not what he is able to compete.

But at all, I don't need him to shoot, just in the glazed emperor, it is in the backfire circle, and a stream is rapidly rushing.


Blood cloud scroll, the sword has appeared in front of the sword.

In the face of the ice cone, the sword is like slowly raising his hand, there is not much actions, just just the direction of the three ice cone, will pinch.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The three ice cone were burst into the flavor.

This glazed emperor's offensive directly disintegrated, at the same time, from the sword, the sword was smooth, it was like a bloody ocean like a lot of blood, and the surrounding time is full of frozen, but in this Under the impact of the bloody ocean, the cold ice has been disintegrated, and the whole world has been replaced by the mighty bloody ocean.

The sword is not covered in the bloody ocean in the sword, and the action has completely returned to normal and no longer restricted.

"The sword is a good thing." The sword was unparalleled to see the sword.

"Thank you, the owner praises." The sword nodded, and it took an unprecedented fanatic.

And see this scene, not far from the glazed emperor, but it is surprised.

"The Emperor?" The cold eyes of the glazed emperor saw it directly in the sword.

She can feel that the sword is almost unbained than the weakness of his weakness. In addition, from the sword, I just shot, in an instant, I couldn't dissert her an offensive, and I can see that her frozen time and space can see that the sword is a genuine goods. The great power, the strength, and even won't even be weaker than her.

"how come?"

"There are already so many emperors of the vital chaotic world. I have already taken an emperor for thirteen. How can I come out now, and the same sign is not?" The emperor of the glass is tight.

She didn't know, the sword is the same as the Emperor of the Emperor.

And it is also from this ancient battlefield around.

It's just that the Emperor has many mysteries, and it is not being controlled by the sword. However, the sword is controlled by his soul very early.

Controlled by the soul, the sword is naturally completely listening to him.

And the sword has been in a serious injury, and the strength has never been completely recovered.

Like the first star, the sword only returns to the realm of the interim of the chaotic bid, although the power of the outbreak is infinitely close to the emperor, but it is like a slight difference with the emperor.

However, since the sword is unparalleled back to the green world, the sword is continuing to retain the strength, with the fire community now that the vastness, and the heavens and the earth are still raised, his strength is very amazing, 10,000 thousand Over the past, the current sword, even if it has not been completely recovered, it has reached the strongest state, but it has also returned to the peak of the chaotic border!

And the peak of the chaotic boy is equivalent to the present!


PS: Today is 5 more!

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